1. Nine Worlds - There are 9 “worlds”, connected by Crossroads, which are places where the borders meet and crossing is possible. The Ninth World, Chevar, is an impossible planet orbiting a rogue star, with 9 moons. Orbiting where? Depends on where you approach from. Our world, Midgard, you’d have to move through space to find a rogue star system in a middle point between many galaxies. From The Deep, or Nidavellir, you would have to travel through mines and caverns and the tunnels made by various burrowing creatures into The Hollow Deep at the center of the world. As you enter the Hollow Deep, you are blinded by the light of Chevar’s star, and see a planet orbiting it, with 9 moons orbiting the planet, in an unimaginably immense natural cavern. In Yggdrasil, Chevar’s sun is the sun, and which orbits the Tree, and Chevar and it’s moons orbit the sun.
wife needs me, I’ll try to post the other two tomorrow.
Okay, more about the Nine Worlds/Chevar.
Chevar itself is a beautiful, thriving world whose native people can be found in the lore of all worlds.
Dragons - I haven’t figured out what nomenclature I want to use for “mortal” dragons vs ancient powers like the Red Dragon of Wales, but these dragons are about the size of a queztlecoatlus (bearly 10ft tall at the shoulder, 30-36ft wingspan) as young adults (around 15-20yrs old) and grow to about 16-20ft tall at the shoulder, with a 70ft wingspan on the largest mortal individuals. They reach adulthood by about 25, but don’t stop growing until they reach about 100. They also are innately magical, having natural telepathy, the ability to leap incredible distances into the air, and the ability to carry about their own body weight either on their back or in their claws.
Basically, younger dragons are about the size and weight (around 400lbs, prolly) of a queztlcoatlus, and can carry an average human in armor (250-300lbs) or small livestock animals.
The older they get, the more magical they are. They also tend to take on the coloration and features of their home. So a forest dragon will be green or the color of tree bark and might have moss growing on their scales, a coastal dragon might have scales the texture of driftwood or be a deep blue.
The body plan includes a fairly long neck, wings that go all the way down their long tails, and I’m split on number of legs.
They’re as intelligent as humans, and capable of bonding with a mortal and will grow up alongside mortals in the Parth Federation, and these bonds have slowly changed the people into a unique ancestry with their own game stats who are clearly not human, having gained draconic eyes and inhuman coloration, and are on average more slender than humans with very strong muscle attachments meaning they are much stronger than they look.
In some rare cases, dragons are able to learn to take a humanoid form (usually a Parthinian form) and it is generally believed but never openly discussed that some percentage of Parthians have some draconic ancestry. However, sometimes the dragon is stronger, and a child will be born with striking draconic features. Basically imagine a winged tiefling with more draconic than fiendish features, and more subtle than modern tieflings. These are known as Draconids, and many have limited shapeshifter abilities, able to just barely pass as a human or Parthian.
The other native ancestry to Chevar are the
Filidari, who are rather short, usually wiry and heavier and stronger than they look. They can pass as human with a little work, though their coloration is very unusual for humans, tending toward darker skin but with hair ranging from dark red to pale blonde, or from a yellow-green to blue-green, with straight hair being very rare. Their eyes are notable for having much larger irises than humans, with “flecks” of contrasting colors being quite common, and the colors seeming almost metallic.
The Filidari are quick, strong, and surefooted and natural climbers and divers. It’s believed that they evolved on islands and along the coastline of Chevar’s most populated continent, Amarra. In spite of thier athletic physical tendencies, they are most well known as traders, and explorers. Filidari scouts and Travelers can be found anywhere in the 9 Worlds, and are usually happy to trade, hire on as guides, or simply share a meal, news, and stories.
Oh, and they breed, train, sell, eat, harvest milk from, and ride, goat like critters called patha, whose physical structure is something like a mule-goat hybrid, and are strong and surefooted, like mules and goats.