Playtest (A5E) Level Up Playtest Document #17: Journeys

Welcome to the 17th Level Up playtest document. This playtest document contains an abbreviated expression of the game’s Journey rules, which form an important part of the exploration pillar of play. When you are ready, please give us feedback by taking the playtest survey...

Welcome to the 17th Level Up playtest document. This playtest document contains an abbreviated expression of the game’s Journey rules, which form an important part of the exploration pillar of play.


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Fatigue. It’s abstract, like hit points and Supply.
That's pretty close to how I'd do it if I were creating travel-based diseases. No need to go too in-depth, considering that most of these sort of diseases cause things like diarrhea or vomiting.


A suffusion of yellow
That's pretty close to how I'd do it if I were creating travel-based diseases. No need to go too in-depth, considering that most of these sort of diseases cause things like diarrhea or vomiting.
I want rules for explosive expulsion of acidic dung and always thought the Digester should be rewritten as a Bonansus. Maybe do a Harry Potter type spell called Expelianus



A5e 3rd Party Publisher!
Fatigue is definitely a nice generic physical debilitation to represent illness.

I still might drop in a few -specific- ones so Cure Disease is still useful.


Having bad food/water cause strive and/or fatigue is probably a good way of handling it too
ofc. And especially good mean could remove a level of strife and maybe fatigue.

I.E: hunting some deer and someone with cooking utensils make a DC20 great meal to boost spirits of the party.


It's early to say yet, but so far this is the highest scoring playtest document yet!
And no wonder! It fills a much-needed niche with remarkable aplomb, and honestly needs at most a few tweaks to be perfect. I can't imagine you're getting calls for any major revisions.

...And I'm working on some more regions as well.


You're not wrong! That's why I use Overland Difficult Terrain a little differently than what is used in combat. Instead of 100% or 50% I use a 25% breakpoint system!

Open Roads/Shirelands travel is 100%. Forest/Hills is down to 75%. Traveling through a Desert or Marsh reduces your movement to 50%. And then Mountainous regions or otherwise very difficult to pass terrain knocks you down to 25%.

Is there Inclement Weather strong enough to impact travel? That's another 25% off.

Big groups or lots of people who need help? 25% off.

Certain things can offset the speed loss. Magic items to alter the weather or something similar? You ignore that 25%. Your army well trained to march in formation? 25% big group penalty is also gone.

It's not -perfect-. But it does a decent job of approximating harshness of terrain or climate and the difficulty in organizing large groups.
I would also include jungle in “otherwise very difficult terrain to pass”.

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