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[LPF] The Devil We Know

Deuce Traveler

Lem is torn between the need to rescue hostages and the need to cook for those who have not had a decent meal. After a moment he gets his priorities straight. "We don't know when the slaves will be shipped off, so we should head there now and send the folks we rescued to get the guard. Fire is a bad idea, since we may hurt those that have been captured. I and some others could use some of that healing, though. We might need to take a look at that ship in order to come up with a decent plan."

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Kafar listens to you all talk about taking after the cultists and such, happy to let you all ignore him without needing an answer to the question.


Seeing as the fighting is clearly over, the timid boy ventures to peek inside and comes over to his master and they exchange quiet words. Then Kafar speaks up, "Nefti tells me that you are required to report back about this, ensure I was kept alive for purposes of a truce. As far as I am concerned, you can go about whatever business you want after that."

The Imperial Guardsman was equally confused and says, "Eh? Half-orc brutes. They took the others away. That's what he said, what."

The auctioneer tells you, "I think you should escort us to somewhere safe. The cultists, I think they called themselves the Cult of Nature’s Cataclysm whatever that means, could come back."

On the dead men, you find a collection of good quality leather and studded leather armors. The shields and clubs on the spell casters were unremarkable. The more sneaky ones had excellently crafted shortswords, but their knives were nothing special. You have a couple of spell component pouches and 3 potion vials. Between all of them, a total of 30gp in coins. It was also noted the backstabbing ones had cloaks that helped them hide better.


Lydia frowns for a moment. "Well... maybe if we bring these people to that Raven guy, we can tell him about the boat, and that we want to deal with it. Maybe we can get some healing from him?" She shrugs. "I mean, he did want us to do this, and we want to, we just need a hand..."

She walks to the body of one of the rogues, and gingerly removes his cloak. "These guys were pretty sneaky... maybe this will come in handy."

[sblock=Stats]Full Stats
Conditions: Diseased (Filth Fever)

HP: 9/12
AC: 16 (Touch: 14, Flat: 13)
Init: +3 (+5 in forest) / Speed: 30 ft.
CMB: +1 / CMD: 14
Fort: +4 / Ref: +5 / Will: +1 (+3 vs fear)
Speed: 30 ft.
In Hand: n/a


"Cult of Nature’s Cataclysm... oh boy" Galandra chuckles "Alright then... we should to escort them back and tell the crusader about the boat. If he really wants us to take care of things he might as well help us with some healing. Take what you can and let's get going. The sooner we tell him what's going on, the sooner we can help the other ones."

Galandra will help salvage and carry what they find.

She turns to Kafar
"So, that means you are not coming with us then? Or do you plan on parting ways right now?"

[sblock=Ministats Galandra]

AC: 18 (Touch 12, Flatfooted 16)
HP: 8/42

Initiative: +2
Perception: +9/+11 vs Humans, Sense Motive: +2/+4 vs Humans, Handle Animal +6/+10 (Animal Companion)
CMB: +8 CMD: 20 Fort: +6 Reflex: +7 Will: +4

Masterwork Falchion +9 [2d4+4] 18-20
Dagger +8 [1d4+3] 19-20
Masterwork Comp Longbow STR3: +7 [1d8+3] x3 (110ft)

Effects: Killer
Combat Feats: Power Attack, Quick Draw, Rapid Shot, Cleave

Conditions: None

In Hand: Masterwork Composite Longbow STR3


Efficient Quiver
  • -Blunt Arrows (20)
  • -Arrows (28)
  • -Masterwork Arrows (10)
  • -Javelins (10)
  • -Spears (3)


  • 3 days rations, Wand CLW (5 charges), Oil (2)

[sblock=Ministats Mika]Mika, Small Leopard, Animal Companion

Hp 16/16
AC 20

Spd 50 ft
Init +5
F+5, R+8, W+1

Attack +7; bite 1d4 + trip, 2 claws 1d2

Low-light vision, scent.

Stealth +13, Perception +5, Acrobatics +5

Bonus trick: Defend[/sblock]



First Post
[Sblock=ooc]sorry for my absence. I have been in the hospital. I am back to normal schedule now and will get caught up and post this afternoon.[/sblock]


First Post
Amien looks at the armor presented and laid out on the floor. He decides that, despite the superior quality, it wouldn't help him much, already knowing how to adjust the straps of the studded leather layers and choosing a proper sizing to have better mobility of his limbs. On the subject of the cloaks, Amien agrees, "One of those might make me less clumsy trying not to be noticed."

