D&D 5E List of All 33 Races in Mordenkainen's Monsters of the Multiverse

Mordenkainen Presents Monsters of the Multiverse contains 33 races compiled from previous Dungeons & Dragons books. Aarackocra Assimar Bugbear Centaur Changeling Deep Gnome Duergar Eladrin Fairy Firbolg Genasi, Air Genasi, Earth Genasi, Fire Gennasi, Water Githyanki Githzerai Goblin Goliath Harengon Hobgoblin Kenku Kobold Lizardfolk Minotaur Orc Satyr Sea Elf Shadar Kai Shifter Tabaxi...

Mordenkainen Presents Monsters of the Multiverse contains 33 races compiled from previous Dungeons & Dragons books.


  • Aarackocra
  • Assimar
  • Bugbear
  • Centaur
  • Changeling
  • Deep Gnome
  • Duergar
  • Eladrin
  • Fairy
  • Firbolg
  • Genasi, Air
  • Genasi, Earth
  • Genasi, Fire
  • Gennasi, Water
  • Githyanki
  • Githzerai
  • Goblin
  • Goliath
  • Harengon
  • Hobgoblin
  • Kenku
  • Kobold
  • Lizardfolk
  • Minotaur
  • Orc
  • Satyr
  • Sea Elf
  • Shadar Kai
  • Shifter
  • Tabaxi
  • Turtle
  • Triton
  • Yuan-ti

While reprinted, these races have all been updated to the current standard used by WotC for D&D races used in Tasha's Cauldron of Everything, including a free choice of ability score increases (increase one by 2 points and another by 1 point; or increase three by 1 point), and small races not suffering a movement speed penalty.

The video below from Nerd Immersion delves into the races in more detail.


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I’m sad to see Sunlight Sensitivity go. It was too harsh an imposition, true, but its poor reception seems to have scared wotc off from ever using racial penalties as a balance/flavour tool. I’d have liked to have see thri-kreen, for instance, get disadvantage on swimming checks, or centaurs on climbing checks.

anyone know if goblins still get Fury of the Small? I like the idea of a goblin PC, but they lose a lot of uniqueness if all small races have 30ft movement now (another change I find disappointingly bland, but whatever), and I never liked Fury of the Small as an ability. Just lacked flavour. I hope they’ve changed it.

I know the thread has rocketed past this, but I'll point out that Spell Resistance is nerfed a very different way in the book - most monsters are converted to spell-like abilities rather than spells, which means Magic Resistance is more of a "Friendly Fire Resistance" than actually doing things against enemy combatants.
I havent seen this myself. Could you point out a source or explain a bit more? My issue is that the spell resistance that Yuan Ti and Satyrs have is too strong for PCs to have baseline for me.


From the pit of the 9th
Yeah I feel the same. I'll give things the benefit of the doubt but mine seems to be quickly dwindling too. Up until about a year ago, I'd pre-order most physical books WotC releases with the assumption I'll at least use some of it at some point, which for the most part I have. But moving forward I'll be extremely selective of what I'll consider buying

I don't see the logic behind this. In the history of D&D up until this book have goblinoids ever had resistance to charm or sleep, outside a very specific setting or adventure? I don't think so but correct me if I'm wrong.

Nor do I. I'm worried that by the time 6E comes out every lineage will be indistinguishable from each other except for physical appearance and the game will be so far from its roots to be unrecognizable. The only thing I can think of why they are doing these things is change for the sake of change, which in some cases is good but this doesn't seem to be one of them.
I just think I have been left behind. It happens. It happened before. Then 5e came out and I was in for a good ride overall.

when changes get made it’s usually with and eye to make things better or to solve a problem.

I am not following this or part of Tasha’s. I like the feats plenty and some subclasses but it seems to me things are getting swirled together and homogenized like when my kids make poop brown color mixing their paints.

somewhere someone will probably be happy their “story” is no longer hindered. Meanwhile some of us into a “game” with boundaries are left with something a little too airy and intangible.

I am not sure what we are left with in terms of races. We can say size, ability scores and even aspects of languages and skills known are “whatever you want.”

I guess they are still saying the main groups of them are different? Like if you go to a dwarven stronghold, they’re still dwarfs but just the pc might not be very dwarf-like?

all of this for the person who wants to play a character who is not like other dwarves…I don’t like their appearance skills or abilities…but want to play someone who is from that group?

in that case big changes for quite the niche interest…


I guess I don’t agree that a collection of secondary source races that open up the race aspect of chargen qualifies as “the rules of the PHB [being] overturned” and certainly not “enough that a character made from one does look like one made by the other”.
1) we were talking about WHEN THEY UPDATE THE PHB not now, this isn't the new edition this is the hint that the annaversary/5.5/6 phb will look like
If I showed you two sheets, using the same race, but it’s a race you’ve never looked at and don’t know the specifics of, you wouldn’t know which sheet was made with which writeup.
yes and if I made a 3e character and a 3.5 they LOOK similar if you don't know what they are or how they are made... heck a 4e fighter a 3.5 Bo9S warblade, and a 5e wizard could all be written on non character sheets to look like they play togather (if you didn't know)...
And no general rules have even changed.
I'm sorry but roll d20 add modifire hasn't changed since 2000


I am not sure what we are left with in terms of races. We can say size, ability scores and even aspects of languages and skills known are “whatever you want.”

I guess they are still saying the main groups of them are different? Like if you go to a dwarven stronghold, they’re still dwarfs but just the pc might not be very dwarf-like?

all of this for the person who wants to play a character who is not like other dwarves…I don’t like their appearance skills or abilities…but want to play someone who is from that group?

in that case big changes for quite the niche interest…

My last half-elf character and his sister were orphans. She was raised by a human merchant family (from a young enough age that her elvish was non-existent) and he was taken in by a local family of Dwarfish brewers. (The cause of their being orphaned was tied by the DM to some big plot points for the game). You get some strange looks as a half-elf when you go up to the table of Dwarves who don't know you, but being able to discuss the intracacies of making ale and hold your own in an argument about the different brands in not-very-accented Dwarvish goes a long way. The DM let me take as warhammer as a weapon even though it didn't fit my cleric domain.
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Regardless of how one feels about the direction of the changes, I have to say that having this sort of half updates creates a mess. 5e has for a while had mutating design paradigms which results older stuff being designed with different logic that the newer stuff, and it is just getting worse. It is simply system-aesthetically unappealing and unprofessional. If I pay for stuff, I want it to be polished and coherent. 5e no longer really feels like that.


Regardless of how one feels about the direction of the changes, I have to say that having this sort of half updates creates a mess. 5e has for a while had mutating design paradigms which results older stuff being designed with different logic that the newer stuff, and it is just getting worse. It is simply system-aesthetically unappealing and unprofessional. If I pay for stuff, I want it to be polished and coherent. 5e no longer really feels like that.

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