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Living Greyhawk CANCELLED in 2008 - rpga report


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SHARK said:
I, personally, don't think a few adventurers and some magazine articles spread out over ten or 12 or 15 years equals support--certainly not on a viable scale, especially when compared to what has been done for Forgotten Realms.
OK -- there has been more books for FR than Greyhawk, to be sure.

But I am guessing you haven't been a Dragon or Dungeon subscriber, because you wouldn't be making this argument by stating " few adventurers and some magazine articles spread out over ten or 12 or 15 years". Looking through the Dungeon Index in Issue 150 shows me that there are about 100 adventures set in Dungeon since 3.0 that aren't specifically Eberron or FR. Plus the MULTITUDE of articles in Dragon.

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SHARK said:

*shrugs* Well, for those of you that disagree, and think that Greyhawk has indeed been supported well officially, and is a strong and vibrant campaign world--I suppose you are free to do so.

However, most Greyhawk fans that I have ever talked to--the vast majority in fact--would disagree with you. Greyhawk has been dead for years now. There is no comparison. Forgotten Realms has how many supplements? Compare that to what has been produced for Greyhawk in a large time frame. I alluded to the *pimping* support in my post. I, personally, don't think a few adventurers and some magazine articles spread out over ten or 12 or 15 years equals support--certainly not on a viable scale, especially when compared to what has been done for Forgotten Realms.

Semper Fidelis,


By that reasoning, Greyhawk was stillborn as it was NEVER about the sourcebooks unlike the Realms. I've been playing a while and most of those early Greyhawk 'books' were Greyhawk adventurers. If Temple of Elemental Evil is a Greyhawk Product, so is the Shackled City. If the former is a 'generic' adventure for any D&D campaign, then yeah, Greyhawk's always been a 'dead' setting and people have been performing mental masterbation for a while.


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Yes, I have always been a subscriber to Dragon and Dungeon both. :cool:

Maybe you think that a few adventures, and support in the magazines is sufficient.


Most Greyhawk fans that I have talked to, do not think that is sufficient.

I can't say it's terribly impressive, either. When I look at the amount and quality of supplements offered for Forgotten Realms--dozens--and Greyhawk....hmmm...there was the Gazeteer, now Castle Greyhawk...maybe a few more since 3.0, but not much.

If I thought that Greyhawk was supported well, and a vibrant, strong campaign world, I would say so.

But, to be honest, offcially, it feels dead. Dead, dead, dead. On any number of other message boards, again--the vast majority of Greyhawk fans do not feel that Greyhawk has been well-supported officially, and hasn't been for years. Furthermore, as the years have gone by with such meager official support, it has come to be far more of a fan-supported campaign world, than an official one.

Semper Fidelis,



Less is more. Quality vs Quantity I say. Paizo and the RPGA supported GH better than TSR did in the 90's. And I was glad GH didn't get support from Wizards -directly- because that's more money for them, unlike the other two settings whose fans usually act more starved when they aren't buying a book a month plus novels. Less support makes you appreciate what you get more.


SHARK said:


Maybe you think that a few adventures, and support in the magazines is sufficient.


I can't say it's terribly impressive, either. When I look at the amount and quality of supplements offered for Forgotten Realms--dozens--and Greyhawk....hmmm...there was the Gazeteer, now Castle Greyhawk...maybe a few more since 3.0, but not much.

But, to be honest, offcially, it feels dead. Dead, dead, dead. On any number of other message boards, again--the vast majority of Greyhawk fans do not feel that Greyhawk has been well-supported officially, and hasn't been for years. Furthermore, as the years have gone by with such meager official support, it has come to be far more of a fan-supported campaign world, than an official one.

Semper Fidelis,

Hey, Shark.

Someone mentioned this a while back, and I think it rings pretty true for me: Greyhawk is more defined by its adventures. FR is more defined by its book line. A nice map and gazetteer it great, but really, the heart of the setting is stuff like the Temple of Elemental Evil and Village of Hommlet. At least for me. As long as good GH adventures keep coming out I'd be rather happy to run it.
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First Post
SHARK said:

Yes, I have always been a subscriber to Dragon and Dungeon both. :cool:

Maybe you think that a few adventures, and support in the magazines is sufficient.


Most Greyhawk fans that I have talked to, do not think that is sufficient.

I can't say it's terribly impressive, either. When I look at the amount and quality of supplements offered for Forgotten Realms--dozens--and Greyhawk....hmmm...there was the Gazeteer, now Castle Greyhawk...maybe a few more since 3.0, but not much.

If I thought that Greyhawk was supported well, and a vibrant, strong campaign world, I would say so.

But, to be honest, offcially, it feels dead. Dead, dead, dead. On any number of other message boards, again--the vast majority of Greyhawk fans do not feel that Greyhawk has been well-supported officially, and hasn't been for years. Furthermore, as the years have gone by with such meager official support, it has come to be far more of a fan-supported campaign world, than an official one.

Semper Fidelis,


But hasn't that been true for most of 2nd edition too? Hell, I know some 'fans' of the setting who click their heels together when talking about Greyhawk Wars.

It's hard to update a setting that only exists in people's minds and hasn't existed anywhere else since then.


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Sad news.

Looks like Old Yeller, I mean Greyhawk, has finally been taken out behind the shed to be lovingly euthanized with a 30-06. :(


First Post
Damn. Living Greyhawk was fantastic fun when I was playing it.

This announcement doesn't hurt too bad though. LG died for me a while ago when they kicked half of Australia out of Perrenland without any consultation and shoved us in a different metaregion to boot.

Still angry over that, especially when so many of us had fallen in love with our home region and both rp'd and built our characters FOR the flavour of the (meta)region.


Wizards seems to be assuming that most people play Living Greyhawk for DnD, rather than Greyhawk.

This may be true.

I am not one of those people, though. Nor are quite a few of my LG-playing friends.

So this means that the odds of me buying even the 4e PHB have all but dropped off the radar. I've no interest in an LFR campaign. Too bad, too, because I was fine with the campaign reboot. Goodbye RPGA. :(

who couldn't stand Living City, even before OP took it over

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