Pathfinder 1E [LPF] Roughy River Run


Caius Aurelius, Blessed Penitent

The time for setting camp came and went with as much fanfare as the rest of the day. The clouds were almost nihilistic in their inexorable crawl across the sky, and poured fat drops of gloom over the earth. Caius found his spirits drawn down into the mud beneath his boots while he pitched his new tent.

Now as the party sits around the fire, Caius is quieter than nights past. He squats down with his shoulders hunched over a bowl of trail soup. It was a simple trick he learned long ago, pouring boiling water over smoked meat or sun-dried vegetables. There's no rich flavor but it fills your stomach and warms against the rain. Tonight's fare is onion slivers, a small potato chopped up, and a single, hand-sized sheet of peppered venison.

Caius grips the meat between thumb and forefinger, swirling it around in the onion water while he gnaws on his latest bite. He becomes aware of his dour expression and tries to manually soften his features. He deliberately unfurrows his brow, raises the corners of his mouth, and relaxes the muscles at the base of his neck. He feels that he has nothing to add to the conversation but he does not resent his fellows for their better collective mood.

[sblock=OOC]Potential perception: 1D20+8 = [14]+8 = 22
Potential initiative: 1D20+1 = [14]+1 = 15[/sblock]

[sblock=Caius's Mini Stats]Caius Aurelius
HP: 20/20
AC: 16 FF: 15 T: 11
CMB: +5 CMD: 16
Fort: +7 Reflex: +4 Will: +6
Resistances: Acid (5), Cold (5), Electricity (5)
Perception: +8 S. Motive: +5 Diplomacy: +10
Initiative: +1
Conditions in Effect: +1 damage to next strike (whetstone: scythe)
Weapon in Hand: ---
Daylight (Sp): 1/1 remaining
Smite: 1/1 remaining
Lay on Hands: 4/4 remaining
Consumables: ---
Notes: Bought tent for 10gp, 20lbs; heavy flail for 15gp, 10lbs; trail rations x2 for 1gp, 2lbs; and MWK DW composite shortbow (+3) for 620gp, 1lb. Sold shortbow for 30gp, 2lbs.

New shortbow combat stats are as follows:
+1 to hit, 1d6+3 piercing dmg, x3 multiplier, 70ft range[/sblock]

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[sblock=OOC]If we get another post this morning, I can summarize later today and we can all have a nice relaxing holiday (those of us in the states)[/sblock]


[sblock=OOC]I'll shoot for a game update by Tuesday if no one else continues IC.

Happy holiday weekend for those able to celebrate![/sblock]



Fhanna Lorewalker, Lore Shaman 2
Roughy River
Day 5/Afternoon
Round 0

Fhanna sat down beside the fire with the others and started to unbraid her long red hair, squeezing the water out of it. “Ugh! I ‘ate travelin’ in the rain,” she said, pulling off her boots and socks, wriggling her small toes in the wet grass. She worked up a bit of a makeshift rack out of sticks and twine to hang her socks on to dry and then dug out what was left of the food they had taken from Roughy River, some bread, cheese, and sausage she had managed to mostly keep from getting soggy. There was also a keg of the Roughy River ale. Two kegs, actually, but one was just for her!

[sblock=Actions and Rolls]

[sblock=Fhanna Lorewalker Mini Stats]
Fhanna Lorewalker
HP: 21/21 NL: 0
AC: 15 FF: 10 T: 15 Without armor: 10/10/10
CMD: 11
Ammunition: 8/10 bolts
Monstrous Insight (4/day/0 used)

Spells Prepared
0: Daze, Detect Magic, Light, Touch of Fatigue
1. Identify (Spirit Magic), Burning Hands, Cure Light Wounds, Sleep

Game Notes:
Seros is a fantastic lover.



Scene: A night to forget

[section]The night passes quietly, the rain having muted any chance encounter. Sometime in the wee hours of the morning the rain stopped. Even the forest creatures and insect denizens seem to have tired of the showers, and keep relatively silent through the hours until dawn.

Morning arrives, and the party wakes up.

Despite the tree cover, the party can tell the sky is overcast. More pressing however, is the heat. It is going to be a hot, humid day. Coupled with the moisture from the previous day, travel will be quite unpleasant.

