D&D General Kobold Press Going Down a Dark Road

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Book-Friend, he/him
I think WoTC will try and encourage people to move digital. I wouldn’t be surprised to see some deals etc to get people to join D&D beyond but I am equally certain they are not going to abandon print.
Kyle Brink made it quite clear: as long as there is a print market (and Amazon sales rankings shows the market is there), WotC will service it. More digital-print combo.deals seems likely, over time, but not replacement.

They have a first month free trial right now
Makes sense especially with the movie about to drop. If I were then I might even offer 60 days free to get people hooked. But I am not on D&D Beyond and don’t have any plans to join. I am a print guy but I don’t have any issue with them drawing other people into D&D Beyond.

Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
Pretty much. D&D, AD&D and 2e were very compatible and modules were used interchangeably frequently. 2e is a cleaned up 1e, not something entirely new like 3e, 4e or 5e were. Calling it 2e was marketing, not an indication of significant differences.
3.0 and 3.5 used the same math, and the classes were more similar to each other than 5e classes are 1D&D seemingly. They were still treated differently.


Book-Friend, he/him
1e and 2e are very compatible. Are they the same game? Are they the same edition?
1E and 2E were different Editions of the same game, same as 3E and 3.5, but 3E was essentially a different game from AD&D, and 4E from either. So those Editions were not the same game, reelly.
3.0 and 3.5 used the same math, and the classes were more similar to each other than 5e classes are 1D&D seemingly. They were still treated differently.
3.5 was another Edition, but it was the same game so could nix freely with 3E: I know this because I learned D&D in a mixed 3E &3.5 environment where either and both went.

Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
1E and 2E were different Editions of the same game, same as 3E and 3.5, but 3E was essentially a different game from AD&D, and 4E from either. So those Editions were not the same game, reelly.

3.5 was another Edition, but it was the same game so could nix freely with 3E: I know this because I learned D&D in a mixed 3E &3.5 environment where either and both went.
So just like 5e and One D&D. Different edition, but same game?

Voidrunner's Codex

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