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[LPF] Lost Imperium


First Post
"Perhaps too long on the road, if not for the distance, than for the weariness from its tolls." He bowed, "I am Samad Salil, and I am glad to make your acquaintance and grateful to accept your hospitality."
In truth, he was ready to sleep long and deep. His head was spinning, running over the events of that day many times. It began with fighting the dead, and ended with fighting dogs, two things despised by his lord. Even if such was not a sign from above, he was concerned all the same.

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First Post
Tsaaruk also is ready for rest. Uncomfortable in social situations such as this he remains quiet listening to as much as he understands and what he doesn't, well doesn't really matter as long as no weapons are drawn. He stands with as much composure and patience as a bored child being dragged through the market by the mother being forced to look at vegetable stand after vegetable stand, nothing interesting at all. Thinking back on recent events he wonders about the future confrontation with the bird men. He feels ready, but did they not convey the same confidence. This will be a clash to be remembered he thinks. And the voice in the mist, certainly that voice did not sound as though it will just give up. Next time will not be so easy. So yes a good nights rest in a secure room would do them all some good.


[sblock=OOC]Sorry, been pretty busy and I don't want to rush the next post. I hope to get things moving Friday or Saturday at the latest.[/sblock]



"I am Garadh, of Venza. I thank you for your hospitality." Garadh too is weary as well as still being somewhat ill, and is more than ready for a rest.


HP: 57, currently 57
AC: 21 (touch 13, flat-footed 18)
BAB: +5
CMD +9, CMB 21
Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +0
Speed 30'
Longsword +1 Attack: +12 (1d8+7/19-20)
Longsword +1 Power Attack: +10 (1d8+11/19-20)
Sling Attack: +7 (1d4+4)


”Nonsense, Miss Weathersmith. Our hospitality is extended to all." Trying her best to not ignore any one of her guests, Valeriya turns to respond to Pirvinia. "The builders of our castle had the foresight to build over a hot spring. We have bathing and soaking rooms that I hope you will find acceptable.”

Valeriya leaves Pirvinia in the care of an older, female servant who leads her down a side hall then down a short flight stairs that grows progressively more humid, through a waiting room of some sort to a steamy chamber with private alcoves lining the walls. ”These are to wash alcove,” says the servant in broken Common. ”Beyond lay hot-soak pool and next cold plunge but snow is melt and only little cold.”

Valeriya and a handful of servants make sure the guests of Castle Danyll have everything they need. Food and ale is brought out and set on the table for those hungry and when all immediate needs are cared for the guests are shown to rooms off the great hall to sleep through the remainder of the night.

~ ~ * ~ ~

The following morning echoes of the castle’s bustle slowly waken those still sleeping in the guest hall. Garadh wakens to the sound of voices murmuring quietly over his bed. When he opens his eyes he sees Quillian in conversation with a tiny human woman almost gnomish in size. She notices that Garadh has awakened and rubs her wrinkled hands together. ”Ah, he wakes.” Before Garadh can do much more than sit up the woman has reached over and put a wooden cup to Garadh’s lips. ”Drink it down. Now there’s a good boy.” The liquid is viscous and vile smelling but the little woman is relentless and doesn’t put the cup away until Garadh drinks it all down. ”I am Sofya Matinkovai but most call me Matta Sofya. Now, you are not contagious so if you hurry you can break fast with the others in the great hall.”

When the group of travelers, including Jyman Trout and Brother Goswald, enter the great hall they see a tall, rangy middle-aged man sitting at table in a large chair while all the other tables have benches. His face is stern and bears the wrinkles of much sun exposure and is framed by short, wavy hair and a square-cut beard going to grey. At his side is a woman of similar age, auburn hair in a thick braid that goes down to the mid-point of her back and with a maroon scarf wrapped around her head. Her features are fine with nose and chin prominent and with heavy-lidded eyes.

The man gets up from his chair and spreads his arms wide. ”Ah, my guests have arrived. I am Danyll, your host, and you are most welcome. Come, break your fast and tell me what brings such a mixed group of men and women here. This is my wife, the Lady Raisa, and you met my daughter Valeriya last night, I hear. Come, join me at table and let us share bread.”

