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[LPF] Through the Looking Gate

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"Here we go again. The very elements are out to get us" Menik says, as he casts another spell.

If I can blind a cloud, perhaps I can yell at a puddle until it goes away.

[sblock=actions]ear-piercing scream, 15 damage + daze 1 round, Fort DC 17 half + no daze[/sblock]

[sblock=mini stat block]

AC 17 (touch 13, ff 14) w/mage armor
hp 32/32
Init +3, CMB +3, CMD 16, Fort +3, Reflex +5, Will +5; Perception +7 (low-light vision), Stealth +8

att longsword +3 (1d8+1, 19/x2) or dagger +3 (1d4+1, 19/x2)

force missile (Sp): (1d4+2, as magic missile, 8/day, 0 used)

Arcane bond: ring; cast any spell in spellbook 1/day except Abj or Div

spells prepared:
Level 0: light, message, prestidigitation, disrupt undead (35', +5 RTA, 1d6)

Level 1: mage armor (cast), magic missile& (1d4+3,1d4+1,1d4+1) (x2) (cast 1),
chill touch (5 touches; 1d6 damage + 1 str damage (Fort part DC 16)
or undead panic 1d4+5 rounds (Will neg DC 16)),
ear-piercing scream& (45', 4d6+2, daze 1 rnd, Fort 1/2 DC 17 + no daze) (x2) (cast 1)

Level 2: mirror image (1d4+1, 5 min),
flaming sphere&~ (3d6+2, Reflex neg DC 19, 150' range, 5 rounds),
blindness/deafness (Fort neg DC 17) (cast),
toppling magic missile& (1d4+3,1d4+1,1d4+1; trip +10)

Level 3: haste (5 targets, 5 rounds),
halt undead (Will DC 18 neg, 3 targets, up to 5 rounds),
fireball& (7d6+2, Reflex half DC 20, 20' radius, 600' range)

Gear: 4 days' rations, potion of CLW (1d8+1), periscope, pearl of power (1st level)


First Post
[sblock=OOC] Yes, Maui would have changes back to human form given the tight nature of the crypt they are entering. I doubt Maui would have happily agreed to take the rear but never mind. He is effectively out of this combat given the positioning. It makes more sense for Galandra to take the rear as she can fight at range with no penalties.

Also, just a heads up. Next week I will be away on a school trip. I will have internet access supposedly but that may not translate into ability to post as I will no doubt be busy and tired. I will try my best to get in at least a couple of short posts but please feel free to NPC Maui as you see fit. [/sblock]

Taniwha paces behind the party letting out a growl of frustration, tail twitching to and fro. Maui barks at him in his native language, having returned to human form in the constrictive passageway of the crypt. "Haere atu!" The cheetah backs off and Maui moves behind Vincenzo, laying his hand on his shoulder and uttering a prayer.

[sblock=Actions] Taniwha moves back. Maui moves behind Vincenzo.
Maui casts Guidance on Vincenzo: +1 bonus on 1 roll in the next minute; (may as well use it as Maui is probably just going to spam that the entire combat) [/sblock]

Updated Map
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Satin Knights

First Post
Tasanto's quick reactions are offset with the growing amount of water in the room. Neither a kick or an overhead swing of the hammer are able to connect to the watery beast.
Same Map
[sblock=actions] AoO provoked by missed attack: AoO Unarmed Strike (1d20+7=9) missed
Swift: Add Dragon Stance
Std: Lucerne Hammer attack (1d20+8=10) missed
[/sblock][sblock=Tasanto Nysys' Mini-stats]
Half-elf Tasanto ....(inactive)
HP 49/49; AC 13+4, Touch 12, FF 15; Init -2, Low-light vision, Move 30'
Fort: +7, Reflex +3, Will +11, CMB +5, CMD 17
Perception +14, Sense Motive +14,

Unarmed Strike +5, d6+1+d6 shock, Stunning Fist 2/day

Lucerne Hammer +6, d12+1 with 10' reach
Handbo +5, d6+1 (in haversack)
Dagger +5, d4+1
Sling, +1, d4+1
.......... Sling Bullets 9 Normal

Cattaur Beast Nysys ........... (active)
HP 44/44 real, 28/29 temp, AC 22+4, 16 Touch, 20+4 FF; Init +2, Darkvision, Move 40' Mage Armor 5 hrs
Fort: +6, Reflex +7, Will +11, CMB 7, CMD 23, Evasion
Perception +14, Sense Motive +14

Claw/Claw +7, d4+3+d6 shock (10' reach)
Bite +7, d6+3+d6 shock
Unarmed Strike +7, d6+4+d6 shock, on first strike of the round (usually kick, sometimes elbow)
Unarmed Strike +7, d6+3+d6 shock, on subsequent strikes in the round
Stunning Fist 1/day
MW Cold Iron Lucerne Hammer +8, d12+4 with 10' reach
Handbo +7, d6+3
Dagger +7, d4+3
Sling +7, d4+3 ......... Sling Bullets 9 Normal

