Menace of the Icy Spire (Ozymandias79 judging)


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I will thouroughly read the journal on the voyage home to see if I can glean anymore information. It sounds like it is mundane, if so I will return it and then share the takings amongst my comrades.

If there are any spells/rituals contained within I will try and copy them then return it.

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There are no complete rituals, although there are detailed descriptions of foul rites in honour of Hekates, which may have unspecified effects or may be mere ritual. But it is full of notes on experiments and researches which could be used to construct rituals. Most of them are in code or obscure, metaphoric language - the lingo of a different branch of the hermetic arts than yours. You could probably work it out and learn a lot of valuable art, given time and more works from the same tradition to cross-reference with. But what you can make out of the researches in this journal are unspeakable, and whatever powers it reveals would clearly be the blackest of arts. More worrying, it looks like Draigdurroch was coming close to making contact with the bloodthirsty demigod Karsus when the fey sealed him in ice.

OOC: no game effect, although the journal provides a good rationale for any arcane type feat or ritual you purchase at level-up. It's more in the nature of a moral choice: for 100 gp, is it safe to give this journal up rather than destroying it?


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Good point, Janus feels sullied reading it, yet is hesitant to destroy any knowledge. He meditates on this for a time and comes to the conclusion that in the wrong hands it could be catastrophic. Concentrating hard he causes the journal to combust and the dumps the ashes overboard.


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Go ahead and read what Janus wrote, and my responses to him. You want to do anything about this, or should I consider the matter closed? (You've got some time to do something while he's meditating.)


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OOP: what happened to these objects?

Shroud of Protection(Murphy)
Rod of Reaving +1(Murohy)
2 Potions of Healing (did get used up?)
Inscribed gold ring (value 20 gp)
Captain's Log of the Little Celia (value unknown at this time)<-( About time to set a value)
50 gp(did you split these?)
up to 13 javelins(Larinza?)

JNC;Ren: L2 seems fair


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As Janus is reading the book Murphy will approach him.

"A, my friend ye be delving into the arts that might be a little to much for ya. I'll tell ya what, why don't you let ol' Murphy get rid of that book. It's contents could be dangerous if they got inta the wrong hands, but then ye don't really want to be destroying it neither. Yer a scholar and I'm a bit of one meself. I know a place I can keep it safe where it won't be causing trouble, but that won't lose it's knowledge forever." Murphy says

Shroud of Protection, Rod of Reaving, 1 Potion of healing all are with Murphy. I think the other was used...


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"Hmm, Sorry my friend I have decided this book posses too much of a risk. It has already threatened the souls of this fair city once. I could not countenence it if you were to lose it and the evil was once again let loose."

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[sblock=xp award?]Sticking my oar in here, as I somewhat belatedly skim this (very fine!) adventure...

It looks like none of the encounter XP got doubled for this, as per our house rule. I can't tell off the top of my head which encounters are eligible, but certainly the Spirit of Winter should have given double xp, and possibly the shardlings before. An oversight, I assume?

Speaking of oversights, I also note that the charter doesn't seem to have anything about double xp...


Have I really been on this site for over 20 years!
Now I'm confused.... I don't think I awarded double xp on my adventure I ran did I screw up? What are the rules for that?


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[sblock=OutOfPlay - Darwin]no, your adventure did end BEFORE that proposal was even proposed so your adventure wasn't affected [/sblock]

[sblock=OOP2]I forgot about that, let do as the main man says and that is DOUBLE UP!![/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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