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[LPF] Barrow of the Forgotten King


First Post

When the gnomish woman appears, Mirra startles a bit, having been absorbed in the study of the flowers in her windowboxes. "Oh, uh, hello there, Mrs. Minwitten! I was just admiring your chrysanthemum ... corinarium, I think? Or is it morifolium? No ... corinarium, I'm sure of it. It's just that I've never seen ones that color. Ack! I'm rambling again! I'm sorry. Let me try again: We're trying track down the person or persons responsible for four deaths, so we need to get the lower door in the crypt open because we think they might have gone there, and so we need either some opening magics or a big hammer but the general consensus seems to be that knocking down an ancient door full of terrible poetry would be a bad thing ... so here we are."

[sblock=Mini Stats]Mirra Weathersmith

AC: 16 (13 flat-footed, 13 touch)
HP: 12/14
CMB: +2 CMD: 15
Fort: +3 Reflex: +6 Will: +1

Perception: +5
Initiative: +3

Bombs: 2/7
Cognatogen Prepared: Intelligence
1st Level: 0/3
Extracts Prepared: Enlarge Person, Shield, Detect Secret Doors

Current Weapon in Hand: Longspear (+2, x2, 1d8+1) and Bomb (+4, x2, 1d6+3)
Current Conditions in Effect: None

Used Items:


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Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!

Jonas looks on as Mirra prattles about the flowers in the tiny person's windowbox, a look of benevolent bemusement on his rugged features. He touches his brow with sausage sized fingers in a quasi-salute, but remains quiet.​


[sblock=Mini Stats]
Jonas Psalter

Initiative: +02
AC: 15 (09 Touch, 15 Flat-Footed)
HP: 19/19 (NL Damage: 04; Ability Damage: DEX 07)
Senses: DarkVision (60’) Perception: +09
CMB: +03 CMD: 12
Fort: +04 Reflex: -01 Will: +04


Qalabash Baram, human staff magus

Qalabash bows deeply. He should have realized the unusual name belonged to one of the gnomish folk.

"Ms. Minwitten. A pleasure." Beyond that he remains quiet and to one side as he feels Mirra and Mystie best suited to deal with the gnomish arcanist.

[/sblock][sblock=Stats]Qalabash Baram Staff Magus 2
Initiative: +1 Perception: -1

AC: 14 (11 Touch, 13 Flat-footed) Current AC: 14
HP: 20 Current HP: 20
CMB: +4 / +6 Trip CMD: 15 / 17 vs. Trip Fort: +5 Ref: +3 Will: +2

In Hand: Quarterstaff
Spells Prepared:
  • 0-level: Detect Magic, Light, Prestidigitation, +1 unprepared
  • 1st level: Shield, Shield, +1 unprepared
Arcane Pool: 2/4 points remaining [Swift action: +1 enhancement bonus for 1 minute][/sblock]

Satin Knights

First Post
"Hello Ms. Minwitten. What my friends were eventually going to get around to asking is if you are capable and willing to help us in a serious and time sensitive matter. I would ask to come in, but seeing as the guardfolks' blood on my feet isn't really that dry yet, I wouldn't want to track it across your lovely floors there. Oh the blood, I will get back to that. You see, we stopped in town at the inn, and a couple of your town councillors, Turbrand and Stoutbrace had a problem and approached us. See, apparently a family named the Yurlings went up to the mausoleum to put grampa to final rest. Well, that was yesterday, and they didn't come back. Mia sent a couple guards after them, and the guards didn't come back. So, they asked if we were brave and capable of looking into the matter. Well, they are capable," waiving towards her friends, "and I am at least brave, so we went looking. Well, to shorten the story, we killed two wolves, but they had already killed the two guards hours ago, momma and papa Yurling are dead, skeletons and zombies were walking around being all awnry and such, papa Yurling became a zombie, yuch, and Tyra was nailed shut into a coffin vault by some nasty men. We did rescue Tyra and bring her back to town. She is quite traumatized, but at least she is safe, for the moment. But, something did all that damage, and it wasn't just the wolves in the cemetery prowling around. Something, or I should more likely say somebody, is beyond the big door with the ugly head and bunch of eyes. Mia and Turbrand said you would know how to get past that door, so we can go chasing after who stole that poor girl's parents from her and bring them to justice."

Taking a deep breath...

"So, what do you know about that big ugly head and the riddles scribed under it? You got any way to get past it? Do you have the oh so important bits of folklore and knowledge that will help us bring those evil murdering bastards to justice?"

"Oh, by the way, are you Ms. Banjatha Minwitten? That is who they said to come see."

