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[LPF] Faith and Good Works

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
Once more, Bren calls on the powers of his gods to heal his friend. "Keep after them, men . . . er, friends! They're on the ropes now!"

  • Move: None
  • Free: Maintain Advice
  • Standard: Sacrifice Archon's Aura to cast Cure Serious Wounds on Fury.

[sblock=Mini Stats]
Breninyr Hydref
Initiative: +0
AC: 26 (23 Flat-Footed, 22 Touch)
HP: 56/56
CMB: +7 CMD: 29 (+9/31 vs Grapple)
Fort: +10 Reflex: +07 Will: +16

Senses: DarkVision
Perception: +15, Sense Motive: +10

Current Weapon in Hand: None

Special Abilities: Advice (6/10 Rnds), Calming Touch (09/09), Channel Energy (10/10)
Special Abilities: Inspiring Command (09/09), Stunning Fist: Fatigue, Crushing Blow (07/07)
Special Abilities: Ki Pool (07/08)

Prayers Available
Orisons: Detect Magic, Guidance, Read Magic, Stabilize
1st Level: Bless, Bless, Divine Favor, Murderous Command, Ray of Sickening, Sanctuary
2nd Level: Bull's Strength, Prot from Evil (C), Prot from Evil (C), Shield Other, Spiritual Weapon
3rd Level: Archon's Aura, Invisibility Purge, Prayer
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"Nice strike, Cythera!"

Fury glances back at Breninyr and gives the other man a grin and a nod in recognition and thanks for the healing. He then shifts his position to take advantage of Cythera's positioning and attacks. Unfortunately his timing is off and his attack misses.

[sblock=Actions]5 ft. step to G5
Standard: Attack (w/Advice, Bless, & Flank): 1d20+16=20

• Orlando Furioso •

[sblock=MiniStats][size=+1]Fury[/size] Human Rogue 6 / Bard 2
Initiative: +7 Perception: +11

AC: 23 (16 touch; 18 flat-footed)
HP: 64 Current: 56
CMB: +7 CMD: 23 Fort: +4 Ref: +14 Will: +6

In Hand: rapier & cure light wounds wand
Effects/Conditions: Feather Step

Bard Spells
Spells Remaining: 1st: 1/2
Spells Known:
1st: Expedition Retreat, Feather Step, Vanish
0-level: Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Light, Prestidigitation, Sift[/sblock]


First Post
Cythera's attack strikes true, but the guardian still stands and continues fighting. One of them strikes Fury, although the blow is not as powerful as the ones before.


[sblock=Combat]Guardian 1: Full attack on Fury (hit for 9, miss), step.
Guardian 2: Step, full attack on Cythera (miss, miss).

Guardian 1: AC ??, moderately injured (26 damage), heavy pick/large shield in hand.
Guardian 2: AC ??, uninjured, heavy pick/large shield in hand.
Guardian 3: Vanquished.
Guardian 4: Vanquished.

*Highly effective damage. Actual damage is greater than the listed number.

Cythera: Bless, Sensei's Advice
Fury: 47/64, Bless, Feather Step, Sensei's Advice
Mowgli: Bless, Sensei's Advice

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
Bren moves around Fury, trying to put himself in position to aid Cythera should she come to require it. All the while, he's keeping up a steady stream of observations regarding the constructs' behaviors and their probably course of action. Once he gets himself positioned, he again sends the healing powers of his faith coursing through the Rogue's body.

  • Move: to F4
  • Free: Maintain Advice
  • Standard: Sacrifice Archon's Aura to cast Cure Moderate Wounds on Fury.

[sblock=Mini Stats]
Breninyr Hydref
Initiative: +0
AC: 26 (23 Flat-Footed, 22 Touch)
HP: 56/56
CMB: +7 CMD: 29 (+9/31 vs Grapple)
Fort: +10 Reflex: +07 Will: +16

Senses: DarkVision
Perception: +15, Sense Motive: +10

Current Weapon in Hand: None

Special Abilities: Advice (6/10 Rnds), Calming Touch (09/09), Channel Energy (10/10)
Special Abilities: Inspiring Command (09/09), Stunning Fist: Fatigue, Crushing Blow (07/07)
Special Abilities: Ki Pool (07/08)

Prayers Available
Orisons: Detect Magic, Guidance, Read Magic, Stabilize
1st Level: Bless, Bless, Divine Favor, Murderous Command, Ray of Sickening, Sanctuary
2nd Level: Bull's Strength, Prot from Evil (C), Prot from Evil (C), Shield Other, Spiritual Weapon
3rd Level: Archon's Aura, Invisibility Purge, Prayer


Cythera e'Kiernan, Bronze Dragon Disciple

Cythera nods and drops the glaive as the constructs press in close. Channeling in arcane energy into her heavy flail, she quickly brings the weapon into action as spins away from a pike darting in at her.

