D&D General Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth - welcome your thoughts and suggestions

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As for 5e conversion, there is this guide:

This is the one I used. The initial release of the guide in 2016 was missing stuff, but the author was very communicative and fixed things pretty quickly.

Unfortunately the campaign fell apart right as they were starting the Lower Caverns so I can't give a full review. What I used of it was pretty good.

Eyes of Nine

Everything's Fine
This is the one I used. The initial release of the guide in 2016 was missing stuff, but the author was very communicative and fixed things pretty quickly.

Unfortunately the campaign fell apart right as they were starting the Lower Caverns so I can't give a full review. What I used of it was pretty good.
Bought, thanks. Exactliy what I needed.

Eyes of Nine

Everything's Fine
In case anyone cares, I have now decided to follow up Tharizdun with G1-3 (Against the Giants), and then Descent into the depths, ending against Lolth. This is because

The bad guy in Phandelver is the Black Spider, so now I am going to have him be directly an emissary of Lolth...


One of the big bads in Tharizdun is a Giant

Should be fun!
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When I played this module many years ago we found the Demonomicon just fine but had no idea what it was and no real interest in finding out, and even less interest once we realized how! much! money! people were willing to offer us for it.

So we just sold it without a second thought.

In one campaign our party acquired a Chaos Diamond. We sold it without a second thought.

The DM, deciding to teach us a lesson, had the buyer use it as part of an evil scheme. Called in to deal with the fallout, we defeated the buyer (and got a reward) and re-acquired the Diamond. Which we promptly sold again.

It didn't turn up for a 3rd time, so the DM learned something even if the Players didn't.

I would use something from Goodman Games Original Adventures Reincarnated for the in-between adventure.

Tsojcanth is a great adventure. It’s what got me into DMing Greyhawk. If you want to get into Greyhawk, check out fan-made materials like Anna Meyers maps, Canonfire website, and various Facebook groups.

Eyes of Nine

Everything's Fine
The Demonicom
Lost Caverns
Return of Tharizdun
Boxed set super-campaign.

Now, if only there was a 50th Anniversary coming up that needed a perfect celebration.......
Apologies for the necro, but I was re-reading this thread and saw this post - looks like GuyBoy you are going to get your wish - at least in terms of Tsojcanth getting the 5e treatment this year

Voidrunner's Codex

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