OSR Let's make Shadowdark classes!

Last night it took me 10 minutes to grab a third party product with the bard, Ranger and blackguard class.
A class hold on a paper sheet, there will be plenty of them in near future.

The challenge will be to continue to keep classes simple, and not pollute them will multiple options and choice

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Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
Last night it took me 10 minutes to grab a third party product with the bard, Ranger and blackguard class.
A class hold on a paper sheet, there will be plenty of them in near future.

The challenge will be to continue to keep classes simple, and not pollute them will multiple options and choice
Yeah, some of the folks on the Shadowdark Facebook group have started incorporating percentile chances for abilities, which yikes, no thanks.
I'll wager the bard can give out a luck token or two.
That's a great way to simplify the 5E bardic inspiration mechanic. I like it!

Torch Bearer:

Mediocrity is your game and you don't completely suck at it. You are part pack mule, part personal assistant and you get no repsect.

Weapons: Dagger, longbow, longsword, shortbow, shortsword, spear, staff

Armor: Leather armor, chainmail and shields

Hit Dice: 1d4 per level

Language: You know one additional common language.

Jack of all Trades. Choose one thieving skill, you have ADV when rolling this skill.

Renaissance Person. You know one Tier 1 Priest or Wizard spell of your choice.

My Person Friday. Add +2 to your gear slots.

2 +2 points to distribute to stats.
3-6 +1 to hit with a single weapon of your choice.
7-9 Choose a thieving skill, you have ADV when rolling this skill.
10-11 Learn one Tier 1 Priest or Wizard spell of your choice.
12 Choose a talent.
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Nice! If you dont mind, can I try my hand at redoing the core 4 to make them somewhere in between 5e and Shadowdark in terms of features?

My ideas of a Warlock are something like this:
  • d6 HP
  • Cha casting, knows only 1 spell per Tier. Use the Penance table in case of natural 1 on spellcasting check.
  • Spells lost only require 1 hour of meditation instead of a full rest.
  • Proficiency with light armor, daggers, mace, staff, crossbows
  • Hex: A creature under the effect of one of your spell has disadvantage on ability checks made with one ability of your choice.
  • You have advantage on spellcasting checks against creatures that cant see you and spells deals half-level extra damage.

Voice of the Chainmaster: Spend 3 HP to gain a 1 HP messenger that can cast Augury once to contact your patron before disappearing.
Witch Sight: Can see in the dark at near distance.
One with Shadow: +2 AC when standing in low-light or darkness.
The game insist a lot on light management. I don’t think it is a good idea to allow permanent dark vision on a character.
same thing for rest, rest in a dungeon should be exceptional.


So this is my take on the above (mostly after doing some research on the other similar classes, but also shaping it a bit to fit the flavor of my game as well).

All weapons
Armor: Leather armor, mithril chainmail
Hit points: 1d6 per level
Languages: You learn Draconic, Elvish, Primordial or Sylvan

Magical Allies. You gain advantage on all social checks made against dragons, elves, elementals, or fey (based on language choice).

Learning Spells. You can permanently learn a wizard spell from a spell scroll by studying it for a day and succeeding on a DC 15 Intelligence check. Whether you succeed or fail, you expend the spell scroll.

Spellcasting. You can cast wizard spells you know. You know one tier 1 spell of your choice from the wizard spell list. Each time you gain a level, you choose one new wizard spell from a tier that you can cast. Level three gishes gain the ability to cast tier 2 spells, level five gishes gain the ability to cast tier 3 spells, level seven gishes learn the ability to cast tier 4 spells and level nine gishes learn the ability to cast tier 5 spells.

Gish Talents
2d6: Effect
Armor Training. The first time you roll this, you learn how to use shields. The second time, you learn how to wear chainmail. The third time, you learn how wear plate mail.
3-6: +1 to melee attack or ranged attack
7-9: +2 to Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution stat
10-11: +2 to Intelligence stat or +1 to spellcasting checks
12: Choose one option or 2 points to distribute to stats
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Tales and Chronicles

Jewel of the North, formerly know as vincegetorix
The game insist a lot on light management. I don’t think it is a good idea to allow permanent dark vision on a character.
same thing for rest, rest in a dungeon should be exceptional.
I thought that a Near range only included something like 5 ft all around you.
Anyway, it could be something like see invisible or ethereal creatures but is blinded to the rest of things as long as focus is kept.

Voidrunner's Codex

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