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Mass Effect 3


I think it's time. The game is only one more month away from being released. I have it on pre-order and will be getting the Defender Armor and N7 Rifle which I plan to use prodigiously as I rid the galaxy of the Reaper threat; I also really, really, really want to punch a Reaper on the nose.

I'm hoping a good Kinect deal comes up before release so that I can use all the voice commands since changing weapons is always annoying and I virtually always forget to use grenades. I also need to play through ME1 & 2 in order to get saves up for import since I've now lost my ME saves TWICE due to HDD failures. I think I'll be using the Cloud for my ME saves 'cause this is just getting ridiculous; I've now played through ME1 about thirty times and ME2 about twenty times and yet I have to do it all again just to get the imported saved game goodies in ME3, le sigh.

Also, I'm looking forward to continuing my male, vanguard, paragade's romance with Liara who, despite a bit of a fling with a certain horny HR gal, has remained faithful to her.

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I'm not going to bother with ME3.

I greatly enjoyed Mass Effect. The story was solid, the characterisation was strong, and the game play enjoyable.

I thought Mass Effect 2 was an OK game -- the changes to the game play made it feel like a different franchise and the changes to classes weren't particularly intuitive for me. They were arbitrary changes not improvements and the rationale (Time has passed! tech changed!) doesn't work out in the field when you run into groups that have been out of touch for longer yet have the new tech.

The story was weaker, the characterisations were weak for "plot" purposes. I thought the Liara DLC was very strong. What really turned me off the game was the Arrival DLC. Not only does it assume stupidity on pretty much every character's port to set up the situation, it invalidates the whole purpose of ME2 in its 30 minutes of gameplay and enforces a stupid decision that ends in a bizarre result based on the previous history in ME and my conception for my character.


I came to the show late and only played ME and ME2 last year, but it's quickly become one of my fav franchises, along with Civ and Elder Scrolls.

I'm a little wary of the multiplayer aspect of ME3, not really what I signed up for, but even if I don't enjoy that part of it, I understand that you can beat the Reapers without multiplayer if you're a completionist in single player, which is me.


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I'm a little wary of the multiplayer aspect of ME3, not really what I signed up for, but even if I don't enjoy that part of it, I understand that you can beat the Reapers without multiplayer if you're a completionist in single player, which is me.

I prefer single player games too. I am too lame at controller twitch to try to be competitive, so havin a good single player campaign in ANY FSP/RPG/Adventure should be important.

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