Pathfinder 1E [LPF] Roughy River Run


Day 7: Morning at the outskirts of the Kekuku Pines

[section]The party enjoys their light breakfast in the crisp morning air. All belongings are packed up, horses tended to, and wagon loaded. Right as they are about to set off, Drayvin speaks up. "Friends, I've made a decision, and I haven't taken it lightly. I am going to go back and look for Caius. There is larger than small part of me that somehow thinks, no wait, knows, he still is out there. I will ride alone back to the swamp. It is my hope to bring news of his fate either way back to Venza."

He turns back to the south. "I bid you all farewell! It my complete pleasure and honor travelling with the lot of you!" He kicks his horse into motion. "Giddyup!"

And just like that, the four become three.[/section]

GM: Drayvin has officially left the party.

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Day 7: Sundown at Kaz Bridge

[section]Again, the party travels in a stunned silence. They mind their own thoughts as they enter the pines. Every once in a while, someone may comment on the shrubbery or an interesting bird call. Fhanna and Seros are wont to share glances at each other, possibly longing for the now distant memory of their night together in Roughy. Sylvain is content to hum along to himself, passing the time by modulating arpeggios through all twelve keys, taking care to go up and down the magical circle of fifths (and fourths!).

Morning becomes day, and day becomes the afternoon. Nothing of note is passed as they travel north through the Kekuku pines, save for a decently large cranberry bog. A short lunch is peacefully consumed and they continue on their way.

Eventually the road becomes familiar as they are about to approach Kaz Bridge, in the heart of the pines. The sun begins to set and the orange glow of the far away star splinters light through the cracks between the trees.

In the distance they spot the bank where the original group found the corpse. But, more importantly, right at the base of the bridge is a large creature. Definitely humanoid in shape, but much, much larger. And he (the gender they think as far as they are), he is fast asleep.

The adventurers can freely whisper without waking the sleeping creature, but is quite clear that he is in the middle of the path. The wagon definitely cannot proceed without something being done about the slumbering roadblock.[/section]



Seros Animus
[section]~ The way forward had yet another roadblock.

With yet even less of the party intact, Seros could not help but wonder if he were some sort of ill omen: people had been disappearing ever since he showed up. His Celestial heritage was often seen as either a portent or ominous sign, and the Inquisitor could not help but wonder if such wives' tales had a shred of truth to them. He had argued to pursue Drayvin, to not let the man ride so quickly to certain death, but the arguments against it were equally valid: they would never catch up, not if they intended to bring the wagon, and if Drayvin were successful in finding Caius, two men could travel much faster, and much quieter, than 4 men, a Dwarf, and a wagon.

Seros had resolved himself to just make it home to Venza and hopefully forget most of this business: this was not what he imagined his first foray as one of that Glass City's famous Mercenaries would be, though it did have some perks he noted. He leaned over to said perk and pointed towards off of the road.

" Might be best to hide the wagon for a moment," he advised Fhanna in hushed tones, " Until we know what we are dealing with."

with that, Seros hopped from the cart and strode forward only a few paces, keeping his distance while trying to discern what sort of living boulder impeded them. ~[/section]

OOC: What would the check be to identify this creature? If it's either of Arcana, Dungeoneering, Nature, or Religion, please use the following roll (adding Monster Lore for Inquisitor):
Knowledge Check to Identify Creature: 1d20+7 9
Oh Man, Seros is already off his game again ._.

