Menace of the Icy Spire (Ozymandias79 judging)



Hey ya'll. I am not gonna be able to post for a few days. I have staph infection in my eye and it hurts like hell to stare at a computer screen. Anyways, sorry but my eye is killing me just typing this.


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Balth fires two arrows at the creature over Shorrin's shoulder. One is too high, but the other plunges into its chest. It roars and staggers back a step, spoiling Shorrin's attack - his hammer barely grazes it as it lurches out of range. Instead, he opens his mouth and breaths acid over it, blasting it right in the chest. The acid begins to eat into its icy coating, and it screams and thrashes about, tearing at its own flesh as it tries to scoop the acid off. Finlly it tears out the infected chunk of its chest and throws it off the edge of the tower. In retaliation, it slams its fist down on Shorrin - he deflects it from his shield. It slams its other fist down, bashing Shorrin in the head. He cartwheels over and lands in a heap, dying.

The Spirit strides over Shorrin's body, stumbling. Chunks of ice fall from it as it weaves its way forward. It reaches the base of the pile of rubble Balth is standing on, and seems unable to advance. Instead, it hisses at him, and beams of light blast out of the gem. They weave as much as the Spirit does, and Balth is able to dive out of the way.

In the lift, the Frostling screams in terror as Murphy changes before its eyes, and faints.

Balth hits it once for 8.

Shorrin attacks with Reaping Strike: Reaping Strike on Spirit of Winter (hit:+1 magic weapon,+2 Villain's Menace;damage:+1 magic weapon,+4 Villain's Menace) (1d20+6+1+2=14, 1d10+3+1+4=14) Miss does 1 damage. He uses Dragon Breath with a minor action: Dragon Breath on Spirit of Winter (targets Reflex; hit:+2 Villain's Menace;damage:+4 Villain's Menace) (1d20+6+2=28, 1d6+4+4=13) Critical hit for 14. It has 1 hp left!

Murphy turns into his doppleganger form and makes a Bluff check against the Frostling. He has combat advantage next round.

Larinza fails herfirst death save, but Janus makes his.

The Spirit of Winter makes two slam attacks on Shorrin: Two slam attacks on Shorrin (1d20+6=7, 1d6+4+1d6=12, 1d20+6=22, 1d6+4+1d6=14) One misses, the other hits for 14. Now Shorrin is dying, too. It's all up to Balth now. The Spirit moves to B8. It uses a minor action to fire two ice blasts at Balth: 2 Ice Blasts at Balth (1d20+4=7, 2d8+1=8, 1d20+4=13, 2d8+1=8) Both miss.

The piles of rubble in 3 corners of the tower are difficult terrain. There is a gap between the edge of the tower and the wall of ice, so its possible to push a medium sized creature off. The chimney tops are 5 feet high, and it will take a DC 10 Athletics test to jump up on to them as a move action (which provokes an OA - you can't shift onto them). To jump up with a running start of at least two squares is only a DC 5 Athletics test. Once you're on top, you're balancing, which means you grant combat advantage and need ot make Acrobatics tests to keep your footing if you make sudden moves.

Your turns again! Well, Balth's turn.

29 - Balth (9/27 hp, HQ on Frostling)
18 - Shorrin (-3/33 hp, +2 attack and +4 damage vs Spirit of Winter)
16 - Murphy (26/26 hp + 5 thp, Warlock's Curse on Frostling, concealed until EONT, enemies starting adjacent take 1d6+2 cold damage)
10 - Larinza (-7/29 hp, allies in LOS who spend an action point regain 4 hp, dying, 1 failed save)
18 - Janus (-4/22 hp, dying)
7 - Frostling (28 damage hp, cold creatures within 5 squares gain Regeneration 2, unconscious)
7 - Spirit of Winter (219 damage)



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Don't Screw this up Balth

His allies all on the ground bleeding, himself nearly dead, blood running from many wounds and the beast descending upon him, Balth fires two arrows straight into the foe, but his arms are tired and the arrows are less effective than he'd like. It is still enough though as they drive into the massive creature and it stops the Spirit.

With the immediate threat overcome, the elven ranger rushes to Larinza's side to aid her.


Minor: n/a
Standard: Twin Strike the Spirit - vs ac; dmg; vs ac; dmg; hq (1d20 9=20, 1d10=3, 1d20 9=15, 1d10=4, 1d8=1)
vs ac (elven accuracy) (1d20 9=22) use elven accuracy for second shot... hit.

Hits AC 20 for 4 and AC 22 for 4 more...

Move: To D4

9/27 - hp
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Siblyx reverts back to his normal form and points his rod at the frostling's head, a purple beam blasts from the implement and slams into the helpless foe. "Fool" Murphy hisses as he focuses on bringing the elevator up to help his allies.

Minor: Change Shape - back into Murphy
Standard: Coup de Grace (with Eldritch Blast) - Vs Ref ( 2 CA, 1 Prime Shot) (1d20 6 2 1=24) Hits Ref 24 for 27 damage (14 from blast, 6 from curse, 7 from crit bonus from rod) if it does damage = to its bloodied value it dies outright (if the damage didn't kill it)
crit dmg (1d8=7)
Move: Arcana to get this back up - Arcana (1d20 5=20)

[sblock=Murphy stat block]Murphy Tang- Male (Human) Warlock 1
Passive Perception: 10, Passive Insight: 12
AC:17, Fort:13, Ref:16, Will:17 -- Speed:6
HP:26/26 +5thp, Bloodied:13, Surge Value:6, Surges Per-Day 7/8
Initiative +1
Action Points: 1, Second Wind: not used
Powers: Eldritch Blast, Eyebite, Change Shape, Witchfire, Armor of Agathys


Have I really been on this site for over 20 years!
MORE drama? What, that wasn't dramatic enough for you?

Nothing left but the wrap-up, I'll try to get to that tonight...

Oh come on, if I had failed 2 death Saves, and been dependant on that next roll after the fight was even over, that would be awesome.

And scary as hell. Someone get me un-unconsious.


First Post
If you'd like Balth can sit on his hands for a round to see if you fail. Murphy probably wouldn't revive you either. More reward for him if you're dead and he could sell your stuff. All in all, it's for the best that Balth didn't die otherwise I couldn't see Murphy saving the day. Just finish off the Spirit and leave you here :p

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