Mystie: Talk, talk, Diplomacy/Gather information (1d20+11=21)
[/sblock][sblock=Mystie Thissiledew's Mini-stats]Mystie Thissiledew
HP 23/23, AC 13, 10 Touch, 13 FF; Init -1, Darkvision 60', Move 15'
Fort: +4, Reflex +1, Will +4, CMB -4, CMD 5
Perception +0, Sense Motive +0, Spellcraft +5, Linguistics +2, Stealth +0, Handle Animal +9

Dagger -2, d4-3
Lt Crossbow +0, d6, range 80' increment, 9 bolts
Thrown Dagger +0, d4-3, range 10' increment

.,,,.....,,,,,,..Orisons: Detect Magic, Create Water, Guidance, Stabilize, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation
.,,,.....,,,,,,.Cantrips: Read Magic, Message, Spark, Unwitting Ally (DC 14 Will)
Racial Spells:
Dancing Lights (1/day), Flare (1/day), Produce Flame (1/day)
.,,.,,...Oracle 1st Lvl: 4/4 remaining; Cure Light Wounds, Bless, Protection from Evil
.,,.,,.,,..Bard 1st Lvl:
1/2 remaining; Share Language, Grease (DC 15)
.Bardic Performance:
3/8 remaining;
......,,.......Consumables: In right spring loaded wrist sheath, Qalabash's Wand of Cure Light Wounds (19/25 ch)
......,,.......Consumables: 1 Cure Light Wounds potion, Mystie's Wand of Cure Light Wounds (25/25 ch)
......,,.......Consumables: 3 Alchemists' Fires, 1 Antitoxin
Consumables: 2/6 days trail rations, 2/6 days of dog food
....................... Scrolls: Endure Elements, Comp Languages, Diagnose Disease
....................Channels: 0 of 5 left, 1d6, DC 15
.........Immediate Action: Misfortune, force immediate reroll, once per creature per day
..................................If bad guy rolls 18-20, reroll
..................................If friend rolls 10 or less on an attack for the base die roll, reroll
..................................If friend rolls 12 or less on a dangerous save, reroll
..................................This consumes the swift action, Mystie and Jonas used
Bubba: Mastiff riding dog, Low light vision + scent; Perception +5, Understands Common
AC 13, Touch 12, FF 11
HP 16/16
.... Fort +5, Reflex +5, Will +1; Move: 40'
..................CMB +3, CMD 15 (19 vs. Trip)
Melee: Bite +3, 1d6+3 plus trip
Tricks: Attack x2, Defend, Heel, Flank and Hunt

In hand:


~ Day 4 16:27 - Kingsholm: Banjatha's Place ~


Banjatha Minwitten smiled and nodded to Qalabash. Then she tried to follow Mystie's long explanation. “Yes, dear, you can call me Banjatha.”

She looked up curiously at Mirra, “The lower crypt, eh? You must be referring to the door with the picture of the beholder, of course, of course. I do not know of anyone opening that door in ages… Maybe never. I went and looked at the door once, but we never had cause to try getting through it before.”

“No, no, it would not do to break that door down and defile the mausoleum. The town’s families would not like that. No they would not. But I do know a spell that I could scribe to a scroll for you if you would like. It will temporarily disable the door's locking... Oh, you would need two of them, I suppose... yes, I can do that.”

One of her eyebrows narrowed as she rubbed her chin in thought. She asked, “Did you learn what it is that went further into the mausoleum?”

[sblock=Combat Information]
Party Stats:
Qalabash:   20/20 HP remaining; 
Mirra:      13/16 HP remaining; 
Mystie:     23/23 HP remaining; 
->Bubba:    16/16 HP remaining; 
Jonas:      15/19 HP remaining; (4 damage NL); Poisoned 3 dex dmg

Spells Cast: 
Abilities Used: 
  Qalabash: AP 2/4, Spells 1st 1/3
  Mirra:    Bombs 5/7, Extracts 1/3, Intel Mutagen 0/1
  Mystie:   Misfortune, Ch Energy 5/5, SLAs 0/3, Spells 1st 0/6, Bard Perf 3/8
  Jonas:    Jdgmt 0/1, Spells 1st 0/2
Conditions in effect:


Qalabash Baram, human staff magus

Qalabash listens to the discussion between Mirra, Mystie, and Banjatha Minwitten and nods.

"Ma'am, errr, Banjatha," Qalabash hesitates and strokes his goatee trying to decide how much to tell. Finally, deciding that she must be a woman of some influence if she knows magic he decides to tell her at least some of what they discovered. "We did not discover who has desecrated the mausoleum but we do believe they fled through the beholder-etched door to whatever lair that they might have behind there. They passed, but unfortunately the magics are beyond us, though Master Psalter could use one of your scrolls, I believe."

