Pathfinder 1E [LPF] Roughy River Run


First Post

Sylvain has a good feeling as he watches the satyr march off. Things look clear. He watches the belt open and the pouch fall, all obvious to his eye. What does it mean, oh well, never mind but for once he sees clearly.

Lo and behold my friends, our obviously still shaken friend enacted Zee Next Party of zee tragedee himself. He lost his stuff. I'll check it out. Maybe we'll learn what we cannot learn from his rapid retreating self from his slower stuff.

So, off goes Sylvain, not for nought called the Willow, supple as well as subtle in his approach, to check out what the Woodwose lost.


[sblock=Actions and Rolls]
Perception: 1D20+3 = [20]+3 = 23
With that clear vision Sylvain will move to where the pouch and belt dropped and given them a careful inspection.

[sblock=Sylvain Mini Stats]
AC: 15 (13 flat-footed, 12 touch)
HP: 13/13
CMB: +1
CMD: 13
Fort: +1
Reflex: +6
Will: +3
Initiative: +3
Perception: +3
Perform: +8
Disable Device: +9
Bardic Performance: 7/7
Cantrip remaining: Unlimited
Level 1 remaining: 3/3
Current Weapon in Hand:
Current Conditions in Effect:

Temporary items in possession:
noneItems not currently in possession:
Items depleted:

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Fhanna Lorewalker, Lore Shaman 2
Roughy River
Day 5/Afternoon
Round 0

“Well, nae foul play in downin’ this tree,” Fhanna reported to the others. “Jus’ rain an’ wind an’ weak roots.”

[sblock=Actions and Rolls]
Action: Perception: 1D20+11 = [18]+11 = 29

[sblock=Fhanna Lorewalker Mini Stats]
Fhanna Lorewalker
HP: 21/21 NL: 0
AC: 15 FF: 10 T: 15 Without armor: 10/10/10
CMD: 11
Ammunition: 8/10 bolts
Monstrous Insight (4/day/0 used)

Spells Prepared
0: Daze, Detect Magic, Light, Touch of Fatigue
1. Identify (Spirit Magic), Burning Hands, Cure Light Wounds, Sleep

Game Notes:
Seros is a fantastic lover.



First Post

Keeping his eyes on the prize, Sylvain walks into the woods to retrieve what he has seen the Satyr drop. He picks up the belt and pouch. Upon returning to the others, he opens the pouch carefully and extracts a set of beautiful pan-pipes. With possibly the faintest hint of tears in the eyes he lifts the pipes to his lips, pausing half way, saying:
"He smiled at me. I am certain, there was good intent here. He was in a bad place, not knowing what put him there. I think we have made a friend. Let me see what they can do" Then he sets the pipes finally to his lips playing a hauntingly beautiful tune, pausing ever in between to sing:
"Come now join me as I dance tonight.
together we shall sweetly dream.
We shall dance among the moon and stars, through trees, are heaven's light.
Then we shall hear the sweet sweet music.
Music of the trees, of love.
And we shall be together for all time.
A perfect portrait of our mother, nature, oh my darling. "

Then he sets the pipes down wistfully and looks at the stubborn tree, pondering.


[sblock=Actions and Rolls]
Performance Roll to put my friends, and any that would listen in an inspired mood.
Perform, Masterwork Panpipes: 1D20+9 = [12]+9 = 21


[sblock=Sylvain Mini Stats]
AC: 15 (13 flat-footed, 12 touch)
HP: 13/13
CMB: +1
CMD: 13
Fort: +1
Reflex: +6
Will: +3
Initiative: +3
Perception: +3
Perform: +8
Disable Device: +9
Bardic Performance: 7/7
Cantrip remaining: Unlimited
Level 1 remaining: 3/3
Current Weapon in Hand:
Current Conditions in Effect:

Temporary items in possession:
Masterwork Panpipes (Wind Instrument)

Items not currently in possession:
Items depleted:

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[sblock=OOC]I will be out of town tomorrow through Sunday. When the GM is away, the characters roleplay!

