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Khyber Rising: Eberron w/D20 Apocalypse(The Mystery & Horror begins!)


First Post
Nifty. Lukas will choose the following mutations (I don't have any idea what they mean or do aside from the obvious connotations):

33-34 Force barrier Minor 3
25-26 Claws Minor 1
52 Thick fur coat Minor 1
41 Living furnace Minor 3
37-38 Great horns Minor 1
51 Tail Minor 1 (I always wanted a tail. Sigh.)

Sound good? Ought to gel nicely with the lowered charisma and all-around beastly appearance.

Einan/Lukas Navokk

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First Post
heres the ones that are in the d20/modern srd---the others you can ask me about:)

Your saliva can burn other creatures like acid.
MP Cost: 1.
Benefit: Your bite attack deals an extra 1d4 points of acid damage with each successful hit.
Special: You must have a natural bite attack to take this mutation. You cannot gain this mutation if you have the Venomous Bite mutation.

You can flood your bloodstream with extreme amounts of adrenaline to temporarily boost your Strength or Dexterity.
MP Cost: 3.
Benefit: Once per day, as a free action, you can temporarily increase either your Strength or your Dexterity by 1d4+1 points. The increase lasts for a number of rounds equal to 3 + your Constitution modifier.

Your hands mutate into sharp claws.
MP Cost: 1.
Benefit: You gain a single claw attack that deals slashing damage dependent on your size: Small 1d4, Medium-size 1d6, Large 1d8. If you get multiple attacks in a round, you can strike with multiple claws. Your claws are treated as natural weapons and do not provoke attacks of opportunity.
Having claws does not adversely affect your manual dexterity.

You gain darkvision.
MP Cost: 3.
Benefit: You can see in total darkness out to a range of 60 feet. Darkvision is black and white only but is otherwise like normal sight.

You develop the ability to absorb sound waves and translate them into mental images that accurately portray the surrounding environment. This ability is similar to a bat’s ability to operate and hunt in total darkness via echolocation.
MP Cost: 5.
Benefit: You gain the blindsight ability out to a range of 60 feet.

You can bend and twist your body in unnatural ways and squeeze through very tight spaces.
MP Cost: 4.
Benefit: You gain a +10 mutation bonus on Escape Artist checks. Moreover, you can squeeze through an opening or passage one-tenth as wide and tall as your height, in inches. A creature using this mutation to move through a tight space moves at one-quarter normal speed.

You can absorb impressive amounts of harmful energy.
MP Cost: 4.
Benefit: You gain resistance 10 to two types of energy or resistance 20 to one type of energy, chosen from the following list: acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic/concussion.

Your body’s ability to withstand energy damage increases.
MP Cost: 2.
Benefit: You gain resistance 5 to two types of energy or resistance 10 to one type of energy, chosen from the following list: acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic/concussion.

You grow, becoming an freakishly large specimen of your kind.
MP Cost: 6.
Benefits: You become as large as your size category allows (8 feet tall for Medium-size characters, 4 feet tall for Small characters). However, you function in many ways as if you were one size category larger. Whenever you are subject to a size modifier or special size modifier for an opposed check (such as during grapple checks, bull rush attempts, and trip attempts), you are treated as one size larger when it is advantageous to you. You are also considered to be one size larger when determining whether special attacks based on size (such as improved grab or swallow whole) can affect you. You can use weapons designed for a creature one size larger without penalty (for example, a Medium-size character with this mutation can wield a Large weapon one-handed).
This mutation does not change your face or reach.

A thick exoskeleton forms over your skin. The exoskeleton usually consists of interlocking plates of bone or chitin covering 90% or more of your body.
MP Cost: 5.
Benefit: You gain a +3 natural armor bonus to Defense, or your existing natural armor bonus improves by 3.
Special: A creature with fur, scales, or the Scaly Armor mutation cannot gain this mutation.

You grow an additional pair of arms. The extra arms look and behave exactly like your other arms.
MP Cost: 6.
Benefit: As a creature with more than two arms, you gain a +4 mutation bonus on Climb checks and grapple checks. For the purposes of combat, both extra arms are treated as “off hands” (that is, you still have only one primary hand).
Special: If you have three or more natural claw attacks, you meet the prerequisites for the Multiattack feat. This mutation does not give you Multiattack as a bonus feat, however.