[/sblock][sblock=Stats]Qalabash Baram Staff Magus 2
Initiative: +1 Perception: -1

AC: 14 (11 Touch, 13 Flat-footed) Current AC: 14
HP: 20 Current HP: 20
CMB: +4 / +6 Trip CMD: 15 / 17 vs. Trip Fort: +5 Ref: +3 Will: +2

In Hand: Quarterstaff
Spells Prepared:
  • 0-level: Detect Magic, Light, Prestidigitation, +1 unprepared
  • 1st level: Shield, Shield, +1 unprepared
Arcane Pool: 2/4 points remaining [Swift action: +1 enhancement bonus for 1 minute][/sblock]

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!

Jonas nods his affirmation of the older man's words. "Yes, I believe that is within the powers with which the Root has seen fit to grant me. We would very much like to get to the bottom of this, mistress. Allowing such evil to flourish helps no one."


[sblock=Mini Stats]
Jonas Psalter

Initiative: +02
AC: 15 (09 Touch, 15 Flat-Footed)
HP: 19/19 (NL Damage: 04; Ability Damage: DEX 07)
Senses: DarkVision (60’) Perception: +09
CMB: +03 CMD: 12
Fort: +04 Reflex: -01 Will: +04

Satin Knights

First Post
"Well, the grand description we got from the frightened girl was "Ugly Robbers." So, I assume it was people and not creatures."

"Yes, Yes. Two scrolls would be very helpful. I am sure we would want to get back out more so than getting in."

"Do you know anything about the riddles that are inscribed below the... what did you call it, a beholder?, the beholder."

Mystie: Talk, talk,
[/sblock][sblock=Mystie Thissiledew's Mini-stats]Mystie Thissiledew
HP 23/23, AC 13, 10 Touch, 13 FF; Init -1, Darkvision 60', Move 15'
Fort: +4, Reflex +1, Will +4, CMB -4, CMD 5
Perception +0, Sense Motive +0, Spellcraft +5, Linguistics +2, Stealth +0, Handle Animal +9

Dagger -2, d4-3
Lt Crossbow +0, d6, range 80' increment, 9 bolts
Thrown Dagger +0, d4-3, range 10' increment

.,,,.....,,,,,,..Orisons: Detect Magic, Create Water, Guidance, Stabilize, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation
.,,,.....,,,,,,.Cantrips: Read Magic, Message, Spark, Unwitting Ally (DC 14 Will)
Racial Spells:
Dancing Lights (1/day), Flare (1/day), Produce Flame (1/day)
.,,.,,...Oracle 1st Lvl: 4/4 remaining; Cure Light Wounds, Bless, Protection from Evil
.,,.,,.,,..Bard 1st Lvl:
1/2 remaining; Share Language, Grease (DC 15)
.Bardic Performance:
3/8 remaining;
......,,.......Consumables: In right spring loaded wrist sheath, Qalabash's Wand of Cure Light Wounds (19/25 ch)
......,,.......Consumables: 1 Cure Light Wounds potion, Mystie's Wand of Cure Light Wounds (25/25 ch)
......,,.......Consumables: 3 Alchemists' Fires, 1 Antitoxin
Consumables: 2/6 days trail rations, 2/6 days of dog food
....................... Scrolls: Endure Elements, Comp Languages, Diagnose Disease
....................Channels: 0 of 5 left, 1d6, DC 15
.........Immediate Action: Misfortune, force immediate reroll, once per creature per day
..................................If bad guy rolls 18-20, reroll
..................................If friend rolls 10 or less on an attack for the base die roll, reroll
..................................If friend rolls 12 or less on a dangerous save, reroll
..................................This consumes the swift action, Mystie and Jonas used
Bubba: Mastiff riding dog, Low light vision + scent; Perception +5, Understands Common
AC 13, Touch 12, FF 11
HP 16/16
.... Fort +5, Reflex +5, Will +1; Move: 40'
..................CMB +3, CMD 15 (19 vs. Trip)
Melee: Bite +3, 1d6+3 plus trip
Tricks: Attack x2, Defend, Heel, Flank and Hunt

In hand:


~ Day 4 16:27 - Kingsholm: Banjatha's Place ~


Banjatha replied, “Two scrolls, I can do. Yes. The spell will break an arcane lock for about ten minutes only, so it is very wise to have a second one to get back out again.”

