"Levelless" d20?


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I had seen this mentioned on the WOTC board but never heard of it before. Is this from someone's House Rules or is it an actual Rules Variant? Sounds interesting.

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I've seen a PDF called dliberation20 which was pretty tepid and over complicated.

Mutants & Masterminds is almost levelless d20... but I wouldn't play the "truly levelless" variant.


First Post
BiggusGeekus@Work said:
I dunno. When you're modifing the rules that much, I'd suggest just looking at a new game like RuneQuest or Pendragon.

That's more or less what I was thinking, but the reference I read got me curious.


First Post
There's a d20 game out there, Mutants & Masterminds. Classless, leveless, No alignments, no hit dice, and use no other dice than the D20. Looks pretty good as I perused the book a few times.

Here's a quick snip of an interview about the game:
So in Mutants & Masterminds instead of rolling X dice of damage, each attack has a "damage bonus" that the target of the attack makes a saving throw against. The result of the saving throw determines what kind of damage they take: a successful save means no damage, while a failed save means they're hurt. How much depends on how badly they failed the saving throw. A really low save (or a really high damage bonus) can result in an instant knockout.

An added benefit is that you only need a single d20 to play Mutants & Masterminds because everything, from attack and damage rolls to skill and power checks, uses the same basic system.
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First Post
The cover has "Worlds Greatest Superhero RPG" on the cover?...Somebody thinks highly of themselves:rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Actually, I think it's more of a nod to Fantastic Four...but still..:D ;)


Crusty Old Meatwad (he/him)
I know of a pretty good .pdf file on converting d20 Modern to be a classless, level-less system. If anyone is interested, here is the contact info to get it (for free of course):

"Anyone who is interested in getting a copy of my point-based classless system can drop me a line at ialdabaoth@cableone.net and I will send you a copy. It is still essentially a beta version, but is quite complete and probably won't change much before the 1.0, except for added material.

Feedback on the system is very much appreciated.

-Leroy Van Camp III"


First Post
nHammer said:
The cover has "Worlds Greatest Superhero RPG" on the cover?...Somebody thinks highly of themselves:rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Actually, I think it's more of a nod to Fantastic Four...but still..:D ;)

From the review of the game at gamewyrd.com

"The World’s Greatest Superhero RPG!" – so announces the front of Green Ronin’s Mutants & Masterminds.

Brave words.


"The World’s Greatest Superhero RPG!" – that’s what it says on the front cover. The front cover is probably right.

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