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[LPF] The Inheritance

Satin Knights

First Post
Tasanto stays in the fight, even as his wounds bleed a bit more. Missing twice again when so many are ganged up on the creature, Tasanto is starting to believe that pugwampi blood once flowed through it's veins.
[sblock=actions]full attack: claw/claw/ no bite first claw attack+IC+flank (1d20+6+1+2=12) missed and second claw attack +IC+flank (1d20+6+1+2=16) missed
Free: Bleed 1 takes Nysys to zero, so Tasanto Sacrifices 1 HP to keep Nysys at 1 (Fused Link)
[/sblock][sblock=Tasanto Nysys' Mini-stats]
Half-elf Tasanto ..... (inactive)
HP 45/49; AC 13, Touch 12, FF 15; Init -2, Low-light vision, Move 30'
Fort: +6, Reflex +2, Will +10, CMB +4, CMD 16
Perception +14, Sense Motive +14,

Unarmed Strike +4, d6+1+d6 shock, Stunning Fist 2/day

Lucerne Hammer +5, d12+1 with 10' reach
Handbo +4, d6+1 (in haversack)
Dagger +4, d4+1
Sling, +1, d4+1
.......... Sling Bullets 9 Normal

Cattaur Beast Nysys ........... (active)
HP 30/44 real, 1/29 temp, AC 22+4, 16 Touch, 20+4 FF; Init +2, Darkvision, Move 40' Mage Armor 5 hrs
Fort: +5, Reflex +6, Will +10, CMB 6, CMD 22
Perception +14, Sense Motive +14

Claw/Claw +6, d4+2+d6 shock (10' reach)
Bite +6, d6+2+d6 shock
Unarmed Strike +6, d6+3+d6 shock, on first strike of the round (usually kick, sometimes elbow)
Unarmed Strike +6, d6+2+d6 shock, on subsequent strikes in the round
Stunning Fist 1/day
MW Cold Iron Lucerne Hammer +7, d12+3 with 10' reach
Handbo +6, d6+2
Dagger +6, d4+2
Sling +6, d4+2 ......... Sling Bullets 9 Normal

.,,,..Summoner Cantrips: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand, Jolt, Guidance, Umbrella
.,,.,,...Summoner 1st Lvl: 2/4 remaining; Expeditious Retreat, Lesser Rejuvenate Eidolon, Mage Armor, Shield
,,,,...Summon Monster II: 5/5 remaining; std action SLA summon, (5 min), celestial eagles
......,,.......Consumables: 1 Alchemist's Fire, 3 Cure Light Wounds potion, 1 Enlarge potion
....,,.........Consumables: 17/22 days trail rations, 1 anti-toxin, 1 anti-plague
....,,.........Consumables: Scroll of Summon Eidolon and Scroll of Lesser Eidolon Surge loose in haversack for quick access
.....,Anytime Free Action: Fused Link, move HP from real to temp to keep cattaur alive, used down to 2 real
........ ......Swift Actions: Enter Snake Stance or Dragon Stance
..If Snake Stance Active:
.,,,..,,,,,,,,,,.Free Action: A missed attack on me provokes an AoO with an Unarmed Strike
.......Immediate Actions: AC or Touch AC = d20+14 against one strike
.......Immediate Actions: if hit on unarmed AoO, spend immed to make second unarmed AoO attack
If Dragon Stance Active:

..Ignore Difficult Terrain: Ignore terrain on charge and charge through allies
....First Strike is harder: +1 damage to first unarmed strike
...........dragon resolve: +2 saves vs Sleep, Paralysis and stunning effects
...............Conditionals: +1 damage when flanking from dirty fighting trait
Effects: Snake Stance on,Dragon Stance on , Swift action available, AoO 3 available, AC 26, Mage Armor 5 hrs, Inspire Courage +1
In hand: claw/claw

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[sblock] Oops! Didn't catch that bit about Thuvian. :p I can only post at work at the moment, and that means I need to do it quickly. :( Sorry! [/sblock]


Thuvian ponders the fizzled spell briefly before activating the magical gem on his cloak broach, and trying it again. This time the spell lands solidly, even if it doesn't have the impact that Thuvian was hoping for.