"Thank you, Fury. Perhaps this weapon is better yet."

The large spiked ball whirled around mightily and she slams it into the constructs with two powerful blows.

[sblock=Actions]Use Sensei Advice
Continue Arcane Strike
Quick draw Hvy Flail & dropping Glaive
5ft Step to H3
Full Attack on #1 then #2: Cold Iron Hvy Flail 1st(Bless/PA/AS/SA/FF) (1d20+14=31, 1d10+18=26)
Cold Iron Hvy Flail 2nd(Bless/PA/AS/SA/FF) (1d20+7=26, 1d10+18=24) - If 26 missed by one, use Timely Inspiration to get 27.[/sblock][sblock=Mini Stats]Initiative: +8
AC: 24 (21 flat-footed, 15 Touch)
HP: 76 Current: 76
CMB: +11 CMD: 26 (27 vs. Sundering) Fort: +8 Reflex: +9 Will: +8
Conditions in Effect: Arcane Strike (+1 dmg), Power Attack (-2 Att/+6 dmg), Furious Focus (no penalty for 1st PA), Overhand Chop, Bless, Sensei Advice (+1att/dmg)

Current Weapon in Hand: Cold Iron Hvy Flail
Chakram: 8/8 Claws: 5/5 rounds remaining

Battle Dance: 12/14 Rounds Remaining
Spells Remaining: Cantrips: (Read Magic, Detect Magic, Resistance, Light, Prestidigitation, Mending)
1st Level 3/4 (Cure Light Wounds, Timely Inspiration, Grease(DC13), Vanish)

Initiative: +2; Senses: low-light vision, scent; Perception: +8
AC: 16 (flat-footed 14, touch 12) HP: 13/13
CMB: +3 CMD: 15 (19 vs. trip) Fort: +5(6) Reflex: +5(6) Will: +1(2)[/sblock]___________________________

Cythera e'Kiernan


First Post
[sblock=OOC]I'm assuming [MENTION=40413]GlassEye[/MENTION] is having problems, given that he hasn't posted recently in Greener is the Grass, either. You guys want to wait, or should I NPC Fury?[/sblock]


Fury dives forward rolling past the construct to position himself opposite of Cythera. He uses his forward momentum to twist around and power a lunge driving the point of his rapier into the construct's side. Quickly he withdraws his blade and lowers himself in readiness for the construct's attack.

"Fate's scale has tipped in our direction, I think."

Hopefully Fury's confidence is not premature.

If Cythera killed #1 then he normal moves to J3
If #1 still stands he uses Acrobatics (1d20+20=38) to move to J5 avoiding AoOs.
Standard: Attack #1 if it is still up, otherwise #2 (w/Advice, Bless, & Flank): 1d20+16=31 for 4d6+4=17 damage.

• Orlando Furioso •

[sblock=MiniStats][size=+1]Fury[/size] Human Rogue 6 / Bard 2
Initiative: +7 Perception: +11

AC: 23 (16 touch; 18 flat-footed)
HP: 64 Current: 56
CMB: +7 CMD: 23 Fort: +4 Ref: +14 Will: +6

In Hand: rapier & cure light wounds wand
Effects/Conditions: Feather Step

Bard Spells
Spells Remaining: 1st: 1/2
Spells Known:
1st: Expedition Retreat, Feather Step, Vanish
0-level: Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Light, Prestidigitation, Sift[/sblock]


First Post
The combined efforts of Cythera and Fury are enough to destroy the third defender, leaving only the fourth and final one, who backs into the corner while striking at the rogue.


[sblock=Combat]Cythera's first attack hit but did not drop the construct, second missed and was not close enough to benefit from the spell.

Fury's attack killed it.

Guardian 2: Full attack on Fury (miss, miss), step.

Guardian 1: Vanquished.
Guardian 2: AC ??, uninjured, heavy pick/large shield in hand.
Guardian 3: Vanquished.
Guardian 4: Vanquished.

*Highly effective damage. Actual damage is greater than the listed number.

Cythera: Bless, Sensei's Advice
Fury: Bless, Feather Step, Sensei's Advice
Mowgli: Bless, Sensei's Advice

Voidrunner's Codex

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