You gain an extra digit on each hand and foot. The extra fingers or toes, although fully functional, do not confer any special benefit, nor do they hinder you in any way.
MP Cost: 0.
Benefit: None.

Your teeth mutate into vicious fangs.
MP Cost: 1.
Benefit: You gain a vicious bite attack that deals piercing damage dependent on your size: Small 1d4, Medium-size 1d6, Large 1d8. If you get multiple attacks in a round, you can bite multiple times. Your bite is treated as a natural weapon and does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
Special: This mutation can be used in conjunction with the Acidic Saliva or Venomous Bite mutation.

Your body sprouts fishlike fins. A fin might begin on the top of your head and go all the way down your spine. Others might appear on your forearms or calves, or they might sprout from your shoulders or ears. The fins confer no special abilities.
MP Cost: 0.
Benefit: None.

You can generate an electromagnetic force field around yourself to deflect or absorb incoming attacks.
MP Cost: 3.
Benefit: As a free action, you can generate an invisible electromagnetic barrier around yourself that provides damage reduction 3/– against incoming weapon attacks and force effects. The barrier lasts a number of rounds equal to your current Constitution modifier (minimum 1 round). You can create the force field three times per day.
Special: Portable electronic devices such as cell phones, sensor comps, and headsets temporarily cease to function if held or worn by you while the electromagnetic force barrier is in effect.

You gain a forked tongue like that of a snake. Your new tongue might be a different color and longer than your old one.
MP Cost: 0.
Benefit: None.

You grow an extra eye in the middle of your forehead. In addition to improving your visual acuity, the “weird eye” gives you a special gaze attack that makes other creatures tremble.
MP Cost: 4.
Benefits: The extra eye grants a +2 mutation bonus on Search and Spot checks.
As a free action, you can use the extra eye to make a special gaze attack against one creature within 20 feet. The creature must succeed on a Will save (DC 10 + one-half your level + your Charisma modifier) or be shaken for 2d6 rounds. This gaze attack is a mind-affecting compulsion, and any creature that successfully saves against your gaze attack cannot be affected again for 24 hours. The gazing eye has no effect on other creatures with gazing eyes.

You grow a set of gills that can draw the oxygen out of water. The gills appear on your neck, chest, or back (near your windpipe or lungs).
MP Cost: 2.
Benefit: You can breathe both air and water. You can operate underwater indefinitely, with no fear of drowning.

You sprout horns capable of damaging or goring a target. The horns may be curled like a ram’s or pointed like a bull’s. Conversely, you may grow a single horn in the middle of the forehead, like that of a rhinoceros, or a large rack of antlers, like that of an moose.
MP Cost: 1.
Benefit: You gain a single gore attack that deals bludgeoning damage (curled ram horns or moose antlers) or piercing damage (pointed bull horns or one great rhino horn). The amount of damage depends on your size: Small 1d4, Medium-size 1d6, Large 1d8. If you get multiple attacks in a round, you can gore multiple times. Your horns are treated as natural weapons and do not provoke attacks of opportunity.

Two or more tiny horns sprout from your head, shoulders, or arms. These blunt-tipped nubs are too small to serve any use in combat.
MP Cost: 0.
Benefit: None.

Your are particularly (some might say unnaturally) sensitive to your surroundings.
MP Cost: 3.
Benefit: You gain a +2 mutation bonus on Listen, Search, and Spot checks. You also gain Blind-Fight as a bonus feat.

You gain the ability to leap incredible distances.
MP Cost: 1.
Benefit: You gain a +10 mutation bonus on all Jump checks.

You can regulate the production of pheromones in your body and release them at will, altering the moods of other nearby creatures.
MP Cost: 6.
Benefits: You gain a +4 mutation bonus on all Bluff, Diplomacy, Handle Animal, and Intimidate checks made against creatures within 30 feet of you.
Special: You cannot take this mutation if you have the Pheromonal Repulsion drawback.