“However, it shall take me some time to prepare. On the morrow, they will be ready. Mid morning… Oh, I almost forgot. It will cost you some gold. 300 for both is the going rate for the materials, if I recall.”

Looking at Mystie she was thoughtful, “The riddles on the beholder images, eh? No, I could not say. I read them years ago when I was younger, but I did not learn the meaning. I did ask Kethra Tims years ago. She is the town’s historian, but she knows nothing about them either.” The gnomish mage shrugged.

Looking up at all of you, Banjatha asked, “So these ‘ugly robbers’ are coming from below? That would be strange after all this time. I wonder if they are trying to loot some ancient tombs down below the mausoleum.”

“Old Stonebrace once told me his father believed there were tunnels underneath these hills.”
she gestured to the hilly terrain in the direction of the graveyard.

[sblock=Combat Information]
Party Stats:
Qalabash:   20/20 HP remaining; 
Mirra:      13/16 HP remaining; 
Mystie:     23/23 HP remaining; 
->Bubba:    16/16 HP remaining; 
Jonas:      15/19 HP remaining; (4 damage NL); Poisoned 3 dex dmg

Spells Cast: 
Abilities Used: 
  Qalabash: AP 2/4, Spells 1st 1/3
  Mirra:    Bombs 5/7, Extracts 1/3, Intel Mutagen 0/1
  Mystie:   Misfortune, Ch Energy 5/5, SLAs 0/3, Spells 1st 0/6, Bard Perf 3/8
  Jonas:    Jdgmt 0/1, Spells 1st 0/2
Conditions in effect:

Satin Knights

First Post
"Stonebrace. He was that dwarf. Shop keeper was it?"

"Wait, three hundred? They only paid us two hundred for saving the girl. The poor thing would have died of starvation, locked in there like that, long before anyone else went out there."
Turning back to complain to her friends, "At this rate, we are going to owe them for saving their people and stuff!"

Turning back to Banjatha, "Hmm, maybe Stonebrace will foot that bill. I mean, we could pay it, but if we are facing the danger, we shouldn't come out with lighter purses too."

"So where does Stonebrace keep his shop?"

Mystie: Talk, talk,
[/sblock][sblock=Mystie Thissiledew's Mini-stats]Mystie Thissiledew
HP 23/23, AC 13, 10 Touch, 13 FF; Init -1, Darkvision 60', Move 15'
Fort: +4, Reflex +1, Will +4, CMB -4, CMD 5
Perception +0, Sense Motive +0, Spellcraft +5, Linguistics +2, Stealth +0, Handle Animal +9

Dagger -2, d4-3
Lt Crossbow +0, d6, range 80' increment, 9 bolts
Thrown Dagger +0, d4-3, range 10' increment

.,,,.....,,,,,,..Orisons: Detect Magic, Create Water, Guidance, Stabilize, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation
.,,,.....,,,,,,.Cantrips: Read Magic, Message, Spark, Unwitting Ally (DC 14 Will)
Racial Spells:
Dancing Lights (1/day), Flare (1/day), Produce Flame (1/day)
.,,.,,...Oracle 1st Lvl: 4/4 remaining; Cure Light Wounds, Bless, Protection from Evil
.,,.,,.,,..Bard 1st Lvl:
1/2 remaining; Share Language, Grease (DC 15)
.Bardic Performance:
3/8 remaining;
......,,.......Consumables: In right spring loaded wrist sheath, Qalabash's Wand of Cure Light Wounds (19/25 ch)
......,,.......Consumables: 1 Cure Light Wounds potion, Mystie's Wand of Cure Light Wounds (25/25 ch)
......,,.......Consumables: 3 Alchemists' Fires, 1 Antitoxin
Consumables: 2/6 days trail rations, 2/6 days of dog food
....................... Scrolls: Endure Elements, Comp Languages, Diagnose Disease
....................Channels: 0 of 5 left, 1d6, DC 15
.........Immediate Action: Misfortune, force immediate reroll, once per creature per day
..................................If bad guy rolls 18-20, reroll
..................................If friend rolls 10 or less on an attack for the base die roll, reroll
..................................If friend rolls 12 or less on a dangerous save, reroll
..................................This consumes the swift action, Mystie and Jonas used
Bubba: Mastiff riding dog, Low light vision + scent; Perception +5, Understands Common
AC 13, Touch 12, FF 11
HP 16/16
.... Fort +5, Reflex +5, Will +1; Move: 40'
..................CMB +3, CMD 15 (19 vs. Trip)
Melee: Bite +3, 1d6+3 plus trip
Tricks: Attack x2, Defend, Heel, Flank and Hunt

In hand:

Voidrunner's Codex

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