Eh. 17-18 Strength (or other prime requisite) would be quite common in AD&D IME. Pretty much everyone I played with DID use generous ability rolling methods. I think our most common over years was 4d6 drop lowest, roll three sets and pick one. Having a couple of scores high enough for bonuses would be pretty common (and Gygax suggested that a PC should have at least two scores of 15 or better in the PH), but three at the 16+ range is pretty fortunate. We never did point-swapping to Prime Requisite in AD&D though, which I think Hussar said his group did.
No, you're misremembering. Weapon proficiencies were a core rule in 1E from 1978, and retained in 2E.
Nonweapon proficiencies didn't show up until Oriental Adventures and the WSG and DSG, and were listed as optional in the 2E PH, but the later books almost all assumed their use.
To a certain extent that's true, but it's missing my point about rolling stats. You wouldn't just assign a mediocre score to a new Fighter's Strength
assuming that you'd find Gauntlets or a girdle at some point, and suck up having no hit, damage, or XP bonuses in the meantime.
Did you ever see the blog post Jeff Rients did with a simplified way to calculate fireball volume in dungeons? Love it.
I have a few nitpicks about the spells in the 5e Basic rules. Sleep only lasts a minute, Charm Person last only an hour. Revivy , bas...