.,,,..Summoner Cantrips: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand, Jolt, Guidance, Umbrella
.,,.,,...Summoner 1st Lvl: 3/4 remaining; Expeditious Retreat, Lesser Rejuvenate Eidolon, Mage Armor, Shield
,,,,...Summon Monster II: 5/5 remaining; std action SLA summon, (5 min), celestial eagles
......,,.......Consumables: 1 Alchemist's Fire, 3 Cure Light Wounds potion, 1 Enlarge potion
....,,.........Consumables: 15/22 days trail rations, 1 anti-toxin, 1 anti-plague
....,,.........Consumables: Scroll of Summon Eidolon and Scroll of Lesser Eidolon Surge loose in haversack
....,,.........Consumables: (44/50 charges) Wand of Lesser Rejuvenate Eidolon
.....,Anytime Free Action: Fused Link, move HP from real to temp to keep cattaur alive, used down to 2 real
........ ......Swift Actions: Enter Snake Stance or Dragon Stance
..If Snake Stance Active:
.,,,..,,,,,,,,,,.Free Action: A missed attack on me provokes an AoO with an Unarmed Strike
.......Immediate Actions: AC or Touch AC = d20+14 against one strike
.......Immediate Actions: if hit on unarmed AoO, spend immed to make second unarmed AoO attack
If Dragon Stance Active:

..Ignore Difficult Terrain: Ignore terrain on charge and charge through allies
....First Strike is harder: +1 damage to first unarmed strike
...........dragon resolve: +2 saves vs Sleep, Paralysis and stunning effects
...............Conditionals: +1 damage when flanking from dirty fighting trait
Effects: Snake Stance on,Dragon Stance on, Swift action used, AoO 2 available, AC 26, Mage Armor 5 hrs, Resist Electricity 10 for 6 minutes
In hand: lucerne hammer


Galandra will attempt to move to the side of the creature, trying to give Vincenzo enough space to attack. She puts a lot of strenght behind the sing, determined to make it count. "HYAAAAAAAA!"

Mika growls and stays back nervously looking at the water. She won't attack it.


Galandra moves inside the room and attacks with her falchion.
+1 Falchion Attack vs Water Creature (1d20+10=27, 2d4+7=14)



[sblock=Ministats GALANDRA]


AC: 17 (Touch 12, Flatfooted 15)
HP: 52/52

Initiative: +2
Perception: +13/+17 vs FE, Sense Motive: +2/+6 vs FE, Handle Animal +6(+10 Animal Companion)
CMB: +9 CMD: 21 Fort: +6 Reflex: +7 Will: +4

FE: Humans +2, Undead +4

+1 Falchion +10 [2d4+7] 18-20
Dagger +9 [1d4+3] 19-20
Masterwork Comp Longbow STR4: +9 [1d8+4] 19-20x3 (110ft)

Effects: Killer trait (extra damage = critical multiplier)

Conditions: None

In Hand: Masterwork Composite Longbow STR4

Efficient Quiver
-Blunt Arrows (20)
-Arrows (24)
-Masterwork Arrows (10)
-Javelins (10)
-Spears (3)

3 days rations, Wand CLW (46 charges), Oil (2)

[sblock=Ministats Mika]

Mika, Small Leopard, Animal Companion

Hp 47/47
AC 22

Spd 50 ft
Init +5
F+7, R+9, W+2
CMB+7, CMD 22

Attack +8; bite (1d8+3) + trip, 2 claws (1d3+3)
Low-light vision, scent, trip
Stealth +10, Perception +5, Acrobatics +9

2x Bear traps
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First Post
The attacks by Lem and Tasanto merely chip away at the creature. The flames on Lem's hands don't seem to effect it, and the punch that hits does not seem to do any last damage.

Vincenzo is able to accurately strike through the creature, causing his stroke to splash Galandra with water as the puddle starts to leak water.

Menik's screams seems to do the most damage to it, as the the sonic power reverberates inside of the creature, preventing it from keeping a solid shape. This gives Galanadra the oppurutnity to slip by without any sort of counter attack by the creature, taking a giant cut out of it.

Unable to do anything as it tries to retain its form, the monster does not seem able to attack you this round.

jbear: I put Maui in the back since the rear guard needs a Hi AC with a decent set of HP. Maui has the second highest AC after Tasanto, and the most HP of the party after Vincenzo. Looking back, you do have a point about Galandra, but I doubt even she would have been able to hit that creature all that far back. The creature has cover (+4 AC) against anyone that far back, and I can also make a very strong argument for total cover (Meaning Galandra is out of the combat). Whoever was in the back unfortunately was not fighting conventionally, which was how this combat was set up. Maui can still summon creatures via Nature's Ally, so he is not out of the fight entirely. Also, Maui only has 2 level 1 spells memorized. Not sure if that was intentional or not, but they can be used for SNA1 for flanking.

