D&D General Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth - welcome your thoughts and suggestions

but as 5e has taken out most save-or-die effects and has also taken out level drains it might be a bit underwhelming now; the final battle in particular.
that was my first thought as well... remove the 'save or die' and level drain, and the module becomes a lot less deadly. You could probably replace the bodak with something tougher, but not sure what you do with the vampiress....

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that was my first thought as well... remove the 'save or die' and level drain, and the module becomes a lot less deadly. You could probably replace the bodak with something tougher, but not sure what you do with the vampiress....
Beef her up as a solo. Give her some warrior focused legendary actions etc.


Victoria Rules
Beef her up as a solo. Give her some warrior focused legendary actions etc.
What she really needs is some help, and by help I mean allies, but other than bats (which aren't much use) she has no way of generating any.

I mean, even switching out one of the other expensive treasure items there for a Dancing Sword would be something...


I am currently running the 3.5 version. Not sure how 5e plays out, but in 3.5 it is easy to have a 5 minute adventuring day as most of the monsters are do not co-operate and their is not unified resistance.
You should also consider what happens when/if the part gets the Demonomicon...
Some very powerful forces should be interested in the book, not the least of which is Iuz himself.

Good setup for a 5 armies type of battle or the PCs being continually hounded by various evil and good factions.


Victoria Rules
I am currently running the 3.5 version. Not sure how 5e plays out, but in 3.5 it is easy to have a 5 minute adventuring day as most of the monsters are do not co-operate and their is not unified resistance.
You should also consider what happens when/if the part gets the Demonomicon...
When I played this module many years ago we found the Demonomicon just fine but had no idea what it was and no real interest in finding out, and even less interest once we realized how! much! money! people were willing to offer us for it.

So we just sold it without a second thought.


Voidrunner's Codex

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