Pathfinder 1E [LPF] Roughy River Run


Seros Animus
[section]~ The rain just would not relent. Even when it finally stopped falling from the sky, it made sure that the roads were covered in mud and the party and all of its provisions were completely soaked. Seros was partially thankful for at least being washed clean of the foliage and dirt, but his clothing felt twice as heavy just from absorbing all the moisture. With what little light that could peak through the clouds quickly fading, the Inquisitor could only shake his head, droplets of water wildly flung away from the strands.

" What a miserable day this has been," he lamented, finally coming to a stop. Walking was tiring in these conditions, even for the Rornishman.

" We might need to see about fire and hunkering down for a bit. Bite to eat, and all that," Seros offered, " In these conditions we're liable to injure ourselves or the horses trying to navigate at night, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who would appreciate some dry clothing." ~[/section]

[sblock=Rolls]Potential Perception: [roll0]
Potential Initiative: [roll1][/sblock]

[sblock=Seros's Stats]
Character Sheet

HP: 10/10
Condition: Soaked and Cold
Initiative: +2
Perception: +9

AC: 17 Flat: 14 Touch: 13
Fort: 3 Reflex: 2 Will: 5

In Hand: Nothing

Longsword (Two-Hands): +3, 1d8+4, 19-20/x2
Sling: +2 1d4+3, 20/x2, 50. ft.
Bullets: 20/20

Orisons: Unlimited
Detect Magic
Disrupt Undead
Read Magic

Level 1: 1/Day
Divine Favor

Other daily abilities:
Judgment: 1/1 Remaining
Daylight: 1/1 Remaining

[sblock=Adventure Notes]
Total Coin: 20.51 GP

Game Info:


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Fhanna Lorewalker, Lore Shaman 2
Roughy River
Day 5/Afternoon
Round 0

“Aye,” Fhanna agreed with Seros. She hopped down from the wagon and started to unhook the horses. “I’ll get th’animals settled if someone wants t’ see if they c’n find some dry wood,” she suggested. “An’ mebbe somewhere ‘alfway dry t’ camp.”

[sblock=Actions and Rolls]

[sblock=Fhanna Lorewalker Mini Stats]
Fhanna Lorewalker
HP: 21/21 NL: 0
AC: 15 FF: 10 T: 15 Without armor: 10/10/10
CMD: 11
Ammunition: 8/10 bolts
Monstrous Insight (4/day/0 used)

Spells Prepared
0: Daze, Detect Magic, Light, Touch of Fatigue
1. Identify (Spirit Magic), Burning Hands, Cure Light Wounds, Sleep

Game Notes:
Seros is a fantastic lover.



First Post

Still humming a bit to his own tune, Sylvain helps himself across the blockage in the road and trudges alongside the others
"I have to agree with Seros. We shall need some fire and rest after this. Let us go find a proper please to light and lighten up."

I shall see all and then freeze.

[sblock=Actions and Rolls]

Perception ; Initiative: 1D20+3 = [16]+3 = 19
1D20+3 = [2]+3 = 5


[sblock=Sylvain Mini Stats]
AC: 15 (13 flat-footed, 12 touch)
HP: 13/13
CMB: +1
CMD: 13
Fort: +1
Reflex: +6
Will: +3
Initiative: +3
Perception: +3
Perform: +8
Disable Device: +9
Bardic Performance: 7/7
Cantrip remaining: Unlimited
Level 1 remaining: 3/3
Current Weapon in Hand:
Current Conditions in Effect:

Temporary items in possession:
Masterwork Panpipes (Wind Instrument)

Items not currently in possession:
Items depleted:

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Seros Animus
[section]~ For his part, Seros took the group's agreement and noted a nearby area with less foliage than the surrounding forest, away from the muddy road, and generally protected by trees overhead so that the ground would not be so wet.

Not exactly the Duke's Room at the Dunn Wright, but better than nothing.

Seros went about collecting what wood he could find that was dry enough to start a fire. Without a proper axe to cut what dead wood he scrounged up, the aasimar instead appropriated a piton to drive it into the logs, splitting them in half through sheer force. It was more laborious, but he knew that they wouldn't get a fire out of the soaked pieces themselves. Instead, he relied a bit on a military trick from his time back in Irthos.

By cutting the timbers open, Seros was able to get to the relatively-drier inner splinters. With the same piton, he shaved as much of this out of the bark as possible. While not perfect, it would serve as better kindling than anything else on the ground. With this, he gathered the necessary stones to hem off a firepit, set the split-logs he wanted to use in a circle within the stone circle, and used his flint and steel to spark a fire from the kindling, adding smaller, quicker burning wood as he could.