[sblock=Seros's Stats]Character Sheet
HP: 14/18
Condition: Eager to be heading home
Initiative: +5
Perception: +9
[sblock=Defenses and Offenses]AC: 17 Flat: 14 Touch: 13
Fort: 4 Reflex: 2 Will: 6

In Hand: Longsword and Cleaning Materials
Longsword (Two-Hands): +4, 1d8+4, 19-20/x2
Sling: +3 1d4+3, 20/x2, 50. ft.
Bullets: 20/20[/sblock]
[sblock=Spellcasting and Abilities]Orisons: Unlimited
Create Water
Detect Magic
Disrupt Undead
Read Magic

Level 1: 3/Day
Divine Favor
Lend Judgment

Other daily abilities:
Judgment: 1/1 Remaining
Daylight: 1/1 Remaining[/sblock]
[sblock=Adventure Notes]
Total Coin: 20.51 GP

Game Info:
- We delivered the most successful Roughy River Run ever. Halflings must love us.
- Fhanna is a feisty dwarf.
- Caius gave his life to save the party from certain death.
- Drayvin went after Caius, disappearing before we could stop him.[/sblock][/sblock]



Fhanna Lorewalker, Lore Shaman 2
Roughy River
Day 7/Morning
Round 0

Fhanna rode mostly in silence again. Drayvin going after Caius only reiterated their loss, and now they were down a fighter once again.

The figure blocking the bridge brought her out of her funk a bit, though, and she nodded to Seros at his suggestion that they pull the wagon off to the side. She did so, easing the horses to the side and out of sight.

Hopping down herself, she grabbed up her crossbow and longspear and eased after Seros. She moved up to him and studied the slumbering creature.

[sblock=Actions and Rolls]
Action: Nature, Planes, or Religion: 1D20+9 = [19]+9 = 28
And I’m using Monstrous Insight to give this a +3 for a total of 31. It also gives me +2 attack and AC against this creature for 1 minute.
Conditions: Monstrous Insight (+2 attack and AC)

[sblock=Fhanna Lorewalker Mini Stats]
Fhanna Lorewalker
HP: 29/29 NL: 0
AC: 15 FF: 10 T: 15 Without armor: 10/10/10
CMD: 11
Fort: +2 Ref: +1 Will: +7

Ammunition: 8/10 bolts
Monstrous Insight (4/4/day)

Longspear: +3 1d8+1/P Crit x3 Reach
Light crossbow: +2 1d8/P Crit 19-20 x2 Range 80’
Dagger: +3 1d4+1/PS Crit 19-20/x2 Range 10’

Spells Prepared (Prepare each morning)
0: Daze, Detect Magic, Light, Touch of Fatigue
1. Identify (Spirit), Magic Missile, Cure Light Wounds, Sleep
2. Tongues (Spirit), Burning Gaze, Lesser Restoration*

Game Notes:
Seros is a fantastic lover.
Stirges suck.
Caius, RIP
Drayvin is from Seithr.


[section]With no trouble really at all, Fhanna leads the horses and mostly empty wagon off the path and in the safety of the pine trees.

An ogre. Yes, an ogre. A big sleeping ogre lies before them.[/section]



Fhanna Lorewalker, Lore Shaman 2
Roughy River
Day 7/Morning
Round 0

“‘Tis an ogre,” Fhanna whispered to the others. “Mean an’ nasty beasies, they are. ‘Tis me guess tha’ was wot did in tha’ corpse we found ‘ere on the way doon t’ Roughy River. Likely playin’ troll un’er the bridge, ‘e is, waylayin’ innocent trav’lers like ourselves f’r coin or meat. I suggest we ‘it ‘im at range. They ‘it ‘ard an’ can reach wi’ tha’ greatclub o’ theirs.”

[sblock=OOC]How far away are we from the ogre?[/sblock]

[sblock=Actions and Rolls]
Conditions: Monstrous Insight (+2 attack and AC)

[sblock=Fhanna Lorewalker Mini Stats]
Fhanna Lorewalker
HP: 29/29 NL: 0
AC: 15 FF: 10 T: 15 Without armor: 10/10/10
CMD: 11
Fort: +2 Ref: +1 Will: +7

Ammunition: 8/10 bolts
Monstrous Insight (3/4/day)

Longspear: +3 1d8+1/P Crit x3 Reach
Light crossbow: +2 1d8/P Crit 19-20 x2 Range 80’
Dagger: +3 1d4+1/PS Crit 19-20/x2 Range 10’

Spells Prepared (Prepare each morning)
0: Daze, Detect Magic, Light, Touch of Fatigue
1. Identify (Spirit), Magic Missile, Cure Light Wounds, Sleep
2. Tongues (Spirit), Burning Gaze, Lesser Restoration*

Game Notes:
Seros is a fantastic lover.
Stirges suck.
Caius, RIP
Drayvin is from Seithr.
Last edited by a moderator:


First Post

For once they find someone before being found. Pleasant, most pleasant.

