OSR Let's make Shadowdark classes!

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A rookie guard on his first day in the big city. A spy searching for a nobleman’s kidnapped daughter. Whatever was going on in that sixth chapter.

Class: S. Kennedy

Hit points:1d6

Armor: Leather, Dagger (as shield)

Weapons: Dagger, Club, Staff, all ranged weapons

As your action: make a contested STR check against Close creatures of Level 1 + Half your level (rounded down). On success the creature is reduced to 0 hp.


When attacking with a ranged weapon you score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or higher.


As an action you can kick Close enemies to Near. You can apply this to a number of level 0-2 enemies equal to your level.


When rolling initiative, you may use a Charisma check . On such a check of 9 or higher you gain a luck token.

What’re ya buyin?

When a random encounter is rolled you may spend a luck token for a 1:6 chance
to meet the Wandering Merchant instead of the rolled encounter.

Talents: (duplicate 2 - reroll)

: You can ignore the Loading property on Weapons
3-6:+1 to Ranged Attacks
7-9: +2 to DEX / STR / CHA
10-11: +1 chance of What’re ya Buyin?
12: Choose a talent or add +2 to attribute

Tales and Chronicles

Jewel of the North, formerly know as vincegetorix
A rookie guard on his first day in the big city. A spy searching for a nobleman’s kidnapped daughter. Whatever was going on in that sixth chapter.

Class: S. Kennedy

Hit points:1d6

Armor: Leather, Dagger (as shield)

Weapons: Dagger, Club, Staff, all ranged weapons

As your action: make a contested STR check against Close creatures of Level 1 + Half your level (rounded down). On success the creature is reduced to 0 hp.


When attacking with a ranged weapon you score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or higher.


As an action you can kick Close enemies to Near. You can apply this to a number of level 0-2 enemies equal to your level.


When rolling initiative, you may use a Charisma check . On such a check of 9 or higher you gain a luck token.

What’re ya buyin?

When a random encounter is rolled you may spend a luck token for a 1:6 chance
to meet the Wandering Merchant instead of the rolled encounter.

Talents: (duplicate 2 - reroll)

: You can ignore the Loading property on Weapons
3-6:+1 to Ranged Attacks
7-9: +2 to DEX / STR / CHA
10-11: +1 chance of What’re ya Buyin?
12: Choose a talent or add +2 to attribute

Now do Redfield with features such as:
- Did your arms got bigger?!
  • Boulder Puncher
  • Everybody least liked character

Feedback on this greatly appreciated....


Grizzled veteran warrior, trained officer, or inspiring noble, the captain leads troops to victory. A fighter uses weapons as tools to bring victory: a captain uses fighters in the same way.

Weapons: All weapons.
Armor: All armor and shields.
Hit Points: 1d8 per level

Tactics: When you make a ranged or melee attack, you may choose to roll with disadvantage. If you hit your target, the next ally of yours to hit the target with a ranged or melee attack does an additional weapon die of damage.
Strategy: Add one or your Wisdom Modifier, whichever is greater, to the initiative of every party member in the Near distance when initiative is rolled.
Logistics: Add 1 or your Intelligence modifier, whichever is greater, to the gear slots of everyone in the party. If your character dies, this benefit is lost.

Captain Talents​

2Add one to your Logistics Talent
3-5Gain +2 to Strength, Dex, Int, or Wis
6-8Gain +1 to melee or ranged attacks
9-11Add one to your Strategy Talent
12Choose a Talent or +2 points to any Stats

Edits: Updated Tactics. Changed the talent names to be simpler.

Thanks to Krachek and Bill Zebub for feedback and catching rules errors.
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And this one too...

Monster Hunter​

Grim-faced inquisitors, sword-bearing scholars, or folks who live nearer the Shadowdark than is strictly healthy. Monster Hunters use steel and will to protect the innocent from the shadowy things that would prey on them.

Weapons: All weapons.
Armor: All armor and shields.
** Hit Points: **1d8 per level

Monster Slayer: If you hit an undead, demon, or devil with a melee or missile attack, you do an additional 1d6 points of damage. This damage is magical and affects the monster even if your weapon is not magical. Add additional d6’s of damage equal to half your level (round down).
Monster Hunter: You are trained to detect undead, demons, or devils. You gain advantage on all checks related to tracking, detecting, or recalling information about undead, demons, or devils.
Ward the Weak: You may take an action to defend another creature within Near distance. All melee and missile attacks against that creature have disadvantage.

Monster Hunter Talents​

2You may defend an additional creature within Near distance when you use Ward the Weak.
3-5Gain +2 to Strength, Con, or Dex
6-8Gain +1 to melee or ranged attacks
9-11Add an additional d6 to your Monster Hunter dice of damage.
12Choose a Talent or +2 points to any Stats

Voidrunner's Codex

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