[sblock=actions]activate sapphire of power
Ray of Enfeeblement touch attack = 23, damage = 3[/sblock]

Thuvian Darklight

AC: 13 (Touch 13, Flatfooted 10)
HP: 22/22 Initiative: +3
Perception : +6 Sense Motive: +1
CMB: +2 CMD: 15
Fort: +2 Reflex: +4 Will: +5
Current Weapon in Hand:
Current Conditions in Place:

CL 4; +8 Concentration (+12 Casting Defensively); SR +4
Extended Illusion (1 round beyond concentration)
1st level Sapphire of Power - used

Darkness 1/1

Cantrips - Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound, Prestidigitation
1st - Color Spray, Detect Secret Doors, Ray of Enfeeblement (used), Silent Image, Vanish
2nd - Acid Arrow (used), Create Pit, Fog Cloud, Minor Image[/sblock]


First Post
"Mister Dickens, go to the aid of the cat-shaped boy!" Cavernous Hode pokes at the ghul again with the wand. "Guard! Turn! Parry! Spin! Thrust! Ha!"

Grudgingly, the rat moves to the cattaur's side and snaps at the ghul's ankles, attempting to distract it.
[sblock=Actions]CH: Cast CLW on ghul. CLW poke on ghul (1d20+7=22, 1d8+1=7)
MD: Wait for Tyrion's attack, then 5ft step to G5 and aid another on Tasanto for +2 AC. Aid another vs AC 10 (1d20+9=18)[/sblock][sblock=Mini Stats]

Cavernous Hode
AC: 18 (16 flat-footed, 12 touch)
HP: 36/36
CMB: +4 CMD: 16
Fort: +5 Reflex: +3 Will: +7
Speed: 20'

Perception: +11
Initiative: +2

Current Weapon in Hand: Heavy Pick (1d20+4, 1d6+1/x4), Wand of CLW
Current Conditions in Effect: Bardsong
0th level spells (DC 14): Create Water, Detect Magic, Mending, Stabilize

1st level spells (DC 15): Expeditious Excavation, Obscuring Mist, Produce Flame, Liberating Command
2nd level spells (DC 16): Soften Earth & Stone, Stone Call, Frost Fall

Mister Dickens
AC: 18 (13 flat-footed, 16 touch)
HP: 30/30
CMB: +2 CMD: 16 (20 vs. Trip)
Fort: +5 Reflex: +8 Will: +2
Speed: 40', 20' Swim, 20' Climb

Perception: +5
Initiative: +2

Current Weapon in Hand: Natural weapons (+8, 1d4/x2)
Current Conditions in Effect: Bardsong[/sblock]


First Post
Tyrion, hoping that this swing finished the beast, draws back his sword as far back as his reach will allow him, and swings it down at the monster in front of him.

1d20+13 (IC/Flank) 1d20+13=25, 2d4+18=26
AC: 18 (Touch 12, Flatfooted 16)
HP: 45/46

Initiative: +2
Perception : +5 Sense Motive:+2
CMB: +8 CMD: 20
Fort: +7 Reflex: +4 Will: +6
Current Weapon in Hand: Falchion +1. +10 + 1 2d4+17 + 1
Current Conditions in Place: Power Attack(-2 Attack Roll/ +6 Damage), Furious Focus (First attack does not take PA penalty), Overhead Chop (+2 to damage with 1 attack); Inspire Courage +1

Consumables Available: 3 Acid, 20 Crossbow Bolts, 4 Rations



Between the burning from Damaris' holy water, the damage to the creature's animating force from Cavernous Hode's wand, and the cleaving strike from Tyrion the creature sinks to one knee. The shadowy force that animated the body exits with a whooshing like a large breath expelled, writhes in the light, then dissipates with a shrieking death-cry. The body, now dead for the second time, collapses to the ground destroyed.

With the creature dead there is now opportunity to examine it and the room more thoroughly. The creature, as noticed before, was human and wears fine robes now filthy with dried blood and who knows what else, torn, and ragged. It also wears a cloak, swept back over the shoulders, that looks like it has survived in much better condition than the robe. It is still filthy but not nearly as worn. On its right hand is a large signet ring with the Angroza initial. It is also wearing silver bracers with intricate etching and an amulet with a large carnelian tucked inside the robe.

The room looks like it was used as a shelter as the war above raged through the city. Crates and burlap bags of dried out, moldy supplies fill most of the space along the walls and rats have clearly gotten into the supplies though they in turn were devoured by the creature and their bones left scattered about. Crammed into the alcoves behind the supplies is the artwork too large and bulky to take when the main group of Angroza fled the city: sculptures, though quite different than those animated to guard the vault, and paintings predominate though there are also fine urns and several smaller pieces. All in all it looks like there are enough portable pieces of value to put the Angroza back into solvency and fill your pockets with your percentage of the sale.

GM: Combat over!


