Lots of faff in the article. Someone on the team really wants every warlock PC to be a deeply edgy edgelord from Edgetown. Do, I began reading the mechanics with somewhat low expectations for what has been one of my top 3 classes in all three editions it's been in.
That aside, lets get into it.
Eldritch Blast - Okay, fine, EB as a class feature. It may seem nitpicky, but don't rename the proper blast into something else. Make that what Eldritch Blast is, and then then let the player pick from 3 upgrades.
- Eldritch Spear increases range, replacing Ray
- Eldritch Scythe is fine I guess, but 100% not what I want from a melee EB
- Eldritch Spasm is fine for Warlocks who are going down the body horror path, I guess? It's mechanically boring, though.
- Edritch Chain could be a reach melee attack with forced movement
- Eldritch Blade could be a single target strike. Simple. It's EB, but melee.
Pact of The Blade is redundant with Eldritch Scythe. Rather than allowing you to do what you can already do, let it instead upgrade melee attacks in some way.
Pact of The Chain is great.
Pact of The Tome is perhaps even better than it is in the PHB, since you can't choose not to have EB in this version of the Warlock. (yes, people choose not to use EB. It's a thing that happens) How good it really is will depend on invocations, of course.
Invocations... This is perhaps the weak point of the document. So many of these are unnecessarily restricted and silo'd. Scythe should just be able to be used any time you could do a melee weapon attack. There shouldn't need to be an invocation for that. At most, make that part of the pact of the blade. But making it an invocation that you can only choose at, what, a single level? Wildly over-restricted.
Thirsting Blade is incredibly bad. It's literally just worse than just using Eldritch Scythe.
Knacks are the only siloing in this class that makes sense and make the class more fun. COmpletely lose the Court and Eldritch tags on invocations, make Scythe and Blade Pact actually work together, with both being worth taking on their own, and you've got an improvement on the phb warlock.
As it is, overall, I'd rather just use the PHB warlock.
Also, the spell points are less interesting than pact magic. Include a way to regain a slot between short rests, or something, or IDK what, but ditching pact magic is a hard pass for me.