I like the embedded smite mechanics, how you effectively can use smite without spells, and can basically gain the benefits of the "smite spells" in the phb without preparing them. I also like that your divine sense is back to at-will (actually even better, "always on") and only the cooler uses of the ability have X per day uses. The restriction was always silly to me in the core class. Lastly, the fact that auras are 15 feet...thank you. Its a small change, but it really does help, you would be surprise how often that restriction comes up.
My disappointment is that it doesn't really fix my biggest issue with the paladin, which is that you don't "really" get a good use for your charisma until 6th level. The charisma bonus to saves is such a core part of the paladin's identity to me, that it really bothers me that you don't get it until 6th. I would have loved to see some variant of the save bonus at 1st level onward, even if its weaker than the current. Aka doesn't start out as an aura, or maybe its charisma bonus but restricted by level. I'm also not opposed to other options, not saying it HAS to be a save bonus...but some very solid mechanically reason for a paladin to choose charisma as a big ability.
I'll nitpick that Heraldric Serman is called "Social Ribbon" in the chart. Also the "Devout" ability....I don't know many paladins that don't have persuasion, it would be nice to see an expertise die or something here if you already have it.
At first glance, this is probably the first class in a while where I'm debating if its actually "stronger" at higher levels. While the paladin takes a while to get all its abilities, once it has them, it has them. In this model, I can switch between them, but I can never have them all at once. Also your smites are not as strong and not as frequent. You do get some maneuvers to compensate, but from my reading of the initial list at least, I don't think there is anything that really tops the stronger smite from vanilla.