You grow a tail that can grasp and hold objects.
MP Cost: 4.
Benefits: A prehensile tail grants a +2 mutation bonus on Balance checks. It can also grasp and manipulate a simple object up to one size category smaller than the creature’s size category. A prehensile tail cannot be used to operate a piece of equipment that requires opposable digits or fine motor control (such as a cell phone).
A creature can “hang” from its prehensile tail indefinitely by wrapping it around a larger object, thereby freeing up its other limbs. The prehensile tail isn’t dexterous or strong enough to fire ranged weapons or make melee attacks, however.
Special: A creature that already has a tail cannot gain this mutation.

Bony spurs or chitinous spikes protrude from your joints, giving you a jagged profile and making you dangerous to grapple.
MP Cost: 4.
Benefits: You deal 1d4 points of piercing damage to any creature you are grappling or any creature that grapples you. Furthermore, you deal 1d4 points of piercing damage per round to any creature that swallows you using the swallow whole ability.

You are immune to some radiation and can emit bursts of harmful radiation from your body.
MP Cost: 5.
Benefits: You are immune to mild, low, and moderate degrees of radiation exposure. In addition, your body acts as a radiation battery, storing the energy for later use. Once per day as a free action, you may release a 60-foot-radius burst of radiation centered on you. All creatures within the burst radius are exposed to a moderate degree of radiation (Fortitude DC 18, incubation period 3d6 hours, initial and secondary damage 1d6–1 Con).

Thick, overlapping scales cover your body. The scales are hard but dry to the touch.
MP Cost: 3.
Benefit: You gain a +2 natural armor bonus to Defense, or your existing natural armor bonus improves by 2.
Special: A creature with fur, chitin, or the Exoskeleton mutation cannot gain this mutation.

Your flesh becomes thicker and less porous, giving rise to a thin layer of scales covering your flesh. The scales are typically smooth and dry, like those of a snake, and can vary in color and pattern. The scales may not cover your entire body, instead appearing in patches on your face, neck, torso, and limbs.
MP Cost: 0.
Benefit: None.
Special: A creature with fur, scales, or chitin cannot gain this mutation.

You can detect approaching enemies, sniff out hidden foes, and track by sense of smell. You can also identify familiar odors the way humans do familiar sights.
MP Cost: 2.
Benefit: You gain the scent special ability.

You can shrug off minor wounds with ease.
MP Cost: 2.
Benefit: Once per day, as a free action, you can heal yourself of a number of points of damage equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum 1).

Your bones become more resilient, allowing you withstand greater amounts of punishment.
MP Cost: 5.
Benefits: Your massive damage threshold increases by +3. In addition, the damage you take from a fall is reduced by one die.
Special: This mutation stacks with the Improved Damage Threshold feat. You cannot take this mutation if you have the Brittle Bones drawback.

You expel chemicals through your pores to create an inky-black cloud of smoke, engulfing yourself and the surrounding area.
MP Cost: 1.
Benefit: Once per day, as a free action, you can produce a 20-foot-radius cloud of smoke centered on yourself. The cloud is stationary once created. The inky-black smoke obscures all sight, including darkvision, beyond 5 feet. A creature 5 feet away has onehalf concealment (20% miss chance). Creatures farther away have total concealment (50% miss chance, and the attacker cannot use sight to locate the target).
This ability functions underwater. A moderate wind or current disperses the cloud in 4 rounds. A strong wind or current disperses the cloud in 1 round.

A poisonous stinger erupts from some part of your body—usually a needlelike barb protruding from an arm or leg joint, or a scorpionlike stinger on the end of a tail or similar appendage.
MP Cost: 4.
Benefit: Your sharp stinger deals piercing damage dependent on your size: Small 1d4, Medium-size 1d6, Large 1d8. If you get multiple attacks in a round, you can sting multiple times. The stinger is treated as a natural weapon and does not provoke attacks of opportunity. In addition, the stinger injects poison into the target, with effects similar to puffer poison.
Special: This mutation can be used in conjunction with the Tail mutation, but the tail cannot be used as a bludgeoning weapon during the same round the stinger is used.

