Looking for Stories

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Jumping slightly at the sound of her friend's voice, D'win is relieved to find out that her friend is not dead. "It is great to see that you are in the realm of the living and not of the dead. But new powers you say, how did this happen? Would it be worth telling us the tale? I would geuss that the others would be happy to hear someone else speak."

Motioning with her hand to the others, D'win settles down with her book and makes a few copies. "A toast, no one has done a toast in a long while. To the Young and the Young at Heart! Cheers! Then lifing her wine glass, she takes a drink. Then turning to Savien and Gerik, she speaks.

"Now to a stories, we have two new guest at our table and they both seem to have a story worth my book. Would you both agree with me?" Looking at Savien and Gerik, D'win then turns to Silxa and whispers.

"My dear, I have a question that is a little personal, did you find any trace of your family or anything like them?" With a hint of saddness in her eyes she asks this question and scribbles a few more things in her book of Mortals.

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"It lives!!!!!" Gerik is shocked to hear the one called Silxa speak. "I thought that she was dead and what is with the breathe. She makes me cold." Shivering as Silxa lets out her breathe of frost. Gerik settles back down in his chair ,after seeing that Try ws healing himself, his feet back on the table.

" I agree with you D'win, her story would be interesting to hear. And besides, I think that use two guys and yourself D'win are tired of hearing ourselves talk."

Picking his mug of whiskey back up he puts it to his lips and stops. "A toast!? This is strange, who toasts to the young. I will!!!!!!!!!!!" Laughing loudly, he raises his mug. "May the Young never see the things that we have seen. And may they always be youthfull!!! Damn, I can think of no song that would work for being young."

With all that said, Gerik raised his mug higher and then took a drink.

"Also a toast to the old and experienced may they pass to the young their knowledge and wisdom. And to the dead may they find peace in the life beyond."

Her white eyes flicker with a red light and she smiles wryly.

After pausing to drink down the last of her water she again speaks, "That was only one of the things I can now do. Not always only when I want to. Does it suprise you? I am sure D'win, at least is trying to figure out why I am aging faster than is normal, gaining odd 'powers' and yet am keeping some things constant. To tell the truth I know not why. Perhaps I was bewitched more than I know or perhaps it is some god's idea of fun. You know let's mess with that mortal; she does not know what she looks like anyhow. "

"Then there is the issue of moratality. I am not even human anymore or so I believe. I no longer am filled with living warmth. The breath thing comes partly from being cold inside. I have the qualities of a corpse except that I am not rotting away."

"Is there anything else you wish to know of me?" She cocks her head at Gerik, swipes his feet from the table with her staff, grabs his mug and swallows the contents in one big gulp.

"No offense but I do not take kindly to feet on tables. Not sure why never really thought it proper is all. Ick, or whiskey."

Savien hoists his glass with D'win and Gerik in a toast to the young. He also joins Silxa in her toast to the old. Being half elven he is already older than most humans, and will live three if thier lifetimes at least, if a blade or disease does not cut his life short.

He listens with interest as Silxa speaks, and wonders to himself what caused her current state. She seems very interesting, but just a little creepy at the same time.
He laughs as she swipes Gerik's feet off the table, and wonders what his reaction will be. He tries to distract him from being angry by joking"I believe she thinks you have had enough whiskey Gerik."

He laughs and says "D'win do you think you can goad a story out of these two? I am ready to hear a good one." So saying he sits and waits to see who speaks.

"Oh, I can get a good story out of anyone. Silxa is a great person to hear speak, she weaves such pretty tales and dangerous ones. Even though she is blind she has 'seen' alot." Answering Savien's question and then turning to Silxa.

Then noticing that Gerik's feet were no longer on the table D'win laughs. "I forgot that about you Silxa, you are one for politeness and clean things." Looking around, D'win seems lost. "Where is your bird, Leek, I think his name was that anyways."

"Gerik do you have anymore tales to enlighten us with, besides the one that I have already taken?" With a drink of her wine, she puts the glass down picks up her dagger, playing with it in one hand and with the other hand she writes.

"Oh, Lech. Ah, Yes, he is out and about these days. I no longer need his service, but I still hold him as a friend. He is attending to his own business now. I do see him on occation though. Infact he was here with me a few days ago, but alas is gone again."

"Quite so let's have a tale. Shall we?" Silxa sits back quietly, patiently, waiting for a tale to begin.

Laughing he looks at Silxa, "I thought you would have a tale to tell us and here you are, knocking my feet off of the table,"then looking at his glass sadly "and then you drink the last of my whiskey. You are not nice. I have already given a story. It is your turn."

Grinning at Silxa, Gerik once more puts his booted feet up on the table a rocks back on his chair. Calling for the wench to bring more whiskey, Gerik turns his attention to Savien. "No, I don't think I have had my limit in drink. I can go for three more."Giving a small belch and yelling at the wench to bring some bread and cheese, Gerik continues with Savien. "What do you think of these two women, they look like they both have a few tricks up their sleeves. That could be dangerous. No?! Also, they look like they have known each other for a long time, what do you think?"

Savien grins slyly and answers Gerik saying, "There has never been a woman born without tricks, and most of them can be at least a little dangerous. Isn't that right ladies." Laughing he says, " Oh sorry D'win, I remember you dislike being referred to as a lady, but anything else seems impolite."

"Yes, the also seem to know each other quite well. Perhaps hearing how they met would be an ineresting story. But I'd bet that one is in the book already."

"I may even remeber a tale or two about dangerous women," He says. "I will try to rremember the details if you will give me a bit. Perhaps someone will tell just a short tale in the meantime."

He gets himself another drink, wine this time, and sneaks a bite or two of Gerik's cheese while thinking about a story.

Looking at Gerik's boots on the table once more, he muses that this one must not have shared a home with a lady in quite some time...

Laughing at being called a lady, D'win shakes her haed at both Gerik and Savien. "Men too have been known to have a few tricks up their sleeves, but they have never been as deadly as a woman's."

Draining her glass and grinnning at them both, she thinks of a story that could be told. "I have a folk tale about a King and his Court called "The Loathly Lady" it is also known as "Sir Gawin and the Loathly Lady", if anyone is interested in hearing it. But I believe that Silxa has heard it before. Am I correct, my dear friend?"

Then looking at Gerik's boots, she is happy to see that they are at least clean looking and they are not in anyones way.

"Lady I have not been called that in years. I have heard the tale before, D'win, but seeing as how these fellows want to hear of how we met I believe one of us should tell them."

She clears her throat loudly and shakes her head at Gerik, and then says, "We met here, some time ago, 5 maybe 6 years, perhaps more. It started out being a quiet evening, but before the night was over friends had been made, blood had been spilt, and lives had been lost. I shall let D'win give details, if she so desires, for I saw nothing only heard. And when action arose I ducted out of its way."

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