D&D General Kobold Press Tome of the Valiant Game Master's Guide ks signup

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What's your argument? Should we eject dumb players, or make games so insipid it doesn't matter?
Both is good.
Since we're not the designers, we don't have to worry those issues, but I think it's something we should keep in mind.

Though, to get back on topic, won't the people playing TotV be more hard-core and require less hand holding? In which case, your approach would work out better.

This is interesting. I think in some ways this project had its time and that's passed. There was so much discussion about Project Black Flag and I guess it sort of just timed out. I think I'll wait to see how this all works out in the end when I can just pick up the PDF.

This is interesting. I think in some ways this project had its time and that's passed. There was so much discussion about Project Black Flag and I guess it sort of just timed out. I think I'll wait to see how this all works out in the end when I can just pick up the PDF.
It does seem to have taken too long at this point. It's all about the KP fans at this point, I'd guess

Yes. I think that core rulebooks should of course support play for everyone, but I think there should be specific learning products (aka starter sets) because learning to play is a relatively short process and "core books" focused on that lose some portion of their value quickly.

As an anecdote: in 1985 I was ten and my oldest brother 13. We played maybe 3 times before we never looked at the Basic "learning" material again. Kids are smart. D&D isn't hard. It will be fine.
Agree 100%. I have run the PF2 beginners box on Foundry five times now. The experienced players said "this isn't the best adventure," but then we discussed it and showed how each different encounter added more depth to the rules and taught a little more. And then it clicked for them. There is a reason the set is regarded so highly.

But yeah, 9 year old me was playing the Holmes Basic set and then somehow got my parents to buy me the White Box. We figured it all out. It's not that you need a starter set but it does help get more people into the hobby. And I would prefer that a starter set be the gateway for new players as opposed to the rulebook being written in the same way.

I’m not an Uber fan of Kobold Press specifically. I am a fan though. I was in for the ToV ks and will be for this too.
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I'm going to wait on this one. I'm less convinced that ToV is going to have legs now that the WotCs OGL shenanigans seem to be mostly in the rear-view mirror for now, and it's got definite fantasy heartbreaker potential.

I do wish KP would get back to their setting material. It's just amazingly good, but they've cut their output there to almost nothing. I've heard good things about the 'Kobold's Guide to...' series but haven't read any, while their game mechanical material has been really varied in quality, often with big ambiguities, poor phrasing, and dubious rules.
I think it will do quite well because they have so many loyal fans but I also wish they would focus on the setting material too. It is really top notice. I haven’t backed any of the ToV stuff but backed almost all their prior stuff.

I think it will do quite well because they have so many loyal fans but I also wish they would focus on the setting material too. It is really top notice. I haven’t backed any of the ToV stuff but backed almost all their prior stuff.
Integrating more tightly with the setting seems the way clones should go, to differentiate themselves

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