You grow a thick tail. The tail may be fur-covered, slender and whiplike like a rat’s, or scaly like a lizard’s. Although the tail improves your balance and can serve as a weapon, it cannot be used for gripping objects.
MP Cost: 1.
Benefits: The tail provides a +2 mutation bonus on all Balance checks. In addition, you gain a single tail slam attack that deals bludgeoning damage dependent on your size: Small 1d4, Medium-size 1d6, Large 1d8. If you get multiple attacks in a round, you can strike multiple times with your tail. Your tail is treated as a natural weapon and does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
Special: A creature that already has a tail or the Prehensile Tail mutation cannot gain this mutation. This mutation can be used in conjunction with the Stinger mutation.

You can perform minor telekinetic feats.
MP Cost: 5.
Benefit: As a move action, you can move an unattended object weighing up to 5 pounds up to 15 feet in any direction. Using this ability does not provoke attacks of opportunity. You must be able to see the object you are affecting, however. You must concentrate on the object to move it telekinetically. If your concentration is broken while you are levitating the object (see the Concentration skill description the object falls.
This ability can be used at will.

You gain limited telepathic ability.
MP Cost: 5.
Benefit: As a free action, you can forge a telepathic link with another living creature within 100 feet of you. The creature with which you form the link must have an Intelligence score of 6 or higher, and it must be a willing participant in the link. You can communicate telepathically through the link even if you do not share a common language, but no special control or influence is established as a result of the link. If you and the linked creature move more than 100 feet apart, the telepathic link severs instantly. You can telepathically link with only one creature at a time during any given round, but the ability can be used at will.

A single tentacle grows from your side or back. The tentacle might resemble an octopus’s suckered tentacle or a simple, scaly pseudopod.
MP Cost: 6.
Benefits: The tentacle grants a +4 mutation bonus on grapple checks. It can also grasp and manipulate a simple object of your size category or smaller. For example, a Medium-size creature can use the tentacle to grasp and manipulate a Medium-size or smaller object. The tentacle cannot be used to operate a piece of equipment that requires opposable digits or fine motor control (such as a cell phone).
You can “hang” from your tentacle indefinitely by wrapping it around a larger object, thereby freeing up your other limbs. The tentacle isn’t dexterous enough to fire ranged weapons, but it can be used to make a slam attack. The tentacle’s slam attack deals an amount of bludgeoning damage dependent on your size: Small 1d4, Medium-size 1d6, Large 1d8. If you get multiple attacks in a round, you can strike with the tentacle multiple times. The tentacle is treated as a natural weapon with a 10-foot reach, and attacks made with it do not provoke attacks of opportunity.

You grow a thick, protective layer of fur over your body.
MP Cost: 1.
Benefits: You gain a +4 mutation bonus on Fortitude saves against extreme cold temperatures.
Special: A creature with fur, scales, or chitin cannot gain this mutation.

You grow a thin coat of brown or golden-brown fur, similar to that of a small mammal.
MP Cost: 0.
Benefit: None.
Special: A creature with fur, scales, or chitin cannot gain this mutation.

You develop a powerful immune system capable of repelling many poisons, diseases, and radiation sickness.
MP Cost: 2.
Benefit: You gain Ultra Immune System as a bonus feat even if you don’t meet the feat’s prerequisite. The bonus you gain on Fortitude saves against poisons, diseases, and radiation is treated as a mutation bonus.

The color of your eyes changes drastically. The color, whatever it may be, is unnatural and atypical of your species. Perhaps your eyes turn dead black, maybe they change color to suit your mood, or perhaps they glow faintly in the dark.
MP Cost: 0.
Benefit: None.

Your hair or fur color changes drastically to a shade that is uncommon for your species. You may have fur or hair that is multicolored, streaked, splotched, or slightly luminescent. Your hair or fur may also change color with your mood.
MP Cost: 0.
Benefit: None.

The color of your skin or exoskeleton changes drastically, assuming a hue or texture that is both unnatural and atypical of your species. Your skin might be a single color, splotched, or patterned in some freakishly unnatural way. Your skin might gain dynamic pigments that change color based on outside stimuli, such as exposure to ultraviolet light.
MP Cost: 0.
Benefit: None.

Your voice changes in some marked fashion. It might change pitch or become more lyrical, raspy, whispery, or guttural.
MP Cost: 0.
Benefit: None.

