Meet the new Dr. Who!

The Borg, another good example for villain decay, indeed.

I agree, the borg should have gotten the dominion treatment. Heck, even more there should have been a triology of movies about the borg. The best star trek movie since kahn was the two parter where picard was kidnapped.

That crappy ending on voyager didn't give them justice and reusing the queen was something that was not enjoyable. The thing that make the borg strong wwas the unified objectives that could not be manipulated. Even whe n they tried to manilpulate them, it just caused chaos.

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The notion of two Doctors running around at once sounds ... dodgy.

Probably a fake, but I love his attitude ;)

I think they might take a tip from Dr. Who: The Case of Fatal Death (admittedly a parody) and think in terms of a female Doctor...

There is precedent.

Back in the Peter Davidson era there was a really cool special with all 5 of the Doctors in it. Tom Baker only apepared in a clip show from an unaired episode, and the first doctor (the late William Hartnell) was played by another actor but they were all there.

It was one of the coolest things I'd ever seen at the time.

There was also "The Three Doctors," an episode feature the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Doctors, as well as "The Two Doctors," featuring the 2nd and 6th Doctors.

There was also "The Three Doctors," an episode feature the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Doctors, as well as "The Two Doctors," featuring the 2nd and 6th Doctors.
And how could anyone forget "Dimensions in Time"?

Seriously, how could we forget it? I really, really want to.


[imager][/imager]According to wiki:
There will be a rest year in 2009, with no new series, although David Tennant will star in 4 specials in that year. After the 2008 Christmas special and four special episodes in 2009, a fifth full-length series is planned for Spring 2010,[13] with Steven Moffat replacing Davies as head writer and executive producer.

So one Xmas special this month (in Britain), and five specials in 2009... all with David Tenant.

Who knows? Tennant may change his mind before he finishes his last episode.

That being said, I am looking forward to Steven Moffat taking over, no matter who is playing the Doctor. I think Davies has been terribly inconsistent with his stories when Tenant took over. There have been way too many complete stinkers under his belt (the giant Bee, anyone?), so I am happy to see him go.

Moffat, however, wrote three brilliant episodes: The Empty Child (two-parter in season 1), Blink, and The Girl in the Fireplace. (And he was responsible for the British show, Coupling).

I am sad to see Tenant go, but I have complete faith in Steven Moffat to rejuvenate this show.

-The Le

According to wiki:
There will be a rest year in 2009, with no new series, although David Tennant will star in 4 specials in that year. After the 2008 Christmas special and four special episodes in 2009, a fifth full-length series is planned for Spring 2010,[13] with Steven Moffat replacing Davies as head writer and executive producer.

Yeah, he said all that in his leaving announcement. You can watch it at the bottom of this page: The TARDIS: Doctor Who, Torchwood and The Sarah Jane Adventures

So one Xmas special this month (in Britain), and five specials in 2009... all with David Tenant.

Who knows? Tennant may change his mind before he finishes his last episode.

Four specials, not five. But yeah, he's still the Doctor for another year. I'd love him to change his mind, but I just don't think that will happen. Maybe if whatever else he has lined up falls through? I know he wants to do movies.

There is precedent.

Back in the Peter Davidson era there was a really cool special with all 5 of the Doctors in it. Tom Baker only apepared in a clip show from an unaired episode, and the first doctor (the late William Hartnell) was played by another actor but they were all there.

It was one of the coolest things I'd ever seen at the time.

And, of course last year's Children in Need 5 minute special, Time Crash, where Tennant and Davison meet up:

[ame=]YouTube - Time Crash[/ame]

Four specials, not five. But yeah, he's still the Doctor for another year. I'd love him to change his mind, but I just don't think that will happen. Maybe if whatever else he has lined up falls through? I know he wants to do movies.
I'd absolutely love to see him as the Doctor in a film. Though I sort of see his story played out - series 4 was a very... satisfying end to the new Doctor Who, I can't see how a film can top that.

But if they can do it... would be great.

Cheers, LT.

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