[LPF] Return to Boar's Ridge


Tamarie the Songweaver
As Devlin recovers the two small vials, Tamarie's eyes light up. "Oh, are those magical potions? Bring them over here, let's take a look." After a quick song in reverence to Sapo, the Venzan god of knowledge, she nods her head, "Yes yes, they are magical, alright, let me see..." After a bit of swirling, smelling, examining and thinking, she concludes, "I know this must be simple for you, Devlin, but let me try... Ok, this one I think is for healing, and not just a little bit. It's pretty good. The other, well... what do you think?" She hands it back to him, shrugging her shoulders. With her hood down and given his unusual vantage (she is sitting while he is standing), the tufts of hair growing from her long, tapered ears become obvious.

[sblock=Stuff]I think I can identify #2 with the 23. I just wanted to try. :)
Arcana Knowledge to Identify potential healing potions: 1D20+5 = [6]+5 = 11
1D20+5 = [18]+5 = 23

So loot, right. Hmm, I think Tamarie's biggest problem is carrying stuff. A Handy Haversack would be keen.

As far as a healing potion, I nearly did buy one or two, but I was over-tempted by the 100 gold for the cost of living improvement. I reasoned that I had some natural healing, and that would cover what a potion could do. Didn't work out so well.[/sblock]

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First Post

Devlin brings the potions over to Tamarie allowing her to test her hand at discerning the use of the potions. The little alchemist is impressed by her determination of the first potions qualities and smiles at her as he hands the second potion back.

"You are indeed correct on your assessment. This potion is also a healing potion of moderate strength." Devlin makes a quick note in his diary about the potions quality. Perhaps our two friends here could benefit from these concoctions. Use that one for Yosephus and I will help out Darvus." Devlin takes the potion over to his ally and attempts to pour the concoction down his throat, healing him of some of his wounds.

[sblock=Spellcraft] Potion 2 check: 1D20+9 = [12]+9 = 21 [/sblock]
[sblock=Extract] Also, if there is time I would like to make a CLW Extract and use that to recover some of my health. Not sure on how long we plan on being in here. If not I can just make it on the road. [/sblock]
[sblock=OOC] Yea, I am able to concoct my own CLW as my formulae, but 1) I had none prepared, which was a horrible idea adn 2) I need the discovery that allows me to let others use my potions. Something to think about in the future I am sure.

Also Perrin, I would possiblu like to make a treasure drop request (based off of some help from Aura). Amulet of Mighty Fist +0, Agile Weapon. Will get me one step closer to my Dex based transformation stuff that Im trying to do.

[sblock=ministats]Devlin Eldlya

AC: 16 (20 w/ MTGN) (13 flat-footed, 14 (16) touch)
HP: 26/26
CMB:+2 CMD: 15
Fort: +5 Reflex: +7 (9) Will: +2 (0)

Perception: +8
Initiative: +5 (7)

Bombs: 5/7
Mutagen Prepared: Dexterity (+4 DEX +2 Nat Armor - 2 WIS) (IN USE)

Extracts Prepared: 1: Targeted Bomb Admixture 2: ___ 3:___ 4:____
Formulae List: Bomber's Eye, Cure Light Wounds, Disguise Self, Enlarge Person, Targeted Bomb Admixture, Expeditious Retreat, Stone Fist

Current Weapon in Hand: Claws x2, Bite
Current Conditions in Effect: DEX Mutagen w/ Feral Mutagen (2x Claw attack and 1 Bite)
Used Items:

Read more: http://livingpf.wikia.com/wiki/Devlin_(resrick)


Using the two potions brought Yosepheus and Varvus back around to consciousness. They instinctively swallowed the rest of the liquid after the first healing drop hit the back of their throat.

[sblock=Tactical Map]Notes:
1. Small bodies are difficult terrain for small characters
[/sblock][sblock=Combat Information]
Party Status:
08/29 HP ~ AC 16 ~ Darvus ~
02/26 HP ~ AC 17 ~ Yosephus ~
39/39 HP ~ AC 22 ~ Muzdum ~ waraxe
11/26 HP ~ AC 16 ~ Devlin ~
16/17 HP ~ AC 16 ~ Tamarie ~ MA 550r ~ Crossbow;

Spells Cast: MA (Tam)
Abilities Used:
* Darvus: Smite Evil 0/1, Lay on Hands 1/4
* Yosephus: Chan Energy 2/6, Reb Death: 0/6, Resist Tch 0/6, Incorruptible 1/1, Spells 1st 1/4, 2nd 2/3
* Devlin: Bombs 2/7, Mutagen (Dex) 1/1, Extracts 1st 0/4
* Tamarie: Heavenly Fire 3/7, Spells 1st 4/6
Conditions in effect: None[/sblock] [sblock=OOC]I rolled the Healing from the potions (9 each), so now everyone is awake and can play. :)