Your natural bite attack injects poison into your victim’s bloodstream.
MP Cost: 4.
Benefit: Any creature you successfully hit with your bite attack must make a successful Fortitude save (DC 10 + one-half your level + your Constitution modifier) to negate the effects (initial and secondary damage 1d4 Con).
Special: You must have a natural bite attack to gain the benefit of this mutation. You cannot take this mutation if you have the Acidic Saliva mutation.

You can vex another creature using the peculiar resonance of your voice.
MP Cost: 4.
Benefit: Select any living creature within 30 feet of you as the target; the creature must be able to hear your voice to be affected. Upon hearing your voice, the creature must make a successful Will save (DC 10 + one-half your level + your Charisma modifier) or be dazed for 1 round. A successful save negates the effect. This ability is a mind-affecting compulsion usable three times per day. Using this ability is a free action.

You can walk walls and cling to ceilings like a spider. You have tiny barbs on your hands and feet to facilitate climbing, and your fingers and toes secrete a transparent adhesive that lets you cling to smooth surfaces.
MP Cost: 2.
Benefits: As long as your hands and feet are uncovered, you can climb perfectly smooth, flat, vertical surfaces. In addition, you gain a +4 mutation bonus on all Climb checks. Wearing gloves or footwear reduces the bonus to +2, and wearing both gloves and footwear negates the bonus entirely.
You also gain a +4 mutation bonus on Balance checks when moving a cross a slippery surface. Wearing any kind of footwear negates this bonus.

You grow webbing between your fingers or toes and can move more easily through liquids.
MP Cost: 1.
Benefit: You gain a +4 mutation bonus on all Swim checks. Having webbed digits does not interfere with your ability to grasp or manipulate objects.
You sprout a pair of birdlike or batlike wings.
MP Cost: 6.
Benefit: Your wings grant a natural fly speed of 60 feet (average maneuverability).

You can see into and through solid matter.
MP Cost: 6.
Benefit: X-ray vision allows you to see through 1 foot of brick or stone, 1 inch of metal or composite alloy, and up to 3 feet of wood, plaster, or dirt. Thicker substances or a thin sheet of lead blocks your vision. X-ray vision has a maximum range of 20 feet and allows you to see as if you were looking at something in normal light, even if there is no illumination.


Character concept.

Things didn't get any clearer for Jak when the door swung open. He's not exactly sure where he is or what the hell is going on, but he's willing to go along as long as he doesn't die. A quick tongue and quicker hands is all Jak really has to rely on, but with a good shot of luck, they'll do the job.


In reality, Jak is a thief, and a pretty good one at that. Too many shots to the head, coupled with the one that landed him here has gone and blanked certain parts of his brain. He still has all his skills and feats, but is sorely lacking knowledge he has them. He'll gain the tendency of just using skills and abilities without realizing he's either done so or how he knows how to do something.

How's that sound before I dig further into his creation?


First Post
Einan said:
I guess I just need the living furnace mutation, then.

Your body generates a tremendous amount of heat & your touch can cause things to burn
MP Cost: 3
Benefit: You deal an extra 1 point of fire damage with a successful unarmed attack or attack with a natural weapon. Three times per day, as a free action, you can channel & increase the fire damage to 2d6 points (instead of 1 point).
you gain a +4 mutation bonus on Fortitude saves against extreme heat temperatures.
This mutation does not grant immunity or resistance to fire.


First Post
Ah... Love that burning fur smell..

Sorta puts the damper on the whole physical relationship idea though... Poor Lukas. Now he has to find himself a lady with fire resistance. ;)


Steve Gorak

Scorpionfolke said:

Hey guys!

Could someone tell me what these mutations do?

59 Adaptive body Major 6
61 Danger sense Major 6
62 Dual brains Major 5
75 Plant traits Major 5
78-79 Psionic talent, major Major 6
83 Shocker Major 4

Also, I'm currently tempted by the following mutations:
Echolocator, Exoskeleton, wall crawler, living furnace & wings.

Scorpionfolke, would claws or a stinger stack with the monk's unarmed attack?

Thanks and cheers,


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