[LPF] Wreck Ashore


Galandra shoots at the Pirate human (orange) holding the composite longbow. "I need someone to start reloading the other ballista while I keep them busy" she takes out her own composite longbow. "We cannot stop attacking now" she says ducking the bolts and arrows around her.

[sblock=Combat] Shoots ballista, quickdraw Composite longbow[/sblock]

Ballista 1d20+4 → [11,4] = (15)

Damage Ballista
3d8 → [6,6,2] = (14)

[sblock=Mini Stats]

AC: 18 (Touch 12, Flatfooted 16)
HP: 22/22

Initiative: +2
Perception: +7/+9 vs Humans, Sense Motive: +2/+4 vs Humans,
CMB: +5 CMD: 17 Fort: +4 Reflex: +5 Will: +2

Masterwork Falchion +6 [2d4+4] 18-20
Dagger +5 [1d4+3] 19-20
+2STR Composite Longbow +4 [1d8+2] x3 (110ft)

Effects: Killer
Combat Feats: Power Attack, Quick Draw, Rapid Shot

Conditions: None

In Hand: +2 STR Composite Longbow

Consumables: (18 Normal Arrows, 10 Masterwork Arrows, ), 4 days rations.


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Satin Knights

First Post
Instead of loading the slow weapon, Tirithon stands, draws his bow and fires. The light of the makeshift lighthouse is too bright and fouls his aim, causing the arrow to stray.

The larger parrot makes it out to the boat and dive bombs Galandra. It manages to nip her as it passes. Another crossbow bolt comes flying in at her, but Galandra is able to duck it. The pirate that was waving an axe menacingly earlier comes back from behind the tower with a bow this time. He tries to shoot it, but seems to never have got training on how to do that in pirate school, for the arrow doesn't make it to the water.

the whole party is up...
Distance 165', Longbows at -2, comp longbows at -2, crossbows at -4, ballista at -2
Tower cover penalties figured into ACs below.
Amien can attempt a DC 15 STR check each round to increase the boat speed from 20' to 25' per round.

GM moved Tirithon: stand while drawing bow, fire longbow shot (1d20+2=14) at cyan light turner misses

30/32 ~ AC 18 ~ Galandra ~
28/28 ~ AC 17 ~ Amien ~ Seated +2 AC cover
10/10 ~ AC 16 ~Tirithon ~

-??/14 ~ AC 14 ~ Pirate human male green ~ was rower ~ moves, shoots comp longbow at Galandra (1d20+2-2=2) misses
-18/?? ~ AC 17 ~ Siren Blackreef caster red ~ mystery action (1d8+1=9)
-??/?? ~ AC 17 ~ Pirate human light turner yellow ~ crossbow ~ crossbow at Galandra (1d20+1-4=1) miss
-??/?? ~ AC 17 ~ Pirate human light turner cyan ~ crossbow ~crossbow at Galandra (1d20+1-4=14) miss
-15/?? ~ AC 14 ~ Pirate human guard orange ~ comp longbow ~ down and bleeding out
-??/?? ~ AC ?? ~ small parrot ~ double move
-??/?? ~ AC ?? ~ large parrot ~ flyby bite attack on Galandra (1d20+8=22) bite damage (1d4=2)


"Aimen, the ballista. We are close enough" she says glaring at the parrots but focuses on the pirates. The pirate human male (green) will have a bad day today.

[sblock=Combat] Rapid Shot Pirate Green. If he falls with the first arrow, she will shoot the Cyan pirate with the crossbow.[/sblock]

Composite Longbow Attack (rapid shot)
1d20+4 → [14,4] = (18)
1d20+4 → [17,4] = (21)

1d8+2 → [8,2] = (10)
1d8+2 → [7,2] = (9)

[sblock=Mini Stats]

AC: 18 (Touch 12, Flatfooted 16)
HP: 20/22

Initiative: +2
Perception: +7/+9 vs Humans, Sense Motive: +2/+4 vs Humans,
CMB: +5 CMD: 17 Fort: +4 Reflex: +5 Will: +2

Masterwork Falchion +6 [2d4+4] 18-20
Dagger +5 [1d4+3] 19-20
+2STR Composite Longbow +4 [1d8+2] x3 (110ft)

Effects: Killer
Combat Feats: Power Attack, Quick Draw, Rapid Shot

Conditions: None

In Hand: +2 STR Composite Longbow

Consumables: (16 Normal Arrows, 10 Masterwork Arrows, ), 4 days rations.



First Post
Amien stops his arm movements and darts a glare before quickly moving to begin reloading the ballista busily.

[sblock=Turn Actions]I'm guessing I need two Move Actions? One to move to the Ballista and the other to load it?[/sblock]
Last edited:


[sblock] I think we lost Tirithon too... :( Is it possible for us to still finish this adventure SK? Wouldn't we be overwhelmed by numbers? [/sblock]

Satin Knights

First Post
[sblock=ooc]Since Tirithon was in at the beginning of the fight, he gets credit for it, so I will be running his actions.
It takes two full rounds to load the ballista, so Amien will have a standard action left next round. (used a move to get to it, so move used on ending round)[/sblock]
With Amien no longer rowing, the boat slows to a drift. Tirithon shoots a couple arrows, but the blinding light of the tower still gives him trouble.

A couple more crossbow bolts come flying from the tower, but neither is on point, so Galandra is able to avoid them both. The large parrot swoops and returns, but this time, his aim is not a precise and misses Galandra as well. The tiny parrot, who has been chugging his wings just to get out here, has finally made it out. He nips Amien's ear, causing it to bleed a little.

The party is up...
[sblock=Combat]Distance 160', Longbows at -2, comp longbows at -2, crossbows at -2, ballista at -2
Tower cover penalties figured into ACs below.
Amien can attempt a DC 15 STR check each round to increase the boat speed from 20' to 25' per round.

GM moved Tirithon: Flurry of arrows at yellow (1d20+2-2=8, 1d20+2-2=7) light turner misses

30/32 ~ AC 18 ~ Galandra ~
28/28 1 NL ~ AC 17 ~ Amien ~
10/10 ~ AC 16 ~Tirithon ~

-6/14 ~ AC 14 ~ Pirate human male green ~ was rower ~ down and bleeding out
-18/?? ~ AC 17 ~ Siren Blackreef caster red ~ mystery action (1d8+1=4)
-??/?? ~ AC 17 ~ Pirate human light turner yellow ~ crossbow ~ crossbow shot at Galandra (1d20+1-4=16) miss
-??/?? ~ AC 17 ~ Pirate human light turner cyan ~ crossbow ~ crossbow shot at Galandra (1d20+1-2=8) miss
-3/13 ~ AC 14 ~ Pirate human guard orange ~ comp longbow ~ down and bleeding out
-??/?? ~ AC ?? ~ small parrot ~ move, bite Amien (1d20+6=25) bite damage (1d3-4=-2) for 1 non-lethal
-??/?? ~ AC ?? ~ large parrot ~flyby bite attack on Galandra (1d20+8=9) misses

Voidrunner's Codex

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