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Just how desperate are you?


How badly do you pine for a game of D&D?

Recently I left a group because of one particular member who I clashed with. I would've left the group sooner but a friend of fifteen years was keen to play so I kept going. Unfortunately it came to a point where I could no longer handle playing with this guy, so I left.

My friend, however, was jonesing to continue, and one of the reasons he decided to keep going was because this guy had a decent setup (dedicated gaming room, table, thousands of minis, etc.).

I called him a whore and rolled my eyes and that was the end of it :D

But recently someone has posted to the forums I'm a mod of (link below :D ) advertising a D&D game where he DM's and provides dinner and snacks... for $10 a session. In all honesty, I nearly deleted the thread 'cause I was incensed at such a blatant demand for cash to play, however, he has several people already, and someone just replied to him saying he's keen to join.

This made me double-take. I can't imagine paying for a game, let alone putting up with someone I can't get along with, just to play D&D. If I don't like everyone at the table, then it just isn't D&D to me. And paying for it just seems... dirty.

So anyway, I'm curious to see just what lengths people have gone to for their D&D fix. Travelling for hours, sitting next to farters or 'those who don't use soap', or paying to play, or putting up with annoying people, or whatever... what have you done to keep playing?

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First Post
I am a firm believer of playing RPGs only with those who's company you enjoy.

But cold hard cash, in copious quantities, is the only thing that will ever get me to run a game of WotC D&D without heavy houserules.


Mod Squad
Staff member
Given that a bag of Doritos costs $4, and a bottle of soda $1.50 - the dinner and snacks probably chew much of that $10. Not so much pay-to-play as pay-to-eat.


Used to play in a campaign where the DM hosted the game, cooked a nice lunch, and charged us I think it was £2 a session, but might have been £1, my memory is fuzzy. It took a bit of getting used to, but didn't really bug me.

When I GM, I like things just right, and I will throw out any player who seriously annoys me, even if that means I might not have a group. Life's too short. I'm generally more tolerant as a player, as long as the GMing is decent I'm not so fussed what the other players are like.

In all cases though there needs to be mutual GM-player respect. Neither should be treating the other like dirt.


Given that a bag of Doritos costs $4, and a bottle of soda $1.50 - the dinner and snacks probably chew much of that $10. Not so much pay-to-play as pay-to-eat.

$4 for Doritos? Is that like, some, huge, jumbo, massive, 1kg-size bag?

They're $2 here for 230g... and our dollar and cost of living are supposedly worse than in the states.


Update - AIR it was £2, but we also got to drink her nice beer, which would be about £1 per can. I'm sure the players were eating & drinking more than £2 per session, so this certainly wasn't profiteering, more a contribution to expenses.

BTW $10 Australian isn't exactly a lot of money, is it? Wouldn't that be about the cost of providing a basic meal?


Given that a bag of Doritos costs $4, and a bottle of soda $1.50 - the dinner and snacks probably chew much of that $10. Not so much pay-to-play as pay-to-eat.
Obviously there is some discussion as to the value of this (and yes, Doritos are about $3 a bag on sale here in the US for a 12 oz bag). That might be a factor.

Still, an issue seems to be that it's not optional. Personally, I dislike eating at an RPG. A couple of bites of some snacks that are out of the way occasionally, but more than that I prefer to do before or after the game.


First Post
To be honest, as long as I'm having fun, 10 dollars doesn't seem that bad. Heck, people pay that to play World of Warcraft all the time (every month).

As I haven't played in a couple months and going cold turkey is hard: I'd pay but only after the game if it was fun (if the game was boring no pay).

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