D&D 5E Leif's First 5E Homebrew Out-Of-Character Thread

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Leif's First 5E Homebrew Out-of-Character Thread 1A

Risia's music is going to always be welcome at The Griffon's Head Inn, or in Stone Mill or Red Wall. Silverton has more competition, but her talents will likely be welcome there most of the time as well. For her performance in your first post, I'm going to roll % to see how well she did, with 100% being the best performance that she is capable of giving. And, since Stone Mill is a backwater venue, about 5sp is going to be the daily limit.

Adjusted Tips = 20 cp

Risia had some problems with her instrument, she's got a string that slips out of tune. She still earned 20 cp in tips today, however, which is more than most laborers earn for a full day's hard work.

I won't make another IC post until everyone has had more of a chance to post something. If you have nothing to post IC, you can let me know that in this thread, so I won't be waiting on you. [OK, OK, so I made one more IC post to tie up some loose ends for Risia Kalvesim's performance, but I'm all done now. Probably.]
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Risia's music is going to always be welcome at The Griffon's Head Inn, or in Stone Mill or Red Wall. Silverton has more competition, but her talents will likely be welcome there most of the time as well. For her performance in your first post, I'm going to roll % to see how well she did, with 100% being the best performance that she is capable of giving. And, since Stone Mill is a backwater venue, about 5sp is going to be the daily limit.

Adjusted Tips = 20 cp

Risia had some problems with her instrument, she's got a string that slips out of tune. She still earned 20 cp in tips today, however, which is more than most laborers earn for a full day's hard work.

I won't make another IC post until everyone has had more of a chance to post something. If you have nothing to post IC, you can let me know that in this thread, so I won't be waiting on you. [OK, OK, so I made one more IC post to tie up some loose ends for Risia Kalvesim's performance, but I'm all done now. Probably.]

Sorry. I could have rolled a Performance check. Though 20 cp is good :)


Sorry I'm tardy had inventory past few days and lack of staff had meant having to change how we had to do it can't use the typical "brute force" method if you lack the muscle.

Getting my post up now.


Of interest to every pc so far, since all of you either now have spell-casting capability, or have the potential to develop the capability later. I would like for each spell-casting pc to note on his/her sheet inthe RG what spells are prepared and how many of each level can be cast and how many have been cast on the current day. You can each edit the post for your pc to make these changes as the game progresses.

And you're not appreciably tardy, Azurewraith. Just jump on in, the other characters are probably in the inn, anyway. I see that you have already done so.. Welcome.
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I thought I already did that with my spells? I have a really bad habit t these days of thinking about doing something and then thinking I did it later when I didn't.

I'm lovin the musical battle So far xD good thing i withheld from actually making a swing at Lee xD

Day1 everyone fights xD

PS: copying that mini statief block ;)
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