Now, partners, should we make a plan for once? We stumbled and bumbled so far, but ho...Fhanna do you say we stab away and ask later? In this case, I think let me summon the dog first, and then get going with a bit of a morale booster, what do you say?

That did sound about right and a plan really would be advantageous. And for once he might hit more than change weapons, Sylvain thinks...



[sblock=Actions and Rolls]


[sblock=MiniStats Dog]
Init +1
Senses: darkvision, low-light vision, scent
Perception +8

AC 13, touch 12, flat-footed 12 (+1 Dex, +1 natural, +1 size)
hp 6
Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +1
SR 5

Speed 40 ft.
Melee bite +2 (1d4+1)

Str 13, Dex 13, Con 15 [191], Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 11 (15 vs. trip)
Feats Skill Focus (Perception)
Acrobatics +1 (+9 jumping)
Perception +8, Survival +1 (+5 scent tracking)
Racial Modifiers
+4 Acrobatics when jumping
+4 Survival when tracking by scent

[sblock=Sylvain Mini Stats]
Sylvain, Bard 3
AC: 15 (13 flat-footed, 12 touch)
HP: 13/13
CMB: +1
CMD: 13
Fort: +2
Reflex: +6
Will: +3
Initiative: +3
Perception: +3
Perform: +8
Disable Device: +9
Bardic Performance: 7/7
Cantrip remaining: Unlimited
Level 1 remaining: 4/4
Current Weapon in Hand:
Masterwork Longsword
Current Conditions in Effect:

Temporary items in possession:
Masterwork Panpipes (Wind Instrument)

Items not currently in possession:
Items depleted:



Fhanna Lorewalker, Lore Shaman 3
Roughy River
Day 7/Morning
Round 0

“I dae ‘ave a plan,” Fhanna said with a wicked grin. “‘ow close c’n we sneak up?” she asked. “An’ still ‘ae cover in the trees? Keep yuir ranged weapons close, an’ yuir melee closer. I c’n burn ‘im if I get within thirty feet.”

Fhanna unshipped her crossbow and grabbed her longspear to try and sneak forward.

[sblock=OOC]How close are the trees we can get into to sneak up on the ogre? What I’d like to do is Burning Gaze for three rounds before anyone does anything. After the second round, Sylvain can summon his dog (takes 1 round, right?) Ideally Sylvain is a bit away from the others, since the range on that spell is longer and the ogre would have to stumble past the others to get to him if he hears the spellcasting. Then we let loose with crossbows and such. Hopefully it never comes to melee LOL *cross fingers*[/sblock]

[sblock=Actions and Rolls]
Conditions: Monstrous Insight (+2 attack and AC)

[sblock=Fhanna Lorewalker Mini Stats]
Fhanna Lorewalker
HP: 29/29 NL: 0
AC: 15 FF: 10 T: 15 Without armor: 10/10/10
CMD: 11
Fort: +2 Ref: +1 Will: +7

Ammunition: 8/10 bolts
Monstrous Insight (3/4/day)

Longspear: +3 1d8+1/P Crit x3 Reach
Light crossbow: +2 1d8/P Crit 19-20 x2 Range 80’
Dagger: +3 1d4+1/PS Crit 19-20/x2 Range 10’

Spells Prepared (Prepare each morning)
0: Daze, Detect Magic, Light, Touch of Fatigue
1. Identify (Spirit), Magic Missile, Cure Light Wounds, Sleep
2. Tongues (Spirit), Burning Gaze, Lesser Restoration*

Game Notes:
Seros is a fantastic lover.
Stirges suck.
Caius, RIP
Drayvin is from Seithr.

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