I don’t have a problem treasure dropping a haversack and an Amulet of Mighty Fists +0. Though, I do question Agile Weapon applying to unarmed attacks. But more importantly, The PFS Field Guide is not on our approved list of sources for stuff. [/sblock]


Tamarie the Songweaver
"Welcome back," Tamarie greets Yosepuhs and Darvus as they come back to consciousness. "You gave us a good scare, there." Pausing a moment, the song-caster looks over at the fallen kobold who was once a huge minotaur-like beast. "Oh... yes, we killed the creature. Turns out it was an ability of the little kobold inside. I guess that accounts for both of the 'spell-slingers' Kratchen was worried about."

With that, Tamarie proceeds to help her friends back to their feet and then pulls her hood up, once again making it difficult to make out her facial features


First Post

Devlin nods his head confidently as Darvus opens his eyes and begins to move. "Just take your time there friend and let your wounds fully heal," Devlin says as he places the stopper back on the vial of potion nad places it back in pocket on his robes.

"Now to find a way out of here"

[sblock=ooc] Ahh didnt realize it wasn't in the approved sources. I will wait on loot items for now then and do some more research when we get back to the Inn and such. [/sblock]

[sblock=ministats]Devlin Eldlya

AC: 16 (20 w/ MTGN) (13 flat-footed, 14 (16) touch)
HP: 26/26
CMB:+2 CMD: 15
Fort: +5 Reflex: +7 (9) Will: +2 (0)

Perception: +8
Initiative: +5 (7)

Bombs: 5/7
Mutagen Prepared: Dexterity (+4 DEX +2 Nat Armor - 2 WIS) (IN USE)

Extracts Prepared: 1: Targeted Bomb Admixture 2: ___ 3:___ 4:____
Formulae List: Bomber's Eye, Cure Light Wounds, Disguise Self, Enlarge Person, Targeted Bomb Admixture, Expeditious Retreat, Stone Fist

Current Weapon in Hand: Claws x2, Bite
Current Conditions in Effect: DEX Mutagen w/ Feral Mutagen (2x Claw attack and 1 Bite)
Used Items:

Read more: http://livingpf.wikia.com/wiki/Devlin_(resrick)


Guest 11456

Yosephus Errol Smithe, Cleric of Amenthia, the Healing Hand

At last conscious again, the cleric gets to his feet and checks to make sure all combatants are no longer breathing. "I cannot risk my healing helping the enemies." Once he is sure that he will not be healing the kobolds he channels energy to heal himself and his companions. After that he casts a healing spell upon himself.
[sblock=Actions]Channel energy: 2D6 [1,5] = 6
Channel energy: 2D6 [2,2] = 4
Droppping Lesser Restoration to cast Cure Moderate Wounds on self:
Cure Moderate Wounds: 2D8+3 [2,4]+3 = 9
So that is a total of 19 for me and 10 for everyone else.[/sblock][sblock=Yosephus]Yosephus Errol Smithe
AC: 17 (10 flat-footed, 17 touch)
HP: 21/26
CMB: +2 CMD: 12

Fort: +5 Reflex: +2 Will: +7
Perception: +3 Sense Motive: +11
Initiative: +0

Current Weapon in Hand: Morningstar
Channel Energy: 2/6
Orisons: Create Water, Guidance, Purify Food and Drink, Resistance
1st Level: Bless, Hide from Undead, Shield of Faith
2nd Level: Lesser Restoration
Domain Powers Remaining Today:
Rebuke Death: 6/6
Resistant Touch: 6/6
Race Features:
Halo Status: ON
Incorruptible: 1/1[/sblock]


The kobolds were dead before Yosepheus came around. Channeling some energy did wonders for your wounded.

[sblock=Tactical Map]Notes:
1. Small bodies are difficult terrain for small characters
[/sblock][sblock=Combat Information]
Party Status:
18/29 HP ~ AC 16 ~ Darvus ~
21/26 HP ~ AC 17 ~ Yosephus ~
39/39 HP ~ AC 22 ~ Muzdum ~ waraxe
21/26 HP ~ AC 16 ~ Devlin ~
17/17 HP ~ AC 16 ~ Tamarie ~ MA 550r ~ Crossbow;

Spells Cast: MA (Tam)
Abilities Used:
* Darvus: Smite Evil 0/1, Lay on Hands 1/4
* Yosephus: Chan Energy 4/6, Reb Death: 0/6, Resist Tch 0/6, Incorruptible 1/1, Spells 1st 1/4, 2nd 3/3
* Devlin: Bombs 2/7, Mutagen (Dex) 1/1, Extracts 1st 0/4
* Tamarie: Heavenly Fire 3/7, Spells 1st 4/6
Conditions in effect: None[/sblock] [sblock=GM Note]Re: The Amulet. I wil go ahead and drop it for now. The Agile Weapon was actually approved some time ago. There might be some question on Agile Weapon having affect with natural weapons, but Aura is looking to see if there is something about that. We migh have to discuss it more in the General Discussion Thread… You could initiate that if you want. ;)[/sblock]


