Menace of the Icy Spire (Ozymandias79 judging)

Totally meant to put this in my last post: sorry to hear about your eye! Hope it gets better soon.

As Balth's final arrow strikes it, the Spirit of Winter clutches at its chest and howls in agony. A spiderweb of tiny cracks spreads across it, and also across the sapphire’s surface. Moments later, the next pulse of energy surges forward from the gemstone, but its structure is no longer able to contain the elemental forces. The sapphire explodes, tiny shards scattering in all directions. The spirit's form wavers and blurs and then collapses into itself in a cloud of white mist.

The icy walls that surround the tower begin to shudder and tremble. With a great roar, like the sound of a gigantic waterfall made of glass, huge chunks of ice begin breaking apart from the frozen cocoon and falling to the ground below, where they shatter. Within a few seconds, the entire barrier has splintered and collapsed.

The sky above the tower begins to grow lighter as the gray clouds scatter and disperse. The swirling snow stops falling and the howling of the chill wind falls silent for the first time since you set foot on the island. The world appears suddenly peaceful. The very air feels a few degrees warmer.

I assume you're resuming your human form before you return to your companions.

Also, IIRC, you were listening in, so go ahead and read the block for Janus when it comes up.

As the fallen heroes begin to return to consciousness under Balth's ministrations, there is a grinding noise in the corner of the roof, and the metal platform returns, bearing Murphy and the body of the Frostling. With all the fireplace gates destroyed, as well as the gem the Frostling was using to power the portals, the threat is ended and all that is left to do is to return to the coast where your ship waits for you.

Before leaving, you scour the tower. You gather up all the shards of sapphire littering the roof, and estimate you've gathered 150 gp worth. The third floor, which you bypassed in the lift, holds a mage's study, research library, and personal living quarters, all decorated with more horrendous demonic carvings. The frost that covered all surfaces is rapidly melting, leaving water running down the walls and covering the floors and tables, and most of the books are ruined. Many other intriguing small items have cracked or shattered from the rapid freezing and thawing. However, you do manage to find some undamaged items:

In a desk drawer in the study, protected from the frost, is the personal journal of the dwarf warlock Draigdurroch. The entries begin with his exile from Daunton and his arrival on this island, whose drifting path takes it far from known trade routes for most of the year. They continue with the construction of this tower in honour of Hekates, and his discovery of a powerful dead being buried beneath the island. He identifies it as the demigod Karsus, son of Maros, who is still remembered for the slaughter caused by his mad rampage across Allaria. Draigdurroch details his efforts to contact the last remaining embers of life in the dad god, and his attempts to forge and eldritch pact with the being. He makes passing mention that the the “ridiculous faeries” who live in the island's woods sent an emissary with a warning not to tamper with the demigod. Draigdurroch’s response was to blast the emissary to cinders. “Let them feel the fire of Hecate, and soon the fury of Karsus as well,” he writes in the final entry of his journal, with obviously misplaced self-satisfaction. “They claim that they will punish me for my actions if I do not heed their warnings. THEY will punish ME? How laughable!”

You recall that Allanax, the weather mage, privately offered you 100 gp for any magical writings you find here. This would probably qualify. I haven't listed it in the treasure list because it's not clear that it has monetary value - if you decide to sell, I'll make a separate Treasure post including it.

The second floor is entirely taken up by Draigdurroch's alchemical laboratory. Most of the alchemical components stored there are spoiled, except for 3 vials of Alchemist's Frost (which obviously would not be damaged by excess cold).

On the first floor, you have already seen the atrium, banquet hall, and sitting room. Like the library above, the books on the shelves in the sitting room are all ruined, but on one of the bookshelves is a delicate crystal sculpture depicting a woman with 3 heads: one of a dog, one of a snake, and one of a horse. Although it is very fragile, it would probably be worth a fair bit if you can get it back to Daunton.

[sblock=Religion 15]
This is a depiction of Hekates, forbidden goddess of witchcraft and black magic.

Also on this level is the servants' quarters, where the fourth fireplace was located - now empty - the kitchen, and a well-stocked larder containing enough food to feed 3 people for months - now inedible.

Now that the tower's icy sheathe is gone, the sun shines brightly in through the front entrance. Free of the furious storm, the woods even seem brighter and more pleasant. You have no trouble crossing back to the coast, where the Kraken's Grasp still waits for you. A boat has already landed, having set out when the storm abated. The sailors lining the rails burst into cheers as you appear, and Captain Torian thumps you on the back with a wide grin and presses a flask of his personal stock of wine into your hands.

Two days of brisk sea crossing later, you disembark in front of the Harbourmaster's office, where Allanax, the blue-robed weather mage, awaits. "Well done!" he says. "I could tell you were successful as soon as the weather patterns changed. I believe the oncoming storm has been completely averted - all thanks to you!" He pulls a leather sack from his robes and passes it to you. "Your fee," he says. "And well earned!"

Sorry for the infodump at the end - ideally you would have fought the Ice Warriors as you entered the tower, and then discovered most of this info while exploring it and making your way to the roof to fight the Spirit of Winter. But man was that encounter overpowered, so I figured it was better to get through it and finish things off.