Besides, I can't make a saving throw to save my creatures lives. It's going to die next round since it's dazed, and if not Maui/Taniwha can get past it without fear of an AoO now. Need I remind you Relic DID stun a very terrifying witch because of that same reason :rant:


Creature: AC: 18 38/?? DR 5/- Dazed

Fort Save: 1d20+9=14
Nysys 26 28/29
--Tasanto 44/44
Menik 17 32/32
Lem 23 15/32
Galandra 17 52/52
Vincenzo 19 67/68
Maui 23 51/56

Updated Map

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Vincenzo lunges again [-2 to ac for this turn], but this time he feels aclarity of mind and sight. Using this insight given him he sees how his last strike could be improved.

full round action: 2 attacks using guidance of Maui's ancestral god to increase damage. att/dam: 1d20+11;1d6+8;1d20+7;1d6+7

1d20+12=14, 1d6+8=14, 1d20+7=21, 1d6+7=9

[sblock=ugh]Wouldn't ya know it? put the +1 damage on the higher '+' and that is the lower roll.
[MENTION=75065]jbear[/MENTION] go ahead and move ahead of V. as he can lunge [feat] past you.[/sblock]

ac at 17, map unchanged http://beta.ditzie.com/46498/527bc92822e28

Satin Knights

First Post
With the creature seemingly stunned, Tasanto winds up and brings the longhammer down in a heavy stroke. The force of it connecting is jarring, even in Tasanto's hands.
Same Map
[sblock=actions] Lucerne Hammer attack with flank (1d20+8+2=30) possible crit! confirm crit (1d20+8+2=19) Confirmed! crit damage including Dirty fighter trait (2d12+10=20)
[/sblock][sblock=Tasanto Nysys' Mini-stats]
Half-elf Tasanto ....(inactive)
HP 49/49; AC 13+4, Touch 12, FF 15; Init -2, Low-light vision, Move 30'
Fort: +7, Reflex +3, Will +11, CMB +5, CMD 17
Perception +14, Sense Motive +14,

Unarmed Strike +5, d6+1+d6 shock, Stunning Fist 2/day

Lucerne Hammer +6, d12+1 with 10' reach
Handbo +5, d6+1 (in haversack)
Dagger +5, d4+1
Sling, +1, d4+1
.......... Sling Bullets 9 Normal

Cattaur Beast Nysys ........... (active)
HP 44/44 real, 28/29 temp, AC 22+4, 16 Touch, 20+4 FF; Init +2, Darkvision, Move 40' Mage Armor 5 hrs
Fort: +6, Reflex +7, Will +11, CMB 7, CMD 23, Evasion
Perception +14, Sense Motive +14

Claw/Claw +7, d4+3+d6 shock (10' reach)
Bite +7, d6+3+d6 shock
Unarmed Strike +7, d6+4+d6 shock, on first strike of the round (usually kick, sometimes elbow)
Unarmed Strike +7, d6+3+d6 shock, on subsequent strikes in the round
Stunning Fist 1/day
MW Cold Iron Lucerne Hammer +8, d12+4 with 10' reach
Handbo +7, d6+3
Dagger +7, d4+3
Sling +7, d4+3 ......... Sling Bullets 9 Normal

.,,,..Summoner Cantrips: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand, Jolt, Guidance, Umbrella
.,,.,,...Summoner 1st Lvl: 3/4 remaining; Expeditious Retreat, Lesser Rejuvenate Eidolon, Mage Armor, Shield
,,,,...Summon Monster II: 5/5 remaining; std action SLA summon, (5 min), celestial eagles
......,,.......Consumables: 1 Alchemist's Fire, 3 Cure Light Wounds potion, 1 Enlarge potion
....,,.........Consumables: 15/22 days trail rations, 1 anti-toxin, 1 anti-plague
....,,.........Consumables: Scroll of Summon Eidolon and Scroll of Lesser Eidolon Surge loose in haversack
....,,.........Consumables: (44/50 charges) Wand of Lesser Rejuvenate Eidolon
.....,Anytime Free Action: Fused Link, move HP from real to temp to keep cattaur alive, used down to 2 real
........ ......Swift Actions: Enter Snake Stance or Dragon Stance
..If Snake Stance Active:
.,,,..,,,,,,,,,,.Free Action: A missed attack on me provokes an AoO with an Unarmed Strike
.......Immediate Actions: AC or Touch AC = d20+14 against one strike
.......Immediate Actions: if hit on unarmed AoO, spend immed to make second unarmed AoO attack
If Dragon Stance Active:

..Ignore Difficult Terrain: Ignore terrain on charge and charge through allies
....First Strike is harder: +1 damage to first unarmed strike
...........dragon resolve: +2 saves vs Sleep, Paralysis and stunning effects
...............Conditionals: +1 damage when flanking from dirty fighting trait
Effects: Snake Stance on,Dragon Stance on, Swift action used, AoO 2 available, AC 26, Mage Armor 5 hrs, Resist Electricity 10 for 6 minutes
In hand: lucerne hammer

Voidrunner's Codex

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