[LPF] Allbright's Shadow


Borric Hawkins, Male Human Fighter


Borric looks at Kalinn with a raised eyebrow, "Are we talking some anger issues or serious battle rage? Or do you actually become a demon in combat."

"I am curious, do you lose control for normal things?"

He stops up short in his chitchatting when the robed man asked them a question.

"Mage? Who-... oh, you probably mean gramps. I think he is one."

"I can see if he is awake."

Borric ducks into the magical shelter and sees Relic towards the center, "You have someone here that wants to swap secrets."

[sblock=Mini Stats]Borric Hawkins
+4 Perception: +16
AC: 30 (25 w/out shield, 28(23w/shield) flat-footed, 13 Touch)
HP: 103 Current: 103
CMB: +15 CMD: 28 (30 vs. Disarm/ 32 vs. Trip) Fort: +12 Reflex: +8 Will: +7 (+10 vs. Fear)
Conditions in Effect: Ioun Torch (in darkness), Combat Reflexes (3 AoO), Step Up, Greater Trip, Power Attack (-3/+6Dmg) or Combat Expertise (-3/+3AC), Lunge

Current Weapon in Hand: Longbow(LH) & Mwk Spiked Gauntlet (RH)
Chakram: 1/1 MWK & 6/6 Cold Iron remaining
Light Hammers: 2/2 remaining[/sblock]

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First Post
"Thank you Borric. Your restraint in announcing our visitor is appreciated. Unfortunately the spell restricts me to the confines of the shelter. Could you please invite him to enter on my behalf " replied the old man, pausing to look up from his book.

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!

Kalinn takes the keg of ale from the overworked barkeep, tucks it under an arm, and grabs whatever else she needs to carry without breaking stride. She considers Borric's question as they exit the inn and he has his exchange with the robed man on the log. "When that part of my heritage takes me, I feel filled with clarity. I see field of battle more clearly, and am filled with energy and strength. I don't feel angry at all. Not like Daylily, there . . . he's a true beast on the battlefield, and glad I am that he's on our side."

Hmmm. Something about this stranger worries me . . . As Borric makes his announcement to Relic and the old Mage invites the man in, Kalinn determines to keep a close eye on him. Winterbite is close at hand, as always.​
[sblock=Mini Stats]
Kalinn Ari

Current Block
Initiative: +03
AC: 29 (16 Touch, 26 Flat-Footed)
HP: 127/127
CMB: +14 CMD: 30
Fort: +09 Reflex: +07 Will: +09

Standard Block
Initiative: +03
AC: 29 (16 Touch, 26 Flat-Footed)
HP: 127/127
CMB: +14 CMD: 30
Fort: +09 Reflex: +07 Will: +09

Rage Block
Initiative: +03
AC: 27 (14 Touch, 24 Flat-Footed)
HP: 160/160
CMB: +16 CMD: 30
Fort: +12 Reflex: +07 Will: +11

Rage Block (Hafísbíta in Hand)
Initiative: +3
AC: 27 (14 Touch, 24 Flat-Footed)
HP: 155/155
CMB: +15 CMD: 29
Fort: +11 Reflex: +06 Will: +10

Fatigue Block
Initiative: +2
AC: 28 (15 Touch, 26 Flat-Footed)
HP: 127/127
CMB: +11 CMD: 24
Fort: +09 Reflex: +06 Will: +07

Senses: DarkVision
Perception: +10, Sense Motive: +0

Special: Rage (Remaining Rounds: 16/16)
Special: Spirit Totem (+9/1d4+2)
Special: Claws (Remaining Rounds: 05/05)

Current Weapon in Hand: Hafísbíta

Hafísbíta Powers Available
Special: Boon: Shield (Remaining Points: 10/10)
Special: Boon: Healing Surge
Special: Boon: Cure Light Wounds (Remaining: 03/03)
Special: Boon: Heroism (Remaining: 01/01)
Special: Boon: Gallant Inspiration (Remaining: 01/01)

Spells Available
  • Level 0: Unlimited
  • Level 1: 7/7 per Day
  • Level 2: 6/6 per Day
  • Level 3: 3/3 per Day
Level 0: Acid Splash, Disrupt Undead, Jolt, Haunted Fey Aspect, Mending, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost
Level 1: Ear Piercing Scream, Magic Missile, Protection from Evil, Shield
Level 2: Frigid Touch, Protection from Evil (Communal), Resist Energy
Level 3: Fly, Haste
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Satin Knights

First Post
Once invited in, the robed man closes his book, stands and follows the others in. "Greetings. I am Hasamanki. With the Holy Order of the Sentinels holding another of their grand festivities I have returned to partake once again. One of the unexpected gifts of the gathering is the opportunity to meet people from far and wide. I myself am Rhat'Matani. But after meeting so many wizards with so many esoteric spells during the last gathering, I have been wandering your northern lands. The baronies have been full of life and joy, but now I circle back towards my homelands. Living in my boots these many years, I have been learning the arcane ways and spells of the north. If you would be a wizard who would desire to trade spells, I would be oh so most appreciative."