Again, I'm giving an extra 10% XP for all creatures with cold resistance, due to the number of cold-related powers you had that were curtailed


Tower Guardians: 1 Clay Scout (L2 lurker), 4 Iron Guardians (L2 soldiers): 700 XP
Ice Warriors: 2 Icicle Hurlers (L2 artillery), 2 Raiders (L2 soldiers), Frostling (L4 controller), 8 shardlings (L1 minion): 900 XP +10% = 990 XP
(you only get XP for the first 8 shardlings, because allowing more to appear just means you weren't successful in destroying the fireplaces in a timely manner)
Spirit of Winter: 1 Spirit of Winter (L3 solo brute): 750 XP + 10% = 825 XP
Major Quest reward: Fix the Weather: 625 XP
Total: 3140 XP (628 XP each)

Time XP: June 11 to Nov 20 = 5 months + 9 days, so roughly 5 1/3 months
L1 characters get 5 1/3 * 83 XP = 442 XP
L2 characters get 5 1/3 * 104 XP = 554 XP

Balth earns 628 XP + 554 XP = 1182 XP
Janus earns 628 XP + 442 XP = 1070 XP
Larinza earns 628 XP + 554 XP = 1182 XP
Murphy earns 628 XP + 442 XP = 1070 XP
Shorrin earns 628 XP + 442 XP = 1070 XP


500 gp
Crystal Statue of Hekates, worth 110 gp
3 vials Alchemist's Frost
Frost Warhammer +1
Shards of Sapphire, worth 150 gp

Time gold: June 11 to Nov 20 = 5 months + 9 days, so roughly 5 1/3 months
L1 characters get 5 1/3 * 63 gp = 336 gp
L2 characters get 5 1/3 * 89 gp = 474 gp

(Not giving the totals because it depends how you split things up)
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OOC: November's not over yet, and I already gave time XP for the first 10 days of June. ... wait, you're right. June 10 to November 10 is 5 months. Then the 10-20 of November is another 1/3 month. I'll update.

Sorry for the infodump at the end - ideally you would have fought the Ice Warriors as you entered the tower, and then discovered most of this info while exploring it and making your way to the roof to fight the Spirit of Winter. But man was that encounter overpowered, so I figured it was better to get through it and finish things off.

Again, I'm giving an extra 10% XP for all creatures with cold resistance, due to the number of cold-related powers you had that were curtailed


Tower Guardians: 1 Clay Scout (L2 lurker), 4 Iron Guardians (L2 soldiers): 700 XP
Ice Warriors: 2 Icicle Hurlers (L2 artillery), 2 Raiders (L2 soldiers), Frostling (L4 controller), 8 shardlings (L1 minion): 900 XP +10% = 990 XP
(you only get XP for the first 8 shardlings, because allowing more to appear just means you weren't successful in destroying the fireplaces in a timely manner)
Spirit of Winter: 1 Spirit of Winter (L3 solo brute): 750 XP + 10% = 825 XP
Major Quest reward: Fix the Weather: 625 XP
Total: 3140 XP (628 XP each)

Time XP: June 11 to Nov 20 = 5 months + 9 days, so roughly 5 1/3 months
L1 characters get 5 1/3 * 83 XP = 442 XP
L2 characters get 5 1/3 * 104 XP = 554 XP

Balth earns 628 XP + 554 XP = 1182 XP
Janus earns 628 XP + 442 XP = 1070 XP
Larinza earns 628 XP + 554 XP = 1182 XP
Murphy earns 628 XP + 442 XP = 1070 XP
Shorrin earns 628 XP + 442 XP = 1070 XP


500 gp
Crystal Statue of Hekates, worth 110 gp
3 vials Alchemist's Frost
Frost Warhammer +1
Shards of Sapphire, worth 150 gp

Time gold: June 11 to Nov 20 = 5 months + 9 days, so roughly 5 1/3 months
L1 characters get 5 1/3 * 63 gp = 336 gp
L2 characters get 5 1/3 * 89 gp = 474 gp

(Not giving the totals because it depends how you split things up)

I approve and JNC get (9*2= 18-(4*2=8)= 10) 10 DM credits

ooc - quick question for Ozy/JNC

Murphy has technically enough xp for level 2 (same time as Larinza) so should he be rewarded as a level 2 (time xp/gold)? I held off because AP hadn't been approved yet.

re: treasure - gold should be divided up equally (even to Balth) - total 760 gp/5 = 152 each
Hammer to Shorrin and 1 vial for each of the other players? (Janus, Larinza, and Murphy?)
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I just wanted to give a shout out to JNC for running this game. Thanks a lot! It was a blast and I hope to see most of you back in the tavern.

After investigating the room and sharing out the spoils Janus hefts the heavy tome in his hands. "Anyone mind so much if I keep this? it will be a fine addition to my Library."

Thanks JNC for running this game and thanks to everyone for playing, I had a blast.

Now I have to work out how to level Janus up.

See you all back in the Tavern

Are you actually keeping the book, or do you plan to hand it over to Allanax?

Above, I asked Janus if he's actually keeping the book, or if he's planning to hand it over to Allanax. Do you want to get involved in any way?

I'll leave it up to Ozy to decide whether you get rewards as L1 or L2.

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