With the other logs closer to the growing flame, hopefully they would dry out a bit so they wouldn't burn as poorly as the wet lumber around them, providing some measure of decent heat. It was a long, frustrating process, but it would give the party some much needed comfort: Seros was already removing his overcoat to place it near the smoky fire in the hopes that something of his would dry out. ~[/section]

[sblock=Seros's Stats]
Character Sheet

HP: 10/10
Condition: Soaked and Cold
Initiative: +2
Perception: +9

AC: 17 Flat: 14 Touch: 13
Fort: 3 Reflex: 2 Will: 5

In Hand: Nothing

Longsword (Two-Hands): +3, 1d8+4, 19-20/x2
Sling: +2 1d4+3, 20/x2, 50. ft.
Bullets: 20/20

Orisons: Unlimited
Detect Magic
Disrupt Undead
Read Magic

Level 1: 1/Day
Divine Favor

Other daily abilities:
Judgment: 1/1 Remaining
Daylight: 1/1 Remaining

[sblock=Adventure Notes]
Total Coin: 20.51 GP

Game Info:



First Post

Thankful for the hellish fire, that none but an Aasimar could have conjured from this soaking sponge of a wood, Sylvain tends to the horses and arranges for them to have some grassy patches in reach and prepares them for the night.

Coming back to the fire he sees what he can do to prepare some food and possibly a bit of warm and mulled wine.

"Now that was a real strange happening back there, I reckon. A Satyr trapped by a tree in his own woods....I woods not normally believe it. Then him dropping his pan-pipes clear for me to find....Drop that notion. I have a very strange feeling here. We better set us up cleverly for the night. That is when floating lights, naked dwarves and other mayhem descend upon us most frequently. No offense meant with respect to your personal encounter here Seros and your Dwarven Mid-Highness." With the last words his features lighten up. What better in a rainy sodden mess than a bit of fun with the Dwarf. "I suggest we leave the fire lit but sleep a bit off next to the wagon, so we are not the illuminated entertainment here."



[sblock=Actions and Rolls]

Perception ; Initiative: 1D20+3 = [16]+3 = 19
1D20+3 = [2]+3 = 5


[sblock=Sylvain Mini Stats]
AC: 15 (13 flat-footed, 12 touch)
HP: 13/13
CMB: +1
CMD: 13
Fort: +1
Reflex: +6
Will: +3
Initiative: +3
Perception: +3
Perform: +8
Disable Device: +9
Bardic Performance: 7/7
Cantrip remaining: Unlimited
Level 1 remaining: 3/3
Current Weapon in Hand:
Current Conditions in Effect:

Temporary items in possession:
Masterwork Panpipes (Wind Instrument)

Items not currently in possession:
Items depleted:


Drayvin Angeltongue

Drayvin will help in whatever way is needed to set up camp for the night.
"I agree with Sylvain. We need to play it careful tonight and also keep good watches. Also I would like to ask if anyone has determined if these pan pipes are special in any way? I would like to do a detect magic on them and if they are, see if I can figure out what they do.

[sblock=OOC] Perception roll: 1D20+4 = [19]+4 = 23
Initiative Roll: 1D20+5 = [17]+5 = 22 [/sblock]


Character Sheet

HP: 09/09
Conditions: none
Initiative: +5
Perception: +4

AC: 15 Flat: 14 Touch: 11
Fort: 03 Reflex: 01 Will: 02
Right hand:
Left hand:

Weapon: Melee: Steel Terbutje Att:+3 Dam: 1d8+2 Crit: 19/20x2 Slashing

Weapon: Ranged: Chakram Att: +1 Dam: 1d8+2 Crit: 20/x3 Slashing Range: 30 ft 4/4

Wand of Cure Lgt (12/13 charges)

Rage Songs 12/12rnds/day (12 '''= (+3/1st lvl +3 Cha +6 Extra Perform) then +2/lvl)
Lingering Performance - The bonuses and penalties from your bardic performance continue for 2 rounds after you cease performing

Cantrips (DC 13)= At will
• Detect Magic • Read Magic • Daze • Ghost Sound • Mending (FC)

Level 01 (DC 14)= 2/2 day
• Chord of Shards • Moment of Greatness

[sblock=Adventure Notes]
Transactions: bath -6cp, good meal -5sp, magic laundry -1 gp, tip-2 sp, coffee 1lb -2cp, 2 day trail rations -1gp, light riding horse -75 gp, bit and bridle -2gp, harness -2gp, dandy brush -2sp, riding saddle -10gp, saddlebags -4gp, tip -7sp -8cp
sold hide shirt and buckler for +25 gp

Game Info: Gained masterwork chain shirt
Last edited:


First Post

Here he was again. Standing corrected by this heavenly mouthed, and alas, most agreable fellow. Not a chance in Seros forsaken homeland to get aggravated by him. Duh.