Barring terrible rolls, you guys should be able to complete the encounter. Please feel free to finish 'solving' the encounter without my guidance. Use the previously mentioned DC's for the skills checks.

Let's try to get everyone a few turns to RP. (Don't forget to respond to Sylvain's artful performance. :)[/sblock]


Seros Animus
[section]~ " What a curious creature," Seros muttered, shaking his head while moving to start gathering the materials necessary for constructing a ramp to get over the downed trunk.

" Don't think it'd be very easy to move the tree itself, Ansha," Seros called above the downpour, " Going over seems a bit more reliable than wasting time and effort on trying to push or drag this thing."~

The Rornishman focused on gathering up fallen wood, brush, and everything else that would help in building a stable contraption to get over the tree. He worked to pry off the siding of the cart, intent on using those planks too. It would take some time, but Seros was confident it could be done with just some elbow grease.

So dedicated he was to his task that it took a few moments of the pipes wafting through the leaves for the tune to catch the aasimar's pointed ears. It caused him to slow, still covered in rain and mud, but Seros stopped entirely to look over at the Half-Elf. The music was captivating, slowly bringing him back to his green home of Rorn.

There was the thought of his comrades in arms, of the tall trees of Irthos and the golden valleys of the hills around Rorden. Thoughts towards family, and friends, past lovers and journeys remembered fondly. He spared his indigo eyes towards Fhanna, smiling softly though the mud and rain graced her appearance just as it did his. It did little to dampen her spirits, it seemed, or her fiery hair. Indeed, all of his companions looked quite ready for whatever lay ahead, despite the miserable chill.

This would also be a journey well remembered, Seros thought. Yes indeed.

" We need to get you a job at the Dunn Wright, Master Sylvain," Seros admired the bard, " Such music is a rare gift to bestow upon us, and I thank you for it. I'd dance once more, if I wasn't so sure I'd wind up in this mud."

He chuckled, continuing on with his work while whistling (poorly) to the radiant tune of the forest. ~[/section]

[sblock=OOC Stuff]I had actually rolled a lovely 17 earlier on a Survival Check so we can just build a ramp to get over the tree. If we opt for that, Our GM has said:

"For horses to walk over ramp(each success gives a +2):
Handle Animal DC 10
(remember all players can try handle animal untrained with DC 10 or under.)"[/sblock]

[sblock=Seros's Stats]
Character Sheet

HP: 10/10
Condition: Soaked and Muddy, but His Face Feels A Bit Better
Initiative: +2
Perception: +9

AC: 17 Flat: 14 Touch: 13
Fort: 3 Reflex: 2 Will: 5

In Hand: Nothing

Longsword (Two-Hands): +3, 1d8+4, 19-20/x2
Sling: +2 1d4+3, 20/x2, 50. ft.
Bullets: 20/20

Orisons: Unlimited
Detect Magic
Disrupt Undead
Read Magic

Level 1: 1/Day
Divine Favor

Other daily abilities:
Judgment: 1/1 Remaining
Daylight: 1/1 Remaining

[sblock=Adventure Notes]
Total Coin: 20.51 GP

Game Info:




Fhanna Lorewalker, Lore Shaman 2
Roughy River
Day 5/Afternoon
Round 0

“Well, seems ye ‘ave a fan,” Fhanna noted as Sylvain returned with the pouch and pipe. She’d caught the smile and wink the satyr had given the bard before he went loping off into the forest.

Fhanna scrambled back over the log to help Seros as he built the ramp. When it was nearly complete, she went over to the horses.

“Okay, noo, laddies,” she said, stroking their muzzles, speaking softly. “We’re gaein’ t’ get ye’ o’er this ‘ere log nice an’ easy if ye cooperate, aye? Nae fuss, nae bother an’ we’ll be right as rain, an’ I’ll gi’ ye some extra oats when we stop t’night, mebbe an apple, aye? Guid laddies.”