When explained who the cultists are, he comments, "For such a name that implies nature above all, they sure went a long way for material possession." He then concludes his interests here in the tune of the others' ready to contact the Ravens, "Either way, we crashed their party, and we're standing in the worst tavern in the city. I'm willing to set my sights towards our next goal."

[sblock=Mini-Stats]Character Sheet Page

Condition: Diseased with Filth Fever
HP: 7/41
AC: 15
AC Touch: 12
AC Flatfooted: 13
Initiative: +2
Fort: +5
Reflex: +3
Will: +0

Glaive Attack: +6, Glaive Damage: 1d10+4 (+8, 1d10+7 under Strength Rage)
Heavy Flail Attack: +6, Heavy Flail Damage: 1d10+4 (+8, 1d10+7 under Strength Rage)
Sling Attack: +4, Sling Damage: 1d4+3
- Sling Bullets (06)

Handy Haversack
- Potion of CLW x1
- Sunrod
- Trail Rations (12 days)[/sblock]


First Post
If there are still more prisoners we should not let them remain captives, especially of orcs. They are mean cruel beings that do not treat humans kindly. Perhaps we escort these prisoners to the watch, get some healing and then move down to observe the rat men.

Tsaaruck concentrates for a minute in thought and looks to Amien and then to Galandra. With a look of someone who has been chastised he lowers his head a bit Perhaps you are right. A plan of attack may be a good idea. I have never had someone to fight with on my side; only me against others, cruel orcs.

Looking for something to do Tsaaruck uses a cloak to load items like a sack to help carry the spoils of the battle.

[sblock=mini stats]
HP: 10/15 – 4 damage from rat, -3 from rat, -4 from rat +6 healed by Amien
AC: 14 (Touch: 11, Flat: 13) with shield
AC:13(Touch: 11, Flat: 12) without shield
Init: +1
CMB: +5 / CMD: 16
Fort: +5 / Ref: +1 / Will: +1
Speed: 40 ft.
In Hand: War Hammer: Attack: +5 = [BAB (1) + STR (4) + Misc (0) + Magic (0)]
Damage: 1d8+4, Crit: 20/x3, Type B
Rage remaining: 4/6 [/sblock]


First Post
Amien moves around Tsaaruck, wrapping an arm around his shoulders in a side grasp, standing side by side, while trying to reassure the half-orc, "It seems we have something in common! I've known my own fair share of fights in the past myself.. though it was with others, we were so disorganized and disconnected it often felt lonely within the chaos. I suppose that's how I got so good at moving through crowds." Amien then lets go as to not make his attempt at friendliness become an uncomfortable burden. "Don't worry about it if Galandra yells at you, I'm not one for plans myself. I just know I should be the first to die if it comes down to it." He then realizes what kind of thing he says, then quickly clarifies, "Not that I'm gonna try to make that happen, of course!"

He soon offers to use his Handy Haversack to carry the items, at least temporarily since it is a magical bag that makes it easy.

[sblock=Mini-Stats]Character Sheet Page

Condition: Diseased with Filth Fever
HP: 7/41
AC: 15
AC Touch: 12
AC Flatfooted: 13
Initiative: +2
Fort: +5
Reflex: +3
Will: +0

Glaive Attack: +6, Glaive Damage: 1d10+4 (+8, 1d10+7 under Strength Rage)
Heavy Flail Attack: +6, Heavy Flail Damage: 1d10+4 (+8, 1d10+7 under Strength Rage)
Sling Attack: +4, Sling Damage: 1d4+3
- Sling Bullets (06)

Handy Haversack
- Potion of CLW x1
- Sunrod
- Trail Rations (12 days)[/sblock]



Kafar replies to Galandra, "Well if you escort me and Nefti from this seedy part of town, that would be appreciated. From there we can part ways while you continue on to wherever you are going with those fine examples of Venzan citizenry." His tone has traces of snobbish sarcasm, but he is a master with the oration and it is hard to tell for sure.


"Tsaaruck, I'm not angry. I'd just suggest you to use the circumstances at our favor" Galandra pats him in the shoulder. "And I don't yell... I just-... speak out loud sometimes...." she seems a little embarrassed by Amien's comments.

"Then we better make haste. We should move quickly before any of those brutes come back to check on their friends. All of you can walk, am I right?" Galandra calls on her cat to follow her close. She really hopes the 'little' thing can walk with her through the streets without getting nervous. She looks quite comfortable thus far.

Voidrunner's Codex

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