From what the heroes figure, they should be out of Ravenbelly by late morning, and the miserable swamp of the Westerley Downs await thereafter.[/section]



Fhanna Lorewalker, Lore Shaman 2
Roughy River
Day 6/Morning
Round 0

“Ugh,” Fhanna grumbled as she rose from her wet bedroll. She shook out her cloak and somehow managed to coax a fire to life. She put on a kettle and tossed in some coffee grounds to boil while hanging up things to dry. She undid a few more buttons of her shirt to deal with the heat and humidity.

“T’day is gaein’ t’ suck,” she muttered.

[sblock=Actions and Rolls]

[sblock=Fhanna Lorewalker Mini Stats]
Fhanna Lorewalker
HP: 21/21 NL: 0
AC: 15 FF: 10 T: 15 Without armor: 10/10/10
CMD: 11
Ammunition: 8/10 bolts
Monstrous Insight (4/day/0 used)

Spells Prepared
0: Daze, Detect Magic, Light, Touch of Fatigue
1. Identify (Spirit Magic), Burning Hands, Cure Light Wounds, Sleep

Game Notes:
Seros is a fantastic lover.



[sblock=OOC]Since there was no event 'last night', I need new preemptive perception and initiative rolls tacked on to your next IC post please.[/sblock]


Seros Animus
[section]~ " Not the words I would've chose," Seros mumbled, rising slowly awake and stretching, " But definitely appropriate."

He had slept miserably. The chill from the rain had stayed in his bones throughout the dark, and the slowly creeping heat had prevented him from getting any sort of rest that would be considered "comfortable". Still, he was accustomed to such conditions: Rorn was quite the warm place, and his entire time in training and drill had been spent outdoors with some fallen leaves for a blanket and a rock or something for a pillow.

It didn't mean he had to enjoy it, however.

Rising from his bedroll, the swordsman first took to shake his hair out as best as possible, noting that nothing was going to remove the stickiness from his skin today: the air clung to him, making Seros wish for rain again just to remove the oppressive grasp of hot moisture from the sky. Without ceremony, he made to roll up his blanket and sleeping mat, taking them a bit away from their campsite to ring them dry before imitating Fhanna and gathering some fallen timber to prop them up near the fire. Hopefully they would dry a bit before they continued on their way.

Seros eyes his overcoat and vest warily. The loose shirt he wore felt heavy enough, and though the extra protection was always a blessing, he wondered if it were really necessary at this point.

No. No, it was too hot. He grabbed the garments, noted with a scowl that apparently even sitting near the fire all night was not enough to completely un-soak them, and threw the vest into his pack and draped the coat over the side of their wagon. Should he need it, he assumed it would be easy enough to simply grab and throw on.

At the very least, he was happy he had stored his boots upside down: the insides were relatively dry (by comparison to everything else, that was). Still, that was not much to look forward to.

Even the pipes of Sylvain were a bit of a bust: well sure, they were wonderfully crafted and sounded as beautiful as a siren's song, but the Inquisitor was just a bit disappointed that they did not have the touch of the Arcane about them. You'd think a Satyr leaving behind a present (he had to assume it was left behind and they had not just appropriated some poor creature's lost possession) would at least leave something whimsical. Regardless, he was happy they had the extra music for the trip because they would need something to make the slog ahead bearable.

Procuring the leftover food from their cart, Seros found a decent rock to sit himself upon, making sure to mosey near Fhanna and give her fiery hair an affectionate stroke before settling down to grab some sticks from the fire. He made sure the tips were good and charred before grinding them down against stone into a point, and then affixing the sausages to these and letting them rest at the edges of the fire.

At the very least, they could start the day with a full belly.