First Post
"Greetings Hasamanki. I have a few hours to spare" Relic replies taking stock of the man. "I am always open to expanding my knowledge. If there is something I can teach you in exchange I will. I have no ... how did Borric put it ... secrets." If Relic feels no threat from the man he indicates that he should come and sit near him and readies his two spell books to share his knowledge with the wizard.

[sblock=OOC] Sense Motive 14
I though it was the hook in to the story for the other wizard who has not joined the party yet. Relic will exchange spells with this wizard. He does have a wisdom of 8.

WHat Knowledge check do I make to know what a Rhat'matani is? Can I take 10 on the check?

Satin Knights

First Post
"Thank you, thank you." He takes off his cloak and lays it down upon the ground before sitting upon it. He hands over a small book to Relic, and it is indeed a traveler's book of spells. After a bit of examination, Relic and Hasamanki start going through and comparing notes and would be most beneficial to learn from the other. At times, they drift into other languages, draconic, sylvan, celestial. Once they are a bit more comfortable with each other, each man hands over their larger books for perusal.

Kalinn keeps a suspicious eye on the new comer. But all his actions and mannerisms seem true to his stated purpose. In fact, after a few moments, he seems to have forgotten that he is surrounded by several men and a woman in battle armor.

[sblock=Kalinn]Perception (1d20+12=26) In the wavering light of a couple ioun torches, you see a few tattoos on the swarthy man. Occasionally, one of them seems to shift positions in the uneven light. After a little more time, you make out that it is the head of a dragon upon Hasamaki's neck. About the time you relax your guard a bit, it moves again. This time, you swear the tattoo winked at you.[/sblock][sblock=Relic]Rhat'matanis is one of the oldest nations to the south. He is an ethnic human from that region. Knowledge Local for more info. I will send you PM info on just how much you can learn off of him in a few moments.
As to Sense Motive: He seems like an honest traveler. Because the ceremony draws people from all over, this is one of the few times he doesn't get treated like a foreigner.[/sblock]


First Post
Completely engrossed in the foreign wizard's spell book he does manage to mutter "So Hasamanki, you are heading the same way as us. Why don't you travel with us. I would appreciate the company, that is certain."

[sblock=OOC]As per private message with [MENTION=6666968]Satin Knights[/MENTION] :

For that night and the following 2 nights while we travel, Relic will study and scribe:

Protection from Evil, Communal lvl 2 150 gp 3 hrs (1 1/2 hrs)
Mirror Image lvl 2 150 gp 3 hrs (1 1/2 hrs)
Blur lvl 2 150 gp 3 hrs (1 1/2 hrs)
Gust of Wind lvl 2 150 gp 3 hrs (1 1/2 hrs)
Darkvision, Communal lvl 3 375 gp 4 hrs (2 hrs)
Control Summoned Creature lvl 4 700 gp 5 hrs (2 1/2 hrs)
Suffocation lvl 5 1,125 gp 6 hrs (3 hrs)
Break Enchantment lvl 5 1,125 gp 6 hrs (3 hrs)
Elemental Body III lvl 5 1, 125 gp 6 hrs (3 hrs)

Total gold: 5050 gp 39 hours study and scribing (Fast Study reduces time to 19 hours and a half as per pm with SK);
30 pages used of Blessed Book (No ink required)
Ring of Preservation makes it reasonable that Relic could learn and scribe all of those spells in 3 nights [/sblock]


Borric Hawkins, Male Human Fighter


Borric stands aside and says softly, "Pour us some drink, if you please Kalinn."

She has the keg and he has the cups, leaving Fury to carry the munchies. He holds out the cups, each in turn for her to fill.

After watching the pouring carefully, he glances up at the female warrior and asks with his voice still low as to not wake any of the snoring people inside the dome, "That part of your heritage? If you don't mind me prying, just what the hell are you talking about then?"

"Do you shift shapes, transmogrify, or something?"

On overhearing some of the conversation between the two wizards where his name gets mentioned, Borric blurts a sudden, "Psshaw." Then he covers up his interruption with a drink from his mug and a shakes his head with a gesture that says he doesn't want to interject into the conversation. With two of the fool wizards traveling with them, he clearly knows to watch what he says. He really considers changing his title to the Giant Slayer as mage's are tending to be very useful to have around. The gruff warrior doesn't give a fook about giants though.

