D&D 5E Magic Missile. Better as a cantrip?

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No. Not at all. But, shortening the range to 60 feet would be more appropriate.

1) Because you want a different energy type?
2) Because other cantrips have riders that can slow an enemy or rob them of reactions?
3) Because other cantrips have greater range and casters are squishy?
See, this is the sort of feedback that I like to have. I hadn't even considered the range and just gave it the same range as the original spell.

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Nah, I think it's fine now that it's been dropped to one missile at level one. It was too powerful in my original iteration when it started with two, which I knew, but really didn't want to admit it.
Well, your single missile has the same DPR as acid splash except:
- you don't need 2 targets within 5 feet of each other,
- you're not limited to 60 feet,
- force is not resisted as often as acid.

So, if you want this cantrip to be the best by a wide margin (+15% above EB), then keep it as it is. But expect every caster to get it first.

If you were to drop damage to 1d4 flat, you'd be barely better than 1d8 cantrips and you'd still have fewer resists.


Well, your single missile has the same DPR as acid splash except:
- you don't need 2 targets within 5 feet of each other,
- you're not limited to 60 feet,
- force is not resisted as often as acid.

So, if you want this cantrip to be the best by a wide margin (+15% above EB), then keep it as it is. But expect every caster to get it first.

If you were to drop damage to 1d4 flat, you'd be barely better than 1d8 cantrips and you'd still have fewer resists.

I agree that it needs a range drop so the caster is within non-disadvantage javelin range. Also, the two targets really should have be very near each other (within 5 or 10 feet).


1) Because you want a different energy type?
2) Because other cantrips have riders that can slow an enemy or rob them of reactions?
3) Because other cantrips have greater range and casters are squishy?

Those are all great reasons to have other cantrips. And it points out the strengths and weaknesses those cantrips can have.

I just don't like the idea of having an at-will ability that causes automatic damage for a target within range every round. Topping it off with it being force damage, it becomes almost a must have for any spell caster as at least a back-up damage option.

As other have suggested, making it a ranged spell attack and reducing the range to 60' would make it more on par with the other cantrips.

In exchange for making a spell attack, perhaps add the ability to shove a creature 10' with a successful hit?


Well, your single missile has the same DPR as acid splash except:
- you don't need 2 targets within 5 feet of each other,
- you're not limited to 60 feet,
- force is not resisted as often as acid.

So, if you want this cantrip to be the best by a wide margin (+15% above EB), then keep it as it is. But expect every caster to get it first.

If you were to drop damage to 1d4 flat, you'd be barely better than 1d8 cantrips and you'd still have fewer resists.
he wouldnt get 2nd missile until 5th lvl. At that point acid splash is doing 2d6 at 2 people.


Those are all great reasons to have other cantrips. And it points out the strengths and weaknesses those cantrips can have.

I just don't like the idea of having an at-will ability that causes automatic damage for a target within range every round. Topping it off with it being force damage, it becomes almost a must have for any spell caster as at least a back-up damage option.

As other have suggested, making it a ranged spell attack and reducing the range to 60' would make it more on par with the other cantrips.

In exchange for making a spell attack, perhaps add the ability to shove a creature 10' with a successful hit?
If you make it an attack roll. Maybye make damage 2d4 and give it a bonus to hit. Half damage is trong for cantrip, but so is autodamage.

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