" Let me know when that coffee is done, Ansha," he asked, next retrieving his scabbard from the wagon, alongside a small flask of oil and a cloth. With great care, almost reverence, Seros drew the blade forth and set to work cleaning and maintaining it for the rigors ahead, all while muttering a small mantra of work towards the Blessed Saints. ~[/section]

[sblock=Preemptive Rolls]Initiative: [roll0]
Perception: [roll1][/sblock]

[sblock=Seros's Stats]
Character Sheet

HP: 10/10
Condition: Groggy
Initiative: +2
Perception: +9

AC: 17 Flat: 14 Touch: 13 (Currently Touch)
Fort: 3 Reflex: 2 Will: 5

In Hand: Sword (Cleaning)

Longsword (Two-Hands): +3, 1d8+4, 19-20/x2
Sling: +2 1d4+3, 20/x2, 50. ft.
Bullets: 20/20

Orisons: Unlimited
Detect Magic
Disrupt Undead
Read Magic

Level 1: 1/Day
Divine Favor

Other daily abilities:
Judgment: 1/1 Remaining
Daylight: 1/1 Remaining

[sblock=Adventure Notes]
Total Coin: 20.51 GP

Game Info:



Caius Aurelius, Blessed Penitent

Caius wakes but keeps his eyes closed, willing the night to extend itself and let him sleep. He tosses and turns on his bedroll, stubbornly fighting the reality that this sticky, muggy morning has crept beneath the shelter of his tent. Even after escaping the rain, he is not to be dry. At long last, he sits up and clobbers his eyes with his knuckles. He opens them as Seros and Fhanna share their moment.

With a heavy sigh, the paladin sets to breaking camp. The tent and bedroll return to their places on his pack with relative ease but sweat already stings where it pools beneath his brows. What a miserable state of affairs. Caius grumbles under his breath, something about age and injustice, while walking away from camp to make water. He returns presently and halfheartedly offers the lovers, "Morning." He grabs his pack and carries it over near the fire, casting about for a log to sit on and then resigning himself to a squat similar to the night before. One knee pops from behind his green woolen breeches and the previous night's frown returns to its position as well.

[sblock=OOC]Potential perception: 1D20+8 = [16]+8 = 24
Potential initiative: 1D20+1 = [6]+1 = 7[/sblock]

[sblock=Caius's Mini Stats]Caius Aurelius
HP: 20/20
AC: 16 FF: 15 T: 11
CMB: +5 CMD: 16
Fort: +7 Reflex: +4 Will: +6
Resistances: Acid (5), Cold (5), Electricity (5)
Perception: +8 S. Motive: +5 Diplomacy: +10
Initiative: +1
Conditions in Effect: +1 damage to next strike (whetstone: scythe)
Weapon in Hand: ---
Daylight (Sp): 1/1 remaining
Smite: 1/1 remaining
Lay on Hands: 4/4 remaining
Consumables: ---
Notes: Bought tent for 10gp, 20lbs; heavy flail for 15gp, 10lbs; trail rations x2 for 1gp, 2lbs; and MWK DW composite shortbow (+3) for 620gp, 1lb. Sold shortbow for 30gp, 2lbs.

New shortbow combat stats are as follows:
+1 to hit, 1d6+3 piercing dmg, x3 multiplier, 70ft range[/sblock]


First Post

After a damp nights sleep and still with the realization in mind that three people had frantically tried to interpret a bit of Magic into the Pan's Pipes, Sylvain gets ready to accept reality once more as his basic premise.

"Good morning dear fellows. How was your most deserved rest? I think we should be breaking fast, breaking camp fast and breaking out into the moors short after. Methinks it would make sense to have some time to reckon once we arrive on their sodden boundaries. "

He then proceeds to assisst with the process of preparing some food and setting everything up to leave.



[sblock=Actions and Rolls]
Preemtive Rolls
Perception, Initiative: 1D20+3 = [7]+3 = 10
1D20+3 = [12]+3 = 15


[sblock=Sylvain Mini Stats]
AC: 15 (13 flat-footed, 12 touch)
HP: 13/13
CMB: +1
CMD: 13
Fort: +1
Reflex: +6
Will: +3
Initiative: +3
Perception: +3
Perform: +8
Disable Device: +9
Bardic Performance: 7/7
Cantrip remaining: Unlimited
Level 1 remaining: 3/3
Current Weapon in Hand:
Current Conditions in Effect:

Temporary items in possession:
Masterwork Panpipes (Wind Instrument)

Items not currently in possession:
Items depleted:

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