"Ah well, Master Angeltoongue, as Fhana would say: Ye drayvin me 't purrfection. Your advice is most sound and of course the thought occurred to me, almost. And of course I did think of checking. Well...they look quite Masterworkish and I....well give me a second to go and did check them out"
Sylvain then removes pipes from his pockets and removes remorse at being remonstrated so agreeably out of his thoughts, relocating them to the area of the brain usually referred to as "#!**#". Then he concentrates on the magic within and feels outward to sense any magic emanation from the pipes, awaiting for several minnutes any aura visible to his now souped up senses.

Francis John, you never stated that they were not and I properly forgot to check. Good pointer there Scewylooie.

[sblock=Actions and Rolls]
Spellcraft should it be necessary: 1D20+7 = [18]+7 = 25

Perception ; Initiative: 1D20+3 = [16]+3 = 19
1D20+3 = [2]+3 = 5


[sblock=Sylvain Mini Stats]
AC: 15 (13 flat-footed, 12 touch)
HP: 13/13
CMB: +1
CMD: 13
Fort: +1
Reflex: +6
Will: +3
Initiative: +3
Perception: +3
Perform: +8
Disable Device: +9
Bardic Performance: 7/7
Cantrip remaining: Unlimited
Level 1 remaining: 3/3
Current Weapon in Hand:
Current Conditions in Effect:

Temporary items in possession:
Masterwork Panpipes (Wind Instrument)

Items not currently in possession:
Items depleted:


Seros Animus
[section]~ Seros sat on a fallen log with a stick, poking at his fire throughout the conversation. It was a smoky beast, that crackling wet wood, unwilling to give up its heat easily, but at least it was something. The aasimar peeled off his vest, laying that, too, by the fire to help burn out some of the rain.

" Strange indeed, Master Sylvain," he agreed to the Half-Elf's first point, scratching an itch behind his pointed ears before carefully pushing his wet mop over the pointed tips.~

" To have dropped such an instrument after such a frightful experience; I wonder if he'll come back for them?" Seros wondered aloud, " Especially if they are magic, as Master Angeltongue reckons. Here, I've learned a few tricks myself, let me aid you."

Seros shoved the stick of his into the embers, the tip already sufficiently charred, before rising and headed over to the bard and his mysterious pipes. Squatting down nearby, the Rornishman reached into his shirt, pulling out the amulet he wore and gripping it tight to his palm.

" Ah. And certainly no offense taken, my Sylvan friend; were that I was so lucky for the excitement you folks had on the road here," Seros chuckled to the earlier comment, giving a wink over at Fhanna before sliding his eyes shut and touching the three-swords of silver to his brow.

" Święci Ognia, daj mi wzrok magiczny," he breathed in his native tongue, sprinkling the prayer with the thrum of magic. The request for additional sight was granted when his eyelids finally slid open.

Gone was the indigo hue, replaced instead by the slow-roiling embers of their meager firepit; a gift from Darya Firecast to see beyond the mundane. Seros focused his saintly sight upon the instrument, reading it with the clarity granted by an exemplar of knowledge whilst Sylvain plucked at the weave of the arcane through insight and instinct. ~[/section]

[sblock=Actions]Casting Detect Magic in the direction of the Pipes as well.[/sblock]

[sblock=Seros's Stats]
Character Sheet

HP: 10/10
Condition: Soaked and Sorta Cold
Initiative: +2
Perception: +9

AC: 17 Flat: 14 Touch: 13
Fort: 3 Reflex: 2 Will: 5

In Hand: Nothing

Longsword (Two-Hands): +3, 1d8+4, 19-20/x2
Sling: +2 1d4+3, 20/x2, 50. ft.
Bullets: 20/20

Orisons: Unlimited
Detect Magic
Disrupt Undead
Read Magic

Level 1: 1/Day
Divine Favor

Other daily abilities:
Judgment: 1/1 Remaining
Daylight: 1/1 Remaining

[sblock=Adventure Notes]
Total Coin: 20.51 GP

Game Info:


Voidrunner's Codex

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