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Keeping fit


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For example, for building muscle, I work part time as a Crocodile Wrangler.

Yeah, I have no idea what I was thinking. Encouraging someone to devote some time to developing all aspects of themselves. The day, week, and month are all arranged where all one ever has time for is to eat, sleep, work, and game. I mean maybe we can squeeze in time for showers, the bathroom, TV, and the internet. If we're awful lucky. Or some kinda elites or something. But we don't really get time for other things. That was pretty bad of me. Naughty Jack. I should probably get a demerit or something. Do some pushups, or haul somebody else's pack around for awhile. But wait, I ain't got time for that. I'm too busy typing. Gosh darnit.

Just outta curiosity though, since you mentioned it, you wrangle gators a lot do ya? Yeah, I can pretty much see that.

So you just forget what I said WP. I musta been drunk or something.
Don't try exercising yourself at anything.

It can only lead to no good and a sudden increase in the gator population.

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Mod Squad
Staff member
Yeah, I have no idea what I was thinking. Encouraging someone to devote some time to developing all aspects of themselves. The day, week, and month are all arranged where all one ever has time for is to eat, sleep, work, and game.

Well, Jack, I'm sorry to say it, but you do come off sounding like... well, the sort of over-achiever that makes people jealous. I mean that as a compliment.

Most of us aren't writers - we don't get to organize out time the way we want it. A typical day for most of us is, "Get up, get out of the house, get to work, work, get home," so that it isn't until 6 PM or later when we have much choice at all about what we're spending time on.

And, in that 6 PM to midnight slot (more like 11 PM, if you want 8 hours of sleep), you also have to do all the stuff that keeps your life together -cooking, cleaning, laundry, and all that jazz. If you have kids, they are taking chunks of that time, too. No matter how much we want to be so fully rounded, many of us don't seem to have it as a real option. Our lives aren't so flexible.


I've done 3 rounds of P90x, one of Insanity, and am working through some of the Tony Horton one on one series. If you go back a couple pages on this forum, you'll see a multi page discussion about P90x, so there are numerous people here who do do it.

I'll add, with 2 kids and a busy job, I get my workouts in around 5am. YMMV, but that is what works for me...I do turn into a pumpkin around 9, except on game nights.

Thornir Alekeg

I make darn sure I exercise.

I, like many others I'm sure, was fairly sedentary with a desk job. I was a little overweight (about 10 pounds). My diet was OK, but not great - ate more processed, fatty foods that I should. Last year I saw my doctor and based on my lifestyle and borderline cholesterol levels he recommended I start an exercise program. I get with a personal trainer. Things were going great. After four months of working out I'm was feeling better than I have in years; stronger, more energy, lost some of the fat and replaced it with lean weight.

So what happened then? I had a heart attack. At 41 years of age.

It was a pretty mild heart attack, with no sign of residual damage. My cardiologist has told me that the exercise program I started was probably all the difference. Had I not been doing it, the heart attack would likely have been worse and with longer lasting effects. Now I am starting a cardiac rehabilitation exercise program. Drives me nuts that I can't work out like I was, but I need to take care of this heart, and I will get back there in time.


Well, Jack, I'm sorry to say it, but you do come off sounding like... well, the sort of over-achiever that makes people jealous. I mean that as a compliment.

Jack's got it good, but there's room for improvement . . . wake up in the harem, take the chariot down to breakfast, feast, . . . now I'm jealous :)

Walking Paradox

First Post
Don't take this the wrong way WP, or as a criticism of your post. I'm merely commenting on the assumption underlying the post, and unfortunately rather common among certain groups in society, that one kind of activity precludes, or excludes another. (I think this is actually more of a pop culture assumption, rather than a truly valid proposition.)

Well, sure. It's also true that not all gamers are borderline aspergers cases with no social skills and irregular bathing habits. :D Still, you get a glimpse of this every time you go to a gaming convention or even to the FLGS. I see plenty of well-adjusted, seemingly healthy people and I also see a lot of people who are flirting with heart disease or with type 2 diabetes. I think everybody should take the time to get in shape but not everybody seems to want to.


First Post
lol, yeah, it is important to keep fit forever. i am too lazy to do exercise, but every time i do not eat too much. lol, it is my way to keep fit


First Post
Most of my days and nights are spent sitting around, usually at the computer. However, the older I get, the more I know the import of being physical. I roller blade, play tennis, walk, kayak, bicycle, box and go to the gym an awful lot. I may be an old woman (well, almost 42, anyway) but I can hold my own.


Lately, I take a walk for about a mile every day.

I do software development. Except when I'm meeting with clients, it's mostly a sit-down job.

I'm about 20 pounds overweight. On a 5'10" frame @ 190#. I don't look fat, but technically I'm overweight, and I can see it. Somebody seriously overwieght would love to have my numbers.

Mostly for me, I reduce my intake. Cut down on the crap-food. it helps. I used to have a very fast metabolism. I could eat a frozen pizza every night in college for dinner and still be underweight.

there's some studies out there that indicate that the key to weight loss is diet, not exercise. Not that exercise doesn't have benefits (like staying fit, which is not the same as being in your ideal weight range). Given that once an over-weight person is down to healthy size, they still have to manage their diet, regardless of anything else, it's a basic mathematical truth.

What exercise will do for you is improve the muscles you have (like heart) and increase caloric burn which will help lose weight faster. Also pretty obvious.

My point being though, you can start getting healthy by cutting back the crap food, especially excessive amounts. Ordering more than 2 of anything at a restuarant (like 3 hamburgers or 6 tacos) is too much food, regardless of its unhealthiness. the stereotypical problem eaters can often be seen ordering large orders. That alone is bad for anybody.

Now my wife, has spent over a year getting in shape. She was about 180# on a 5' frame, and luckily didn't look "fat" but was more overweight than me. Thats still a lot of weight on a small person, but she didn't look "obese". She's beeen hittting the gym, running at home, etc, and she's lost 30 pounds. So she's looking pretty fit right now, though for her height, she can still lose more weight. For her, the main factors are doing classes that are meant to be hard work ala "biggest loser" at the gym, and eating way more healthily. She avoids white bread , rice or pasta, eats lots of veggies, avoids fast food and pop. She counts her calories and stays under budget every day.

Doug McCrae

I've recently started a diet/exercise program but it's slow going. My aim is to lose two stone, and at the current rate of one pound a week that will take me about six months.

It's really hard to lose weight thru exercise. For example, if you eat a Yorkie bar, it would take more than an hour's walking to work off the calories. Most weight loss is by means of diet.

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