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Kickstarter...my new addiction.

Hal G

First Post
First off let me say up front, stop making cool stuff and Kickstarting it!!!!!!!!!!

I need to feed my family LOL.

I will be doing one in October but already have spent waaayyyyyyy too much on some really cool stuff.

From watches, computer games, art, books and of course RPG's it is hard to stop looking and supporting.

I need a 10 step group for this.

It does not help that on FB a lot of friends are linking cool stuff and then it snowballs from there.

OK, so how are you finding Kickstarter?

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OK, so how are you finding Kickstarter?

I see Kickstarter as little different from buying off of eBay or pre-ordering a product from any retailer - it's a leap of faith. I'm buying something sight-unseen. I'm trusting that the final product will match the description given. I'm trusting the seller to fulfill their end of the deal.

Given that I've been burned/disappointed a few times in such situations, I approach kickstarters with the same degree of "buyer beware". And since I don't really need a lot of new stuff, it's easy for me to pass on most of the offers. When I do opt in, it's for a relatively small dollar amount.

I've participated in only two kickstarters so far - one for cardboard standups, and one for Wasteland 2. The latter is a real stretch - how many computer programs actually turn out as good as we expect? But given how much I still love the original, I took the chance. We'll see how it works out...

Hal G

First Post
I agree on the buyer beware part for sure, I feel the computer games are a steal, usually for $15 to pre-order a game even if does not live to your internal hype is very inexpensive so still a great deal. Some more expensive items I have funded are a leap of faith and have yet to be burned, and by my new eBay, I meant I am spending time there spending some extra money than eBay.

Excellent points!


Well I've gotten 3 adventures for my Kaidan setting published through Rite Publishing's inhouse patronage system - like Kickstarter, but one done inhouse. And no doubt there will be more Kaidan created via patronage in the future - though we've also released many supplements that were published inhouse and not funded by patronage.

My experience has been good, but only from the side of getting funded and successfully releasing a product paid for that way.

I'm one of those freelancers that get to participate in the creation of content as staff members, and not have to go through funding it myself.

Hal G

First Post
Well I've gotten 3 adventures for my Kaidan setting published through Rite Publishing's inhouse patronage system - like Kickstarter, but one done inhouse. And no doubt there will be more Kaidan created via patronage in the future - though we've also released many supplements that were published inhouse and not funded by patronage.

My experience has been good, but only from the side of getting funded and successfully releasing a product paid for that way.

I'm one of those freelancers that get to participate in the creation of content as staff members, and not have to go through funding it myself.

That's an interesting concept Rite Publishing has, but I am talking all Kickstarter not just RPG's. If it is working for them, that is real cool.


That's an interesting concept Rite Publishing has, but I am talking all Kickstarter not just RPG's. If it is working for them, that is real cool.

So far my limitation in Kickstarter type of funding is with RPGs, while I am starting to see more non-RPG Kickstarter projects out there - I don't have an addiction yet for it...

Hal G

First Post
So far my limitation in Kickstarter type of funding is with RPGs, while I am starting to see more non-RPG Kickstarter projects out there - I don't have an addiction yet for it...

The innovation is astounding, from watches, pens to movies, comic books. Heck Elmore has his Barbarian S2 funding there. It is neat to see all of the stuff even if you do not back it. Classic example is:

Re-Creating my Melnibonean Art from Deities & Demigods!

An Illustration project in Austin, TX by Jeff Dee ·


It's easy when I'm overseas and have to fork out more for shipping.. ;)

Still, I've funded about 4 projects. One was for a game where the creator just stopped working on, two were for comic books and another was to restore an animation. It's just a pity that you need a US based account for it.

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