• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Malvoisin's War of the Burning Sky PbP


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Rystil Arden said:
Hmm--interesting. Without exposing the text, can you tell us what sort of options? Do you think they might affect our choice of character by adding flavour to certain concepts? (For instance, I'm thinking that if they add sweet options that fit in with the world, they would likely be more for core-ish combos or OGL stuff, rather than, for instance, Warlocks or Book of Nine Swords classes which are closed content).
Your thinking is right on the money, RA. These options mostly are bonus feats that tie into various groups operating in Gate Pass (nothing uber-powerful, just a couple of small benefits and some added flavor). However, there are also some variant class options for wizards and sorcerers, new spells and magic items...even a new base class: the Commander.

As you've surmised, none of these options are directly designed for non-core WotC properties.

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Shayuri said:
Hmm. Would a warlock be permissible? One of the themes seems to be persecution of magic users, and warlocks seem like they get a double whammy of questionable heritage AND weird magic powers. Yee! Fun.
A warlock would certainly be permissible...and, I'm sure, reviled by the Inquisitors. Fun, indeed. :)

Rystil Arden

First Post

A Human Beguiler who has used her wits and magic to balance on the razor-sharp edge of disaster, moving between Ragesia and Shahalesti under different identites to perform minor missions, transactions, and acts of mischief to capitalise on the warring tensions in a way that leads to both profit for herself and benefiting those who have been hurt most by the war. Because of a childhood of abuse, she likes to call herself a mercenary and say she is only out for herself, at least when she's being herself and not a cover identity (she'll lie with impunity to stay in character for those), but even this is not really the truth, as in the end, she often winds up going out of her way to help those in need anyway. In the end, she is a person who shrouds herself in masks beneath masks, and perhaps no living person has seen what lies underneath the deepest one. As the Inquisition begins to rage out of control, she has become concerned both for her continuing activities and for the safety of her favourite home base and staging ground in Gate Pass. She's probably Chaotic Neutral with strong Good tendencies, and if the other PCs are good and make an impression on her, she's likely to swing all the way to Good at some point during the game.

A Human Archivist who has been researching the secrets of the gods and the universe ever since he was little and heard stories about them and thought that most of them were rather stupid and contrived. With his keen intellect and rock-solid intuition, he truly believed that he could unlock the secrets of the universe, and through careful study, he found a cryptic pattern of great power within his texts that connected him to divine power like that given to a Cleric. He considers the source of this power something he calls 'The Aleph'*, which he admits that he still barely understands. He wanted to explore religious texts, but had trouble gaining access as himself, so he sometimes masquerades as a priest, often of Boccob because, well, Boccob doesn't care. However, the increasing Ragesian hostilities began to make it difficult for him to reach some sources he desired, particularly an ancient site said to house a wondrous library* that contained some of the secrets to the mysteries of the universe, and so he began to study the Ragesian Inquisition, wherein he believes he has stumbled upon another mystery entirely, one possibly rife with conspiracy theories, cabals, and ancient secrets. And of course, he is the only one qualified to solve it. It'll help those being harmed by the hostilities, and it will hopeful earn the funds and goodwill crucial for his research on 'The Aleph'. He's true neutral, though more because he considers his research more important than random acts of charity--he still nearly refuses to do Evil unless absolute necessary, he'll definitely do Good things that don't inconvenience him too much, and there are certain cases where he is definitely motivated to go out of his way do Good, but it is based on his own way and not due to being universally benevolent. Still, that probably means he has Good tendencies as well, at least a bit.

*The Aleph is an allusion to a Borges short story about a point in space that contains all other points, and thus all the answers.

*I don't know if there is a ruins adventure in WotBS, but if so, if you tossed in that library, that could be a neat link.


First Post
Let's see:

1 A human monk outcast by the brothers of his order. His approach to achieving enlightenment is more martial than most, and to the pacifistic abbots of his order, he spent an unseemly amount of time in the dojo rather than in meditation. When he responded to a minor bandit raid on the temple by killing three of the attackers, they banished him to find some wisdom in the wider world.
Thematically, the character will be based on the Japanese martial artist Masutatsu 'Mas' Oyama, founder of Kyokushin karate.
Mechanically, the character will be focused on delivering an ungodly degree of beatdown. The PHB II 'Decisive Strike' alternative class feature will be used, and some Stone Dragon maneuvers and stances from the Book of Nine Swords may also come into play at later levels.

2 A madman with incredible arcane power. They say I'm wrong, they say I'm crazy. But they're there. Incredible powers beyond space, and time, and sanity, and color, and life, and light. And the power, the sheer arcane power they can grant me! Normal magic, it all seems so slow and petty now. The energies they grant respond to my force of will as if the very fabric of the universe were mine to bend. Heh. Hah! HAHAHAHAHAAAAAaaaaaa....!
Will be played to the absolute hilt.
Mechanically, he may go Tainted Scholar or Alienist or both, and will mostly be a creature-summoner. I may ask about a custom feat or two.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Toptomcat said:
Mechanically, he may go Tainted Scholar or Alienist or both, and will mostly be a creature-summoner. I may ask about a custom feat or two.
Heh, heh.

Mal does not use Taint, so Tainted Scholar won't fly.


Terrorizing an oppresive theocracy? I'm there! :D

1) A paladin belonging to an obscure order of scholarly knights venerating Boccob, in his role as impartial keeper of knowledge. They are sworn to defend the free dissemination of all types of learning, and combat those who would suppress or destroy it. As such, this particular knight sees himself as duty-bound to work against the machinations of the Ragesian Inquisition. He comes from an isolated monastery in Ragesia, which he and his fellows abandoned shortly after word of Leska’s plan arrived, agreeing to scatter across the land and carry out a guerilla campaign against her servants.

2 - slightly longer, but only because I already had it written up for a character I never got to play :p) It could be argued that one of humanity's defining traits is the passion to create,
to build up monuments that will persist long after their architects have passed out
of memory, for no other purpose but to say "I Was." This creative urge is often strongest
amongst practitioners of the arcane arts, perhaps because they possess the capacity to
perform works that far outstrip those of the masses.

One such individual in whom this spark of ambition has kindled is Thaal Vicengrix. While some who are artistically inclined strive to express their ideas and passions in paint or music, Thaal dreams of one day having his name listed among those of the near-mythic wizards of the past, virtual demigods whose deeds resonate within the artifacts and still-lingering sorceries they left behind. To that end, he has determined to set out in search of the forgotten lore that will serve as the framework upon which his own legend will be erected, as well as the adversaries against whom he must prove his mettle. After all, every hero needs a dragon to slay.

Thaal is perpetually friendly and outgoing, ever-eager to take advantage of an opportunity to expand his horizons. A far cry from the stereotype of the scholarly recluse, he believes that while knowledge is the key to power, it is wasted if the world does not feel its impact. More than one of Thaal's wizardly acquaintences has warned him that he is teetering on the brink of recklessness and hubris, but Thaal simply dismisses the idea with a laugh; surely they have simply grown over-cautious and complacent in their ivory towers.

Voidrunner's Codex

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