First Post

"Ahh that is much better, thank you Yosephus," Devlin finishes mixing a small vial and drinks it down in a single gulp. "Now, once everyone is ready we can start our way out of this place." Devlin looks around scratching his head a little. He points towards the room across the way,"Shall we head towards door number 1 where the Skeletons and Necromancer arrived?" Pointing a thumb over his shoulder," or shall we head towards our little Kolboldotaurs room?"

[sblock=Actions] Take a minute to make a Cure Light Wounds Extract and drink it. _: 1D8+3 = [6]+3 = 9 So total healing for me is 19 with Yosephus's Chanel Energy. [/sblock]

[sblock=Perrinmillers Note] Haha, ok I will start up a little discussion and see what everyone thinks. I would think it would give the bonus just because its technically not and "unarmed attack" and the attacks are considered "natural weapons." We shall see what everyone thinks in the forums and go from there. Thanks for the help and for looking into it for me. [/sblock]

[sblock=ministats]Devlin Eldlya

AC: 16 (13 flat-footed, 14 touch)
HP: 26/26
CMB:+2 CMD: 15
Fort: +5 Reflex: +7 Will: +2

Perception: +8
Initiative: +5

Bombs: 5/7
Mutagen Prepared: Dexterity (USED)

Extracts Prepared: 1: Targeted Bomb Admixture 2:Cure Light Wounds (USED) 3:___ 4:___
Formulae List: Bomber's Eye, Cure Light Wounds, Disguise Self, Enlarge Person, Targeted Bomb Admixture, Expeditious Retreat, Stone Fist

Current Weapon in Hand: none
Current Conditions in Effect: none
Used Items: None

Read more: http://livingpf.wikia.com/wiki/Devlin_(resrick)
*edit mini stats*


Tamarie the Songweaver
Picking up her crossbow, still loaded and ready to go, Tamarie nods in assent. "We can sweep for stragglers and then call it good, if people like," she suggests, her voice having evened out considerably since the pitched battle with the enemy spell-slingers. She points her crossbow towards where the monstrous kobold with the lucerne hammer came from and steps towards it, allowing for others to get themselves arranged and ready to resume.

[sblock=Tamarie Mini Stats]Tamarie
AC: 16 (14 flat-footed, 12 touch)
HP: 17/17
CMB: +1 CMD: 13

Fort: +2 Reflex: +3 Will: +3
Perception: +2 Sense Motive: +0
Initiative: +2

First Level spells remaining: 1/6
Heavenly Fire remaining: 4/7 (Darvus,Yosephus, Tamarie)
Bolts remaining: 17/20

Current Weapon in Hand: Crossbow(loaded)
Current Conditions in Effect: Mage Armor, Light(dagger pommel)
Temporary items in possession: 1 bow and arrow set from sentry skeletons
Items not currently in possession: none
Items depleted: none
Money: +50gp(retainer),-25gp(horse rental)[/sblock]


Cautiously picking your way through the rest of the ruined fort, you found no more opposition. You had been told that a pair of kobold spell singers were the root of the problem and they laid dead in the gruesome throne room.

The undead skeleton you told to expect were destroyed. There were no other kobolds or undead in the rooms on the ground floor.

Having licked your wounds and gathered up whatever valuables you scrounged from the dead, you left Boar’s Ridge and the ruined fort to return to Venza. At least you had found a few decent magical items in the kobolds’ stash to use or sell.

Back in the City of Glass, you reported and received the second half of your reward. You were successful and free to go about looking for new work.

[sblock=GM Note]Sorry to bring this to an abrupt and hardly cinematic conclusion. I was giving Halivar a chance to speak up about treasure and post IC, but I think it is time to just call it finished so we can all look ahead to new things.

Here are the final Numbers:
Yosephus, Devlin, Darvus
Final = 4833XP gained (Started at 0) & +5102gp (1249 Enc + 3853TBG)
Final = 4470XP gained (Started at 0) & +4725gp (1249 Enc + 3476TBG)
Final = 5321XP gained (Started at 1394) & +5863gp (674 Enc + 5189TBG)

Satin Knights DMC = 19.88 (284 days)
Perrinmiller DMC = 7.77 (111 days)

My next adventure for LPF is for characters levels 3-4 (basically for you guys as the only players around that will be needing something for your characters at that level). You should bring your characters into the Dunn Wright Inn and I shall be introducing the recruiter NPC within a week or two.[/sblock]

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