Vriozha Strand
Lineage: male Dragonborn (Bronze)
Gift: Draconian Fins
Origin: Warhordling
Background: Urchin
Destiny: Underdog
Class: Herald 5 (Glory)
Str 16 (+3), Dex 12 (+1), Con 14 (+2), Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 14 (+2)
Hit Points: 44 (5d10+10)
Speed: 30 ft., swim 30 ft.
Skills: Athletics +6, Intimidation +5, Medicine +3, Performance +5, Sleight of Hand +4, Stealth +4
Tools: Thieves’ tools, cook’s utensils
Weapons and Armor: Simple weapons, martial weapons, all armor, shields
Saves: Cha +5, Wis +3
Darkvision 60 ft.
A Nose for Trouble. Whenever I or an ally I can see fails an Insight check, I can use my reaction and spend an inspiration to learn any information that would have been gained by a successful Insight check. (Destiny)
Adventures and Advancement. If I can help some urchins, they’ll help me. A roll of 14 or less on Investigation checks are treated as a 15. (Background)
Aggressive. As a bonus action, I can move up to my speed towards an enemy I can see or hear. I must end this move closer to the enemy than I started. (Origin)
Breath Weapon (1/Rest): Lightning bolt, 5 ft. × 30 ft., 2d6 lightning damage, DC 12 (Lineage).
Channel Divinity. Peerless Athlete. I can use a bonus action to get advantage on Athletics and Acrobatics checks, and can carry/push/drag/lift twice as much as normal, and the distance of of long and high jumps increases by 10 feet. Inspiring Smite: After I use Divine Smite, I can use Channel Divinity to distribute 2d8+5 temp hp to creatures within 30 ft., including me. (Archetype)
Combat Maneuvers. 6 EP. Doubleteam. Choose a creature within reach; next ally within 20 ft. that makes melee attack against that creature gains Exp. Die (1 EP). Imposing Glare. One hostile creature I can see within 30 ft. must make a Cha save or be frightened of me until end of next turn. Until end of combat, it has advantage on saves against this ability (1 EP). Striding Swings. Move up to 15 feet; until start of next turn, attacks made against me have Exp. Die but I inflict +1d4 extra damange (1 EP). (Class)
Defiance. If I score a critical hit against a creature larger than I am, roll a nat 20 on a death save, openly defy a powerful being, or succeed after taking a risk with long odds, I get a point of inspiration. (Destiny)
Divine Sense (2/long rest). Choose one of the following: celestial/fiends, elementals/fey, aberrations/undead (can change this after a long rest), or a location that has been consecrated or desecrated. I can always sense when a creature of that type is within 30 feet of me. I can use a bonus action to learn the location, number, and type of creature, unless that creature makes a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw (if it’s CR is higher than my Herald level, it has advantage). If it fails, I learn the creature’s identity. (Class)
Divine Smite (3/long rest). I can use my bonus action to inflict an additional 2d8 radiant damage. I can also choose one of the following options 1/long rest or by spending a spell slot of 1st level or higher. Igniting Smite. Must make a Con save at the start of each turn for 1 minute or take 1d6 fire damage; on success, effect ends. Marking Smite. Target sheds bright light for 5 ft. and dim light additional 5 ft., for 1 minute or until I target different creature. The target gains no benefit from invisibility and disad on checks made to hide. Repelling Smite. Smite deals force damage and target must make Str save or be knocked back 10 feet and fall prone or 5 ft. and is not prone on success. (Class)
Guttersnipe. I can entertain myself and my friends to a squalid lifestyle as long as I’m in a town or city. I also know how to get anywhere in town without being spotted by gangs, gossips, or guards. (Background)
Hard to Hit. When I’m not wearing armor, my AC is 12 + my Dex modifier (AC 13). (Gift)
Heraldic Sermon: Evangelism. I have advantage when using Performance when trying to convert others through preaching about my oath; witnesses are inspired to donate to the cause.
Knacks. Do Without. I can survive for up to 2 days without food without suffering any adverse effects. Undaunted. Exemplary. I gain an Exp. Die on Athletics and Acrobatics checks made to climb, jump, run, and swim. When the party makes a group Athletics or Acrobatics check, I can apply the results of my roll to myself and one other, after everyone has rolled, but before we know if we succeed or fail. (Class)
Lay of Hands. I can use an action to restore hp to a creature I touch. I have a total pool of 25 hp I can restore/long rest. I can spend 5 of those hp to remove one disease or poison. (Class)
Swimmer. I can hold my breath for 15 minutes. (Gift)
Warhorde Weapon Training. Proficient in two martial weapons and light armor. I can create a ramshackle version of a simple weapon in 10 minutes as long as I have access to material. The weapon breaks on an attack roll of 1 (nat). (Origin)
Wartime Scrounger. I can forage for food and water when traveling through urban environments, warzones, and battlefields, and I can use my Charisma modifier when determining how much food and water I find. (Origin)
Spell save DC 13, +5 to hit with spell attacks.
Cantrips (At Will): guidance, message
1st level (4 slots): command, detect magic and disease, guiding bolt, herosim
2nd level (2 slots): aid, enhance ability, force of will, magic weapon