The dwarf turned to guide the horses and wagon up the makeshift ramp.

[sblock=Actions and Rolls]
Action: Animal Handling: 1D20+5 = [6]+5 = 11

[sblock=Fhanna Lorewalker Mini Stats]
Fhanna Lorewalker
HP: 21/21 NL: 0
AC: 15 FF: 10 T: 15 Without armor: 10/10/10
CMD: 11
Ammunition: 8/10 bolts
Monstrous Insight (4/day/0 used)

Spells Prepared
0: Daze, Detect Magic, Light, Touch of Fatigue
1. Identify (Spirit Magic), Burning Hands, Cure Light Wounds, Sleep

Game Notes:
Seros is a fantastic lover.



Drayvin Angeltongue

Drayvin watches the satyr run off into the woods with a bewildered look on his face. He then watches as Sylvain cautiously approaches the dropped pouch and stares bright-eyed at the set of pipes that he pulls out. Drayvin thoroughly enjoys Sylvain playing of the pipes, but secretly wonders if he could do better. Knowing that we need to get moving, He goes to help Fhanna With the horses and the wagon.
Satyr perception check roll: 1D20+4 = [8]+4 = 12


Character Sheet

HP: 09/09
Conditions: none
Initiative: +5
Perception: +4

AC: 15 Flat: 14 Touch: 11
Fort: 03 Reflex: 01 Will: 02
Right hand:
Left hand:

Weapon: Melee: Steel Terbutje Att:+3 Dam: 1d8+2 Crit: 19/20x2 Slashing

Weapon: Ranged: Chakram Att: +1 Dam: 1d8+2 Crit: 20/x3 Slashing Range: 30 ft 4/4

Wand of Cure Lgt (12/13 charges)

Rage Songs 12/12rnds/day (12 '''= (+3/1st lvl +3 Cha +6 Extra Perform) then +2/lvl)
Lingering Performance - The bonuses and penalties from your bardic performance continue for 2 rounds after you cease performing

Cantrips (DC 13)= At will
• Detect Magic • Read Magic • Daze • Ghost Sound • Mending (FC)

Level 01 (DC 14)= 2/2 day
• Chord of Shards • Moment of Greatness

[sblock=Adventure Notes]
Transactions: bath -6cp, good meal -5sp, magic laundry -1 gp, tip-2 sp, coffee 1lb -2cp, 2 day trail rations -1gp, light riding horse -75 gp, bit and bridle -2gp, harness -2gp, dandy brush -2sp, riding saddle -10gp, saddlebags -4gp, tip -7sp -8cp
sold hide shirt and buckler for +25 gp

Game Info: Gained masterwork chain shirt


~~~Day 5: Camp at night, back in the heart of Ravenbelly Forest~~~


After applying a fair bit of common sense and elbow grease, the now completely muddied party is able to concoct a makeshift ramp on either side of the log. Without too much hassle, they also are able to lead the horses over the fallen tree. The piled branches squeak and bend, but do not break. The flat bed of the wagon nearly bottoms out over the top point of the tree, but with encouragement the horses power over. And at last, success is achieved.... the party, horses, and wagon all are safely on the other side of the road!



After the tree obstacle is complete the heroes continue on through Ravenbelly forest. Eventually the rain does in fact stop, but the party is soaked and the road is soggy. Needless to say, the going is a bit slower than hoped. Despite the continuous cloud cover the party is able to tell that nightfall is imminent. Plans have to be made sooner rather than later on how to proceed.



Alright folks, our fifth night away from home. Instead of figuring out night watch, I will simply roll a percentage to see who is awake during any potential encounters.

I need an IC post from all, roleplaying whatever your character feels or wants to say. Please also include a potential perception check and initiative roll to expedite the scene if necessary. Can we shoot for posts by Thursday or Friday?


Voidrunner's Codex

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