[LPF] Allbright's Shadow


Orlando Furioso, Venzan bravo

Fury moves over to the stair leading down and to Borric and Nevyn. "Good work out there, Nevyn." He peers down the stair then glances back at Borric. "We're gettin' close; I can feel it. You roust this lot and get 'em moving downwards and I take a look-see down there."

As Fury moves down Elenka and Drevezh'korol will join Borric and Nevyn and take their turn when it is time for them to descend.


• Orlando Furioso •
[sblock=OOC]Fury will move down the stairs, scouting: Perception (1d20+16=32)[/sblock]
[sblock=MiniStats][size=+1]Fury[/size] Human Rogue 11 / Bard 2
Initiative: +9 Perception: +16

AC: 24 (17 touch; 18 flat-footed)
HP: 117 Current: 117
CMB: +11 CMD: 29 Fort: +5 Ref: +18 Will: +7

In Hand: rapier & dagger

Bard Spells
Spells Remaining: 1st: 0/2
Spells Known:
1st: Expedition Retreat, Feather Step, Vanish
0-level: Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Light, Prestidigitation, Sift
Winged Boots 0/3 remaining.[/sblock]

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First Post
"Well done yourself. If it hadn't been for you we might still all be out there discussing things and waiting for the Hells to freeze over before we actually moved anywhere" the old man smiled back at Fury. It was a strained and tired smile, but also genuine. "And please, my friends call me Relic. I hope you can forgive this grouchy old fool and consider me as such if and when this is all done."


First Post

"Yes, that was good plannings, friend Furry. Where to going now to smashing heads of wicked thing? Downs? Good. We goes now."

[sblock=OOC]Scouting ahead. Stealth/Perception -- Taking 10 on both if possible. (1d20+19=23, 1d20+17=22)[/sblock][sblock=Mini Stats]Daylily Falshenaya

AC: 19 (19 flat-footed, 14 touch)
HP: 130/130
CMB: +17 CMD: 30
Fort: +13 Reflex: +8 Will: +7
Attack: +18/+10/+5 for WD+19

AC: 14 (14 flat-footed, 9 touch)
HP: 152/152
CMB: +19 CMD: 32
Fort: +15 Reflex: +8 Will: +9
Attack: +25/+17/+12 for WD+24

Perception: +15
Initiative: +3

Current Weapon in Hand: Quasit (probably 1d3 improvised)
Current Conditions in Effect: None
Rage Remaining: ??/18
Haste Remaining: ??/10

Used Items:
Potion of Fly, Potion of See Invisibility x2, Wand of CLW x23



Orlando Furioso, Venzan bravo

Fury squeezes the old man's shoulder and gives a half shrug dismissing anything that might have been between them before. "Thank you, Relic. I would be honored to call you friend." He acknowledges Daylily's comment with a grin. "You take care of smashing and I'll deal piercings." He moves down along with the barbarian.


• Orlando Furioso •
[sblock=OOC]Previous perception roll: Perception (1d20+16=32)
added Stealth: Stealth (1d20+25=33)[/sblock]
[sblock=MiniStats][size=+1]Fury[/size] Human Rogue 11 / Bard 2
Initiative: +9 Perception: +16

AC: 24 (17 touch; 18 flat-footed)
HP: 117 Current: 117
CMB: +11 CMD: 29 Fort: +5 Ref: +18 Will: +7

In Hand: rapier & dagger

Bard Spells
Spells Remaining: 1st: 0/2
Spells Known:
1st: Expedition Retreat, Feather Step, Vanish
0-level: Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Light, Prestidigitation, Sift
Winged Boots 0/3 remaining.[/sblock]


Borric Hawkins, Male Human Fighter


Borric's invisibility had worn off, but he could not see everyone who's voice he could hear. He whispered, “Sounds like a good idea, Fury. Scout away... Is everyone here? With some still magically invisible, I cannot tell.”

He stayed put at the top of the stairs leading down, waiting for a signal to proceed.

[sblock=Mini Stats]Borric Hawkins
+4 Perception: +18
AC: 31 (26 w/out shield, 28(23w/out shield) flat-footed, 14 Touch) Barkskin -> 32 now
HP: 127 Current: 123
CMB: +17 CMD: 31 (33 vs. Disarm/ 35 vs. Trip) Fort: +13 Reflex: +9 Will: +8 (+11 vs. Fear) +10 Reflex
Conditions in Effect: Ioun Torch (in darkness), Combat Reflexes (3 AoO), Step Up, Greater Trip, Power Attack (-4/+8Dmg), Combat Expertise (-4/+4AC), Lunge, Heroism (+2 Att/SVs/Skills), Mind-shielded, Darkvision, Barkskin, Bless

Current Weapon in Hand: Spiked Gauntlet (RH), Shield (LH), Holy Flail (RH)
Chakram: 1/1 MWK & 6/6 Cold Iron remaining
Light Hammers: 2/2 remaining[/sblock] [sblock=OCC Note]How many people are still invisible?[/sblock]


First Post
Syl follows closely behind the others. He wasn't quite sure where to head, and hung tightly to the group. "The Invisibility should be wearing off any second. It doesn't last too long coming from that wand."

Sylvain stat block: [sblock]http://livingpf.wikia.com/wiki/Sylvain_Marana_(Gerald007)Initiative: [/sblock]
[sblock]+9AC: 17 (15 Flat-Footed, 14 Touch)HP: 98/98CMB: +5 CMD: 19 Fort: +9 Reflex: +10 Will: +111Perception: +2Current Weapon in Hand: NoneHexes: ( DC 23) Misfortune, Healing, Fortune, Flight, Slumber, Cackle, Evil Eye, Retribution, Ice TombSpells Per Day Cantrips: Detect Magic, Light, Message, Stabilize1st Level: Burning Hands (DC 18), Charm Person (DC 20), Enlarge Person, Ill Omen (DC 20), Ray of Enfeeblement, Shocking Grasp2nd Level: Flaming Sphere (DC 19), Glitterdust (DC 21) (x2), Hold Person (DC 21), Vomit Swarm, Web3rd Level: Dispel Magic, Fireball (DC 20) (x2), Heroism (x2), Stinking Cloud (DC 20)4th Level: Black Tentacles, Confusion (DC 23), Dimension Door, Wall of Ice
5th Level: Baleful Polymorph (DC 22), Feeblemind (DC 24), Teleport (x2)6th Level: Flesh to Stone (DC 23), Greater Dispel Magic, True Seeing^means spell is used for the day.


Elenka and Drevezh'korol, summoner and wood man

Elenka speaks up, though in a low voice, to alert those who can't see her of her location. "I'm here, next to Drevezh'korol. Oh, wait, never mind." As she was speaking she blinked back into visibility. Her hand rests on the wood-man's arm. "Give us the word and we'll go."


. . . Elenka Danyllova . . .

[sblock=MiniStats][size=+1]Elenka[/size] Human Summoner 11
Initiative: +2 Perception: +13

AC: 18 (13 touch; 16 flat-footed)
HP: 90 Current: 90
CMB: +9 CMD: 22 Fort: +5 Ref: +6 Will: +10

In Hand:
  • 1st level: 5/6 remaining.
  • 2nd level: 2/5 remaining.
  • 3rd level: 3/5 remaining.
  • 4th level: 2/3 remaining.
Summon Monster 6 7/7
Bond Senses 11/11 rounds remaining
Maker's Call (Transposition) 2/2 remaining
Rod of Extend: 3/3 remaining (3rd lv. or lower)

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