Jyman Trout and Brother Goswald greet King Danyll but make excuses and join the king’s small warband at a table farther down so that the group can make the acquaintance of the royal family.

[sblock=OOC]Garadh will need to make Fort saves (one per game day), until he succeeds twice in a row, to shake off the disease. The DC is 18 but Matta Sofya’s attentions will give him a +4 bonus to the roll.

Meanwhile, characters can rest and recover in the castle, take care of outstanding business, do shopping in town and with Jyman Trout, and anything else that you might need/want to do. Technically, the base limit of the town is 1,000 gp but with Jyman Trout’s goods and King Danyll willing to take unwanted items into his treasury/armory (particularly the slain knight’s gear) and give fair value of things from his treasury the base value will have a temporary bump to 9,000 gp. The amount each character has at their disposal is listed in the first post under Adventure Tracking. Add 1,000 gp to that number for the time since that calculation.

Feel free to keep up the RP until the shopping chores are cleared away. Any questions, ask. As I’m writing this late, I’m sure I’ve forgotten something.[/sblock]


. . . . Jyman Trout . . . . . . . Brother Goswald . . . . . . . . . . Valeriya . . . . . .


. . . . . King Danyll . . . . . . . . . Queen Raisa . . . . . . . . Matta Sofya . . . . .


First Post
Tsaaruk enjoys his meal but does not have much to say in conversation. He is greatful for the others who seem more comfortable in these situations and allow him to just watch and listen. After dinner he retires to his sleeping quarters feeling confident that Garradh will be seen to. With the morning he goes to the armory to see what might be helpful in their future endeavors as they return to the site of the birdmen. Finding a magic warhammer and some potions he feels very good about his chances.

looking for +1flaming warhammer= 77 no luck
+1 shock warhammer found 1D100 = [70] = 70
potions clw 4 found, 5th roll was 99
potions lesser restoration 2found 1D100 = [62] = 62, 1D100 = [61] = 61
return potions of lesser restoration and purchase wand of cure light wounds roll=75 success

Adv Gold = 5171-4312+1shock warhammer-200clw-750clw+12sell warhammer=-79gp
Last edited:


Pirvinia von Lichenstein, Human Female


Pirvinia sat at the table next to Mirra Weathersmith. “Well, I thank you milord for your hospitality.”

She reached for a glass of fruit juice and chilled it with a minor cantrip. With the ring she wears, she only needs to eat and drink enough to be social.

She glanced over at Brother Goswald at the King’s question; she was not quite sure how much to say or reveal. “We came seeking healing for our companion. Beyond that, we are helping Brother Goswald in his endeavors.”

Pirvinia looked to the woman beside her and asked while the others were answering the King, “Mirra, you mentioned business Chernyj Forest. I am curious where that is. Is it far?”

[sblock=Mini-stats]Privinia von Lichenstein
+8, Perception: +6 (8 with Mazi)
AC: 13 (17 w/ Mage Armor) (Touch 13, Flat-footed 11)->
32 Current: 32
12, Fort: +3, Ref: +3, Will: +5 (Add +1 to Saves with Resistance)
Conditions in Effect:
Eschew Materials, PBS, Precise Shot, Ring of Sustenance

Weapon in Hand:
Spells Remaining:
1st Level: 8/8, 2nd Level: 5/5

+2 Senses: low-light vision; Perception: +13
19 (Touch 16, flat-footed 17)
16 Current: 16
Fort: +0, Ref: +4, Will: +6
Conditions in effect:
Improved Evasion, Empathic Link
Weapon in Hand:
Bite [Att: +8, dmg: 1d2-5(1 non-lethal)]

Combat Trained Light Horse
Initiative: +2 Senses: low-light vision, Scent; Perception: +6
13 (Touch 9, flat-footed 13)
15 Current: 15
Fort: +6, Ref: +5, Will: +1
Conditions in effect:
War-trained, 50ft movement
Weapon in Hand:
2 Hooves [Att: +3, dmg: 1d4+3][/sblock] [sblock=OOC]I intend to keep the Ring of Sustenance but if someone else also wants it I rolled for a new one. I also recommend anyone that is not already carrying a CLW wand take the one from our treasury. Privinia has one already.

