Looking for Stories



Laughing at the song the Gerik sang, D'win takes a drink of the rum that Savien had bought her. "AHHHH, that tastes good. No, I normally don't take songs, I won't take this one, but I do remember them and sing them there. Thank you Gerik for the wonderful song."

Then turning to Savien, she noddes her head. "That was a very cute story, one that is worth taking. It will go in the Book of Mortals, hopfully someone someday will use it or find humor in it." Giggling softly as she writes it in her book, the company hears her softly say, "Moo".

Then turning to speak to Gerik, she is shock to find that Try has found his way to the neighboring table. He looked horrible, so she called for a water and then an ale.
"Try, what is wrong, are you hurt badly?

I am sorry Savien, your questions will have to wait until I know if Try here will be alright. I am truly sorry for the inconveince, but he is a friend of mine, well sort of."

Then shrugging her shoulders at the last part of her sentence, she is busy finding help for Try. Giving the rest of her party a "I'll be right back look", she continues to work over Try.

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Sir Trystan Gabriel

I....was in a battle......nearby......

My.....my squire......he didn't make it.......

Neither did my......mount.

My healing magics.......could not save either of them.......

Unfortunately.....I expended them all in attempting to heal my squire.....

I....don't think....I was too badly injured......

There are deep gouges in his armor, apparently made by large claws. Pieces of the armor are missing, or hanging loose from the mail. His tabbard is torn and stained completely red, hanging barely by a thread from his shoulders. His left arm hangs limply at his side, immobile.



Gerik is sobbered up in a heart beat, upon hearing of this knight's attack. "May the Lord of all things good take this man's squire and grant him a peaceful rest." Upon saying that pray, Gerik gets up and carefully looks to the imoblie arm.

"Someone call a healer quick!!"Then turning to D'win, "So much for the light evening. Is there anything you can do for him? Being a person who travels by themselves, you must know how to care for wounds."

Then stopping and running the palm of his hand into his head, he dives into the bag that he was caring and pulls out a small bottle. Then waving it under Try's nose, he hopes that it will bring him around a little bit more. Then once more he diggs in his bag and pulls out a rolll of gazes and starts wrapping the wounds that are the biggest. "I am sorry if this hurts, but the bleeding must be stopped, or you will loose all of your blood. Damn, Savien, call for more whiskey.
Turning back to Try he continues, the whiskey will stop any infection and might slow the bleeding a little. So grin and bare with it, alright?! Then taking the last of his whiskey Gerik pours it on the wounds. "This will all be worth a story in D'win's book. Hopefully it ends well."

Then looking on at D'win and Savien, he sat back and waited to see what all of his medicines were doing.


Sir Trystan Gabriel

Thank you.....for your concern. I'll be just fine. I need only a few moments to....rest.

He draws a small dagger and uses it to cut the straps of his breastplate, which he lets clatter to the floor

I'm wearing a ring of regeneration. My wounds have closed themselves. There is no need to fuss over me.



Savien is saddened by the loss of this brave man's squire, and mount. He has a great friendship with his own steed, and knows this man has lost two noble servants.

He knows the warrior will heal, as he wears a similar ring, but is still concerned. "Tell me good sir, did you slay this creature, whatever it was? If it yet lives, perhaps my axe and I may aid you in taking some revenge for the loss you have suffered."

"If you need help, then I will go at once and fetch my armor, and other weapons. Such a beast as can make wounds like these cannot be allowed to roam about freely."


Sir Trystan Gabriel

The creature.....the creature is quite dead. I slew it myself before I lost conciousness on the battlefield. Unless it has some sort of magical regeneration that I'm not aware of, and I doubt that, it is quite dead.



After seeing how fast Gerik moved in trying to heal Try and how fast Try was healing himself, D'win went and sat back in her chair. "Well, this evening took a wrong turn, but it is coming back." Then looking at Savien, D'win answers one of his questions.

"Am I mortal? Hummmmmmmm.......I don't think of myself as a mortal, since I myself am a Angel. I was cast out because of reasons that I wish not to speak about, they cause me to much pain. I will tell you this, it envolves my sword and my dagger. The other questions, let me see. Oh yes, I do not tell others sotries, but when a person reads one from my book, they hear the voice of the person who told it in their heads. Like I said, a story is best told from the mouth of the one who gave it to me."

Then grinning, she settles back agian, thinks and takes another drink of her rum. "This is very good. Now the other questions, I don't remember, can you ask agian. When Try showed up, these are the only ones that stuck in my brain. And you do not have to call me "Lady D'win" I am as for from being a lady as the world is from the sun."



Everythig in the tavern begins to return to normal, and D'win answers the questions Savien had asked. 'It seems like every question I ask only raises a dozen more' he thinks to himself.

"I understand that your past may not be somethiing you want to speak about so I will hold any other questions for now. Perhaps your friend will share a story, for us as well as your book."

So saying he looks to Try, to see if the knight might feel like telling a tale while his wounds heal.

"If no one els has one perhaps Gerik or myself can come up with another. If you are tired of my stories I will let others talk," he says D'win's way. "If not then tell me what sort of tale you wish to record next and I will see if I know one of that sort."

Savien sits wondering if the knight will have a story. He wonders to himself how a knight and an angel got aquainted. That would be an interesting tale....



"No Svien, your stories are fine. But let us wait and see if Try has a story to share with us." Taking the final drink of her rum, D'win moves a few of the glasses around and makes a hole for her books.

"When all is ready,I would like to just talk with you all. I now am friends with you all, friends already with Try, and would just like to hear about yourselves. Write about you also, if you gentlemen do not mind."

Then turning to Gerik, she speaks. "It looks as if your feild training would have worked, if only Try was not already healing himself." Then giving both of the men a smile she settles down to wacth how Gerik and Savien take to Try.



Silxa listens intently as the conversation about the table explodes. There comes a quiet moment and she quickly acknowledges D'win, "No, I am not dead my friend. I am changed for the better. I am not sure to what extent, as I have not fully tested my new 'powers'. If I may be so bold as to call it that. I am still getting used to this new state of being, and I come seeking my friends who cannot be lost to time."

She smiles wryly at D'win, and lifting her glass to the rest gathered proposes, "To the young and the young at heart."

Taking a draught of the water D'win called for she inhales deeply and lets out a breath that is seen, as on a cold winter's day.

Voidrunner's Codex

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