[sblock=Mini Stats]Borric Hawkins
+4 Perception: +16
AC: 30 (25 w/out shield, 28(23w/shield) flat-footed, 13 Touch)
HP: 103 Current: 103
CMB: +15 CMD: 28 (30 vs. Disarm/ 32 vs. Trip) Fort: +12 Reflex: +8 Will: +7 (+10 vs. Fear)
Conditions in Effect: Ioun Torch (in darkness), Combat Reflexes (3 AoO), Step Up, Greater Trip, Power Attack (-3/+6Dmg) or Combat Expertise (-3/+3AC), Lunge

Current Weapon in Hand: Longbow(LH) & Mwk Spiked Gauntlet (RH)
Chakram: 1/1 MWK & 6/6 Cold Iron remaining
Light Hammers: 2/2 remaining[/sblock]

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!

Kalinn sets the keg aside once the drinks are poured and takes a healthy swig, then sighs as she responds to Borric's question. She, too, keeps her voice down so as not to disturb the conversation between the two wizards. "It's complicated; but no, I don't change shape. My father is directly descended from a Silver Dragon, my mother from an Ice Demon. Both of those ancestors are in the very distant past, but for some reason both of their blood runs strongly in my veins. From both of them, I inherited some measure of sorcerous abillity. From the Dragon Mynhear I also got strength and purpose, and from the Demon Gelugon I got this battle-madness of which we're speaking." She shakes her head slightly as she continues. "Recently, I've come to realize that the order and benevolence of my dragon heritage isn't playing well with the chaotic and destructive nature of my demon blood. As I said, complicated.

"But what of you? I mean no offense, but your language is far more coarse than your appearance would lead one to expect. You talk like the common mercenaries I've known, but you look like one who'll fit in well at the ceremony to which we're headed."
[sblock=Mini Stats]
Kalinn Ari

Current Block
Initiative: +03
AC: 29 (16 Touch, 26 Flat-Footed)
HP: 127/127
CMB: +14 CMD: 30
Fort: +09 Reflex: +07 Will: +09

Standard Block
Initiative: +03
AC: 29 (16 Touch, 26 Flat-Footed)
HP: 127/127
CMB: +14 CMD: 30
Fort: +09 Reflex: +07 Will: +09

Rage Block
Initiative: +03
AC: 27 (14 Touch, 24 Flat-Footed)
HP: 160/160
CMB: +16 CMD: 30
Fort: +12 Reflex: +07 Will: +11

Rage Block (Hafísbíta in Hand)
Initiative: +3
AC: 27 (14 Touch, 24 Flat-Footed)
HP: 155/155
CMB: +15 CMD: 29
Fort: +11 Reflex: +06 Will: +10

Fatigue Block
Initiative: +2
AC: 28 (15 Touch, 26 Flat-Footed)
HP: 127/127
CMB: +11 CMD: 24
Fort: +09 Reflex: +06 Will: +07

Senses: DarkVision
Perception: +10, Sense Motive: +0

Special: Rage (Remaining Rounds: 16/16)
Special: Spirit Totem (+9/1d4+2)
Special: Claws (Remaining Rounds: 05/05)

Current Weapon in Hand: Hafísbíta

Hafísbíta Powers Available
Special: Boon: Shield (Remaining Points: 10/10)
Special: Boon: Healing Surge
Special: Boon: Cure Light Wounds (Remaining: 03/03)
Special: Boon: Heroism (Remaining: 01/01)
Special: Boon: Gallant Inspiration (Remaining: 01/01)

Spells Available
  • Level 0: Unlimited
  • Level 1: 7/7 per Day
  • Level 2: 6/6 per Day
  • Level 3: 3/3 per Day
Level 0: Acid Splash, Disrupt Undead, Jolt, Haunted Fey Aspect, Mending, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost
Level 1: Ear Piercing Scream, Magic Missile, Protection from Evil, Shield
Level 2: Frigid Touch, Protection from Evil (Communal), Resist Energy
Level 3: Fly, Haste
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First Post
With the return of everyone to the campsite, Aradra's well trained ears pick up the quiet sounds of them talking, and rolls over in his hammock to get a better look at who was all there. Still half asleep, he takes a look around at the now crowded area, looking at the newest arrival in their midst. Since no one woke him up when he arrived, clearly he was not a threat.

Getting up, and being careful to not trod on Shadow, the soldier pulls on his quiver, but does not yet pull out his bow for his night patrol. Instead, he sits down with the others, trying to find out what they are talking about.

Since it has been two hours since Aradra slept, he can wake up now. Hurray for ring of sustenance.

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