6300+55(coinage)+75(selling Wand of Prot from Evil)+100 (potions of CLW)=6530gp
-2500gp Ring of Sustenance (if necessary Ring of Sustenance (1d100=40))
-4000gp Headband of Alluring +2 Cha (1d100=40)
Page of Spell Knowledge (Stone Call) (1d100=83) - Fail
Page of Spell Knowledge (Web) (1d100=86) - Fail
Page of Spell Knowledge (Summon Monster II) (1d100=90) -Fail[/sblock]


First Post

Mirra nods. "I've traveled here from Venza, at the behest of a woman known as Mistress Telka. She was looking for someone to retrieve a sample of Aamornan honey from the fey of the Chernyj Wood, and ... well, I practically jumped at the chance." She looks at the lord and lady. "If I could prevail upon you for a map of the region, I would appreciate it greatly."

[sblock=OOC]--[/sblock][sblock=Mini Stats]Mirra Weathersmith

AC: 18+2 (13+2 flat-footed, 15 touch)
HP: 28/28
CMB: +4 CMD: 17
Fort: +4 Reflex: +7 Will: +2

Perception: +7
Initiative: +3

Bombs: 9/10
Cognatogen Prepared: Intelligence
1st Level: 4/4
2nd Level: 1/2
Extracts Prepared: None

Current Weapon in Hand: Bomb (+6, x2, 2d6+4), Longspear (+4, x2, 1d8+1, Cold Iron/Reach)
Current Conditions in Effect: None

Used Items:



"Oh, our lands are surrounded by the Chernyj Forest," interjects Valeriya.

Queen Raisa seems somewhat distracted and keeps looking down the hall towards another table. "Is Brother Goswald well? He looks sallow."

The king looks askance at his wife but turns his attention back to his guests. "I have maps that you could study. I'll show them to you after the meal. Right after I examine this unusual cargo my guardsmen tell me that you have brought into my home."

Valeriya's attention is obviously heightened with mention of the City of Glass. "Venza?! My sister traveled there. It is why Father made us learn Low Landellian and has us practice whenever possible. What's the city like?" Conversation from that point revolves mainly around describing experiences and locations from Venza and Valeriya listening raptly and asking question after question.

Eventually the long meal ends and King Danyll, accompanied by the four men of his warband present, his daughter, Jyman Trout and the travelers new to the region make their way to an outbuilding where the guardsmen of the previous night stowed the two bodies in preparation for burial. Danyll pulls back the shroud from the knight's face. There is no recognition in his eyes as he studies the man's features. Each of the king's men come up and look but each shake their head. "He's not known to us. His gear is of good quality and if it is not useful to you, then I'll be pleased to dispose of it for you. Perhaps, we can find something in my armory suitable for your men-at-arms."

When Danyll pulls back the shroud from the ancient you came across on the road he pauses then whisks the shrouding material completely from the body. He face folds into a look of concern and he reaches out and touches his fingers lightly to the wolf-skin cloak. Valeriya shifts through the crowd until she can see the body. She gasps. "But... Polina!"


. . . . Jyman Trout . . . . . . . Brother Goswald . . . . . . . . . . Valeriya . . . . . .


. . . . . King Danyll . . . . . . . . . Queen Raisa . . . . . . . . Matta Sofya . . . . .


First Post
Tsaaruk standing toward the back of the group thinking of bed and rest even more so after the meal is suddenly focused again on the goings on as Valeriya seems to know the person or at least have some knowledge surrounding the strange situation. "Excuse me, but do you know him then?" Thinking he may not have spoken properly to royalty, but wanting to know more about the voice in the mist with wolves at its command, has broken his hesitance for a moment. He then looks to Privinia and the others hoping he had not offended their host in speaking out like that.

Voidrunner's Codex

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