Invested in Alea Tools. I could have done something cheaper, like the pipe cleaners, and gotten the same result. I like 'game gear' so I spent the money. One session down and I'm mostly happy with them. I think I may not use all of the colors I got, but the ones I was using for bloodied, marked, and ongoing damage were very helpful. I posted a little something in my blog about them, too.
I have a sizeable stash of minis myself. I'm currently only converting minis as needed. I prewrite most of my encounters, including potential random encounters, so I just put bases on whatever I might need for a given session. I didn't want to deal with the labor or cost of converting all of them at once.the only thing would be converting about 200 minis... yikes!
We use 1" mini-poker chips. They don't disappear under the mini's and stack easily. We have a list of which color represents which condition. For example, the red chip means "bloodied."
They are 1" in diameter. They take up the entire square when I put them on the board.Are those actually 1" chips or are they the same size as the 7/8" chips the OP mentioned?