Cavernous Hode 26/28 hp
-Mister Dickens 22/23 hp
Damaris 19/20 hp
Tasanto 1/29 & 31/44 hp Bleed 1
Thuvian 21/22 hp
Tyrion 26/46 hp Bleed 1
--Falchion 17/20 hp (Hardness 12)

Ghul AC 20/12T/18FF hp -5/57[/sblock]


After making sure the ghoul won't be moving, Damaris gets closer to Tasanto. "Are you ok? Nyssys doesn't look good. If you have a wand I could use it for you" she offers with concern. Once that's taken care of she starts looks around for the stuff they need to take.

"My goodness... we have to take this... and this! Oh, and that one too!" its like the best shopping day of her life.

She takes her time to detect magic in the room before touching anything, and also makes sure to grab the stuff from the ghoul. "Ugh... it stinks"

Satin Knights

First Post
Once the creature falls, Tasanto chants a quick spell and places his hand upon his chest.
"Healing his wounds is something you cannot do. Only a summoner can mend his wounds when a body is shared like we do."
He repeats the same spell, and the many of the wounds close up, but not fully heal.

"That's the last of my spells for the day."

After getting his healing that he can do done, Tasanto opens up his haversack and starts unpacking. Pulling out a set of saddlebags customized for him, two large sacks, 250 feet of rope, and the canvas of a small tent. "These will help in packing up these things to take out."
[sblock=actions]Lesser Rejuvenate Eidolon (1d10+5=12) and Lesser Rejuvenate Eidolon (1d10+5=6)
Nysys should be able to carry 262 lbs as an max heavy load.
[/sblock][sblock=Tasanto Nysys' Mini-stats]
Half-elf Tasanto ..... (inactive)
HP 45/49; AC 13, Touch 12, FF 15; Init -2, Low-light vision, Move 30'
Fort: +6, Reflex +2, Will +10, CMB +4, CMD 16
Perception +14, Sense Motive +14,

Unarmed Strike +4, d6+1+d6 shock, Stunning Fist 2/day

Lucerne Hammer +5, d12+1 with 10' reach
Handbo +4, d6+1 (in haversack)
Dagger +4, d4+1
Sling, +1, d4+1
.......... Sling Bullets 9 Normal

Cattaur Beast Nysys ........... (active)
HP 30/44 real, 19/29 temp, AC 22+4, 16 Touch, 20+4 FF; Init +2, Darkvision, Move 40' Mage Armor 5 hrs
Fort: +5, Reflex +6, Will +10, CMB 6, CMD 22
Perception +14, Sense Motive +14

Claw/Claw +6, d4+2+d6 shock (10' reach)
Bite +6, d6+2+d6 shock
Unarmed Strike +6, d6+3+d6 shock, on first strike of the round (usually kick, sometimes elbow)
Unarmed Strike +6, d6+2+d6 shock, on subsequent strikes in the round
Stunning Fist 1/day
MW Cold Iron Lucerne Hammer +7, d12+3 with 10' reach
Handbo +6, d6+2
Dagger +6, d4+2
Sling +6, d4+2 ......... Sling Bullets 9 Normal

.,,,..Summoner Cantrips: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand, Jolt, Guidance, Umbrella
.,,.,,...Summoner 1st Lvl: 0/4 remaining; Expeditious Retreat, Lesser Rejuvenate Eidolon, Mage Armor, Shield
,,,,...Summon Monster II: 5/5 remaining; std action SLA summon, (5 min), celestial eagles
......,,.......Consumables: 1 Alchemist's Fire, 3 Cure Light Wounds potion, 1 Enlarge potion
....,,.........Consumables: 17/22 days trail rations, 1 anti-toxin, 1 anti-plague
....,,.........Consumables: Scroll of Summon Eidolon and Scroll of Lesser Eidolon Surge loose in haversack for quick access
.....,Anytime Free Action: Fused Link, move HP from real to temp to keep cattaur alive, used down to 2 real
........ ......Swift Actions: Enter Snake Stance or Dragon Stance
..If Snake Stance Active:
.,,,..,,,,,,,,,,.Free Action: A missed attack on me provokes an AoO with an Unarmed Strike
.......Immediate Actions: AC or Touch AC = d20+14 against one strike
.......Immediate Actions: if hit on unarmed AoO, spend immed to make second unarmed AoO attack
If Dragon Stance Active:

..Ignore Difficult Terrain: Ignore terrain on charge and charge through allies
....First Strike is harder: +1 damage to first unarmed strike
...........dragon resolve: +2 saves vs Sleep, Paralysis and stunning effects
...............Conditionals: +1 damage when flanking from dirty fighting trait
Effects: Snake Stance off,Dragon Stance off , Swift action available, AoO 3 available, AC 26, Mage Armor 5 hrs,
In hand: claw/claw

Voidrunner's Codex

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