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Level 16 Cleric Magic Items!!!


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Hey all, I was wondering what some usefull magic items are for a cleric at this level. He already have a cloak of Charisma +6, Ring of Prot +3, Vest of Resistance +5. Sheild and armour and weapons i'm alredy covered. What else can be usefull? I know that Beads of Prayer are supposed to be good (although, I do't really understand why)...apart from that, what other items are usefull to a cleric of this level?

Thanks for you input!


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I hope you meant Cloak of Wisdom, not Cloak of Charisma.

It all depends on what kind of cleric you are...the Battle kind who uses buffs and a lot of melee combat, or the kind who takes people down with spells.

However, all high level characters need some way to Fly, so I'd look into that. When in doubt, find some way to upgrade your Constitution. If you're worried about saves, purchase a Luckstone. And get a nice stockpile of healing wands.


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As mentioned Peritapt of wisdom would help with DC's and a few extra spell slots.
If you don't use the Peritapt, I really like the Scarab of Protection. I'd see if you can alter one of them into a non-affinity slot.

Candle of Invocation is good for those big battles. For extra buff spells (Miracle Arcane site and Permanancy).

Then there are Metamagic Rods, and Scrolls of things like Raise Dead, wands of lesser restoration.


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At this point (Clr 16), you'll want to be thinking of custom magic items. High level games are very DM-dependent, and so what he/she allows is a huge unknown for those of us not in your game.

Depending on your DM, I'd look into getting Sacred, Insight, and Luck bonuses for your saves and AC. It may also be worth your time to get a +5 (nothing less will do) inherent bonus to your Wisdom.

For my Clr at those levels, I concentrated on getting items that could increase my caster level. By 17th level I had a feat, plus an Ioun Stone, a Magic Tattoo, and a Bead of Karma. I could reliably add 8 to my caster level.....combined with the spell Holy Word.....


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Nail said:
At this point (Clr 16), you'll want to be thinking of custom magic items. High level games are very DM-dependent, and so what he/she allows is a huge unknown for those of us not in your game.

Depending on your DM, I'd look into getting Sacred, Insight, and Luck bonuses for your saves and AC. It may also be worth your time to get a +5 (nothing less will do) inherent bonus to your Wisdom.

For my Clr at those levels, I concentrated on getting items that could increase my caster level. By 17th level I had a feat, plus an Ioun Stone, a Magic Tattoo, and a Bead of Karma. I could reliably add 8 to my caster level.....combined with the spell Holy Word.....

Thanks for the feedback everyone! As for the items, I have also Boots of Flying, Periate of Wisdom (and yes, my wisdom is more than + 5....i have 26 with items)

As for the bead of Karma, unless i use a spell that is level dependant, how else is it usefull? To my understsanding, it doesn't change the damage for example from a Firestorm, doesn't change save DC of my spells and such either...so how is it really usefull?




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Right: there are only a few spells that gain a direct benefit from high caster level. Besides Holy Word, I've found the extra benefit from Wall of Stone and Mass Spell Resistance quite useful.

So perhaps you shouldn't bother, unless.....

Currently, my Clr casts quite a few long duration spells on my fellow adventurers: about 6 to 8 spells on each PC. Having a high CL makes these spells very Dispel resistant.

...and that's a Good Thing(tm). :)


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Nail said:
Right: there are only a few spells that gain a direct benefit from high caster level. Besides Holy Word, I've found the extra benefit from Wall of Stone and Mass Spell Resistance quite useful.

So perhaps you shouldn't bother, unless.....

Currently, my Clr casts quite a few long duration spells on my fellow adventurers: about 6 to 8 spells on each PC. Having a high CL makes these spells very Dispel resistant.

...and that's a Good Thing(tm). :)

Ahh so it does change the Dispel check! Damn thats usefull! Especially when 6 of my 7 spells got dispelled. So for example, Superior Resistance and Veil of Undeath are dispelled...well, lets just say it is a little less fun. I got used to"hmmm...do a fort save? I don't think so. Immune to Death, sure why not!" and my favorite " Your Will SAVE IS WHAT!!! Oh MY GOD! " ...lol!

Any other items/thougths?




First Post
Nail said:
Right: there are only a few spells that gain a direct benefit from high caster level. Besides Holy Word, I've found the extra benefit from Wall of Stone and Mass Spell Resistance quite useful.

So perhaps you shouldn't bother, unless.....

Currently, my Clr casts quite a few long duration spells on my fellow adventurers: about 6 to 8 spells on each PC. Having a high CL makes these spells very Dispel resistant.

...and that's a Good Thing(tm). :)

Ahh so it does change the Dispel check! Damn thats usefull! Especially when 6 of my 7 spells got dispelled. So for example, Superior Resistance and Veil of Undeath are dispelled...well, lets just say it is a little less fun. I got used to"hmmm...do a fort save? I don't think so. Immune to Death, sure why not!" and my favorite " Your Will SAVE IS WHAT!!! Oh MY GOD! " ...lol!

Any other items/thougths?




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Add Divine Spell Power for more cl goodness. Other items could be phylactery of undead turning, pearl(s) of power, nightsticks, and monk's belt (would be +9 AC for you + 4 from Magic Vestment might be an improvement over your armor).


First Post

The feat I was speaking of above was "Divine Spell Power". Starting at about 19th level my turning check was such that I always had a +4 to CL. That meant a total of +10 CL...and when added to Holy Word.....let's just say encounters were finished lots quicker. :]

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