Kulan: Knightfall's Crisis in Bluffside Game [OOC]

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the magical equivalent to the number zero
I think an overview of our goals might be in order. This I remember:

- bringing Nathaniels information to the relevant people

- finding and entering Waldos enclave, which may be easier if we find a new crystalline flower

- not sure if the rat problem in the city still exists after the time lapse? either way Tuck is invested in helping those people out, either himself or someone he can send

- finding the hidden well that may or may not aid us in our quest to find and defeat Waldo. also, apparently now finding Sylemis and Gerey that have gone missing while searching for the well

- some sort of monster roaming in the parc?

- finding a cure for what ails Sylemis

Not sure if that's everything? I find it great fun to have so many leads, because it's realistic in a city, but it can also be difficult to remember everything and to prioritize.


World of Kulan DM
I think an overview of our goals might be in order. This I remember:

- bringing Nathaniels information to the relevant people
Yes, either to Oakfirst or someone else the PCs trust. That could also be Lady Samantha Pomander although, she too, has been relocated to the Military District for her protection. That's to where all the remaining members of The Five have been moved. It will likely be easier to see the lord commander or one of the other Bluffside Elite commanders.

There is also Roose Simonis, Terger's uncle. He is the Lord Commander of the Dark Lanterns. However, he's been very busy dealing with constant threats beyond the Sem La Vah Valley. The last thing Bluffside needs is bandits and rampaging hill giants at the gates.

If the PCs can't locate the lord commander, quickly, they could give the information to Kasel Mildenhall who is the commander of the Regulars barracks in Old City. of course, Nathaniel did not have nice things to ay about the mountain dwarf commander.

Also, a quick reminder about these lists of Bluffside guards that the Exemplars have either met or heard of: Bluffside Regulars; Bluffside Elites. I haven't updated it in a while.

The only two other 'important' names to be added to that list, at this point, are Commander Angelina Merkatz and Captain Gregor Leventhorpe. (Those are two of the Elites that Nathaniel insists are corrupt.) Commander Merkatz is a half-sea elf who is stationed out on Sordadon. Captain Leventhorpe is an orc with a fiendish bloodline who is well known and well respected in the Undercity.

JustinCase said:
- finding and entering Waldos enclave, which may be easier if we find a new crystalline flower
The crystalline flower grows out in the ruins of Sem La Vah, but it only blooms at night, which is vital for its magic to work (and it often attracts monsters). The Exemplars know that the flower has also been cultivated on the Lord Mayor's estate and at the city's museum dedicated to the Ancients and to the ruins. The flower the PCs had came from the museum, if I'm remembering correctly. It was stolen when Phelix's Loyalists raided the old Oakfirst Manor while the PCs were under the Gate of Scales.

There is also the Brelish Thieves' Guild who are working directly for Phelix. If what the PCs have heard is true, the shop known as The Crossed Candles is a front for the guild and is run by a man named Kelik (under the pseudonym Barclay Winton). 'Barclay' is well respected by the nobles of Old City and his shop is always busy. Storming the shop might be politically risky. The man is very popular.

Nathaniel told the PCs that a woman named Sabela Abreu is also in league with Phelix. She is the owner of the Delicate Delight Eatery, which is near the Gardens as well. She is a bitter rival of Gervas Rosenberg, the owner of the Golden Lantern. (That is where Phelix's fireball trap went off.)

JustinCase said:
- not sure if the rat problem in the city still exists after the time lapse? either way Tuck is invested in helping those people out, either himself or someone he can send
Rat problems don't usually go away. As far as Tuck knows, it's still an issue.

JustinCase said:
- finding the hidden well that may or may not aid us in our quest to find and defeat Waldo. also, apparently now finding Sylemis and Gerey that have gone missing while searching for the well
Correct. Although the Lanterns did find an old well in the thicket, but Florrie doesn't think it's magical.

JustinCase said:
- some sort of monster roaming in the parc?
Assume that creature is still in the Gardens, which remains closed to the public. Nathaniel did tell you (if I'm remembering correctly) that he doesn't believe the creature is connected directly to Phelix.

JustinCase said:
- finding a cure for what ails Sylemis
Yes, without Akos' healing ability, the dragori druid will likely get worse.

JustinCase said:
Not sure if that's everything? I find it great fun to have so many leads, because it's realistic in a city, but it can also be difficult to remember everything and to prioritize.
There is also the young male warrior (and the trapped genie) stuck in the temporal dungeon below the Gate of Scales. He will need a ring of sustenance to come out of that place without quickly starving to death.

There is also The Dusk to deal with but so far the PCs haven't encountered them. According to rumors, The Dusk and the Brelish Thieves Guild are in a street war with Bluffside's local guilds including the Golden Sabres and The Hammers, as well as the more secretive unnamed thieves' guild that controls much of Bluffside's illegal trade.

Tuck knows the name of that guild: Umbra Incognita. It's a it of an open secret in the Undercity, but people who know the name tend to whisper it with a bit of fear attached.

If Nathaniel's information about one of The Five being in league with that guild is true, that a big deal. And, it is not an idea that Tuck has ever heard of before.

And, don't forget about The Rising Swords.


World of Kulan DM
As well, Nathaniel told the PCs that the Elite Guard named Geoffrey Suggitt is working directly for Phelix. He hasn't been seen since his left his post at one of the Garden towers when The Exemplars first went there to investigate the attack on the two guards (including Kaleb Raupach) by the Loyalists who were then ambushed by the creature.

Nathaniel told the PCs (while at the Black Cat Tavern) that Geoffrey ran off to inform Sabela Abreu about The Exemplar's investigations in the Garden. Here's a link to part of that conversation. A lot of good info there. Nathaniel knew about Finnola Jardine (captured; was in league with Phelix), Sampson Lichefield (likely corrupt; a drunkard), and Captain Ivan Wildore (might be corrupt; ambitious).


World of Kulan DM
The Exemplars might also want to investigate some of the previously hidden underground places in New City where Phelix had originally been doing research or hiding out. This includes the strange cellar complex under the half-constructed inn, The Winsome Heart, and Phelix's fake house, which hid a dungeon complex under it.

That second locale is where the explosion took place, which ruined the house and much of the street. But, parts of the dungeon still survive. The New City events were from the previous group.

Martial Law had been declared in New City but that declaration was lifted recently, as guards needed to be pulled out of the district to increase patrols in Old City.


World of Kulan DM
So, for the interactions at Aceron Manor (and on the road before that), I'm going to give out 750 XP for each PC.

Hmm, did I post the XP for the spiders? :unsure:

EDIT: Yes, I must have. I have it calculated in my spreadsheet. Found it!
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