D&D (2024) Just make Weapons Masteries into Martial Cantrips?


Seems like the simplest solution?

  1. Warriors and characters with the Weapon Mastery feat learn Masteries with Masteries instead of mastering individual weapons to unlock Masteries.
  2. A Mastery can be only used by weapons that meat the prerequisites of the mastery. Prerequisites could include:
    1. Weapon Property
      • Cleave- Heavy
      • Flex - Versatile
      • Graze- Heavy
      • Nick- Light
      • Push- Two-handed or Versatile
      • Sap- Nothing
      • Topple- Heavy, Reach, or Versatile
      • Vex- Ammunition, Finesse, or Light
    2. Damage Type
      • Crush- Bludgeoning
      • Hew- Slashing
      • Puncture- Pierce
    3. Name/Weapon Group
      • Chop- Handaxe, Battleaxe, or Greataxe
      • Lash- Flail or Whip
    4. Nothing
      • Slow
  3. Weapons with identical statistics are either changed or given specific masteries to become unique
  4. Sample lists of masteries and weapons are given.
  5. DMs who dislike specific effects can ban a mastery why keeping the weapon unchanged.
  6. Less disagreement over which weapon gets which mastery.
  7. Simple. New players just equip their PC then worry about masteries after or vice versa. They don't have to think about both at the same time.
  8. Allows for...mastery. Players can learn expertise in choosing mastery setups.
  9. Future Development. Martial character players can get excited over new masters in future books like spell casters.
  10. Theme. DMs can tailor their game with custom masteries and 3PP masteries what match the theme of their game.
    1. High Fantasy Masteries could give Martials super natural powers for a high powered world
    2. Gritty Masteries could inflict painful wounds and trauma for gritty settings
    3. Runic and Occult masteries could allow for powerful effects under the explanation of magic.
Isn't that the simplest why that makes the most people happy?

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Simplified damage.

One handed, 1d4
Two handed, 1d8
Chose Slashing, Bludgeoning, Piercing

Rogues/Warlocks get 1 of the following
Barbarian/Paladins select 2
Fighters get 3

Range 20/60/120' (if taken multiple times)
+2 damage die.
Push 5' (can be taken multiple times)
Feint, get advantage when you miss.

Instead of mastering Longsword and getting Flex, you master Flex and apply it to Longswords or any versatile weapon.
I like the general idea, but I would want fighters to have something extra. Maybe it is just they get more, but there is something special that only the fighter can apply a mastery to a weapon that doesn’t have it.

How would you replicate that in your system?

I like the general idea, but I would want fighters to have something extra. Maybe it is just they get more, but there is something special that only the fighter can apply a mastery to a weapon that doesn’t have it.

How would you replicate that in your system?
2 things.

1) Fighter Exclusive Masteries
2) Combo Masteries (applying 2 masteries at the same time)

Both would cost More "mastery slots"

My image of a high level fighter having
  1. Cleave
  2. Graze
  3. Topple
  4. Slow
  5. Cleave+Graze
  6. Master Kutashi' Wounding

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