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Menace of the Icy Spire (Ozymandias79 judging)


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As Larinza does the hero thing she is so good at, Janus does as he was taught when muscled warrior types start bellowing orders, he scampers.

Janus dives forward towards the the entry doors in a vain attempt to get out of harms way nut not quite making saftey he ducks his head a runs pell mell into the dining room as ordered.

There he stops to take a breath and recover from the blasting he has just taken.

Shift to F5
Move Action: to H5
Standard Action: second wind
[sblock=Janus stat block]
Janus Reinhardt - Male Human Wizard 1
Passive Perception: 13, Passive Insight: 19
AC: 16, Fort: 12, Reflex: 15, Will: 16 -- Speed: 6
HP: 10/22, Bloodied: 11, Surge Value: 5, Surges left: 5/7
Initiative: +4
Action Points: 0, Second Wind: Not Available
Powers: Magic Missile, Ray of frost, Thunderwave, Icy Terrain, Freezing Cloud, Sleep (Memorized)

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Have I really been on this site for over 20 years!

Hey, Thanks for NPCing me there, I've been really busy at work, stuck on some other things at home, and honestly kinda "blah" a the whole PBP thing right now. I'll be back sometime but I just don't wanna do it right now, if you all could keep me NPC I'd love it thanks



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Sorry about the delay - work continues to be very busy.

We're waiting on Balth now. I'll give him a day to act, and then NPC him. (Normally I'd say he's had enough time, but I realize the last turn was kind of confusing with enemies holding their actions and stuff, so he might not have realized it was his turn).

I'm also NPC'ing Larinza until further notice - please give suggestions for her actions so I don't have to decide all by myself.

As the two Ice Warriors retreat up the stairs, Shorrin lunges forward and swings at one of them. It tries to jerk out of the way, stumbling into the wall, and his sword cuts into its side and momentarily pins it there. It swings its mace in reply and he is forced to step backwards to avoid it, releasing it from his sword, but it's lost its chance to get up the stairs unhindered.

Janus takes advantage of the distraction to step over Balth's prone body and shove open the dining room door. (It's to give Balth an escape route. Yeah, that's it.)

Janus moves to H5 (using a minor action to open the dining room door) and uses Second Wind, regaining 10 hp and gaining +2 to all defenses until the end of his next turn (on top of the +1 he gets from Larinza's Bastion of Defense).

The Ice Warriors move around and hold their actions, as described above: Raider 2 moves to G3 on level 2, and Raider 1 stands and attempts to move to D3. This provokes an OA from Shorrin, who critically hits for 13 damage. This interrupts his movement, so he's still at D5.

The door at G6 is open, all others are closed.

Balth's turn!

20 - Janus (10/22 hp + 8 thp, +3 to all defenses until EONT,
+1 afterwards)
23 - Ice Warrior Raider 1 at D5 (16 damage, marked by Shorrin)
8 - Ice Warrior Raider 2 at G3 (29 damage)
19 - Ice Warrior Frostling at C3 (0 damage, used Icy Burst, cold creatures within 5 squares gain Regeneration 2, held action)
19 - Ice Warrior Icicle Hurler at ?? (21 damage, held action)
7 - ?? at ?? (0 damage)
17 - Balth (12/27 hp + 8 thp, +1 to all defenses, Hunter's Quarry on Icicle Hurler 1, prone)
12 - Shorrin (11/33 hp + 8 thp, +1 to all defenses, slowed (save ends))
8 - Larinza (16/29 hp, allies in LOS who spend an action point regain 4 hp)
5 - Murphy (26/26 hp + 8 thp, +1 to all defenses, Warlock's Curse on Raider 1)



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Janus, feeling envigorated by the renewed strength flowing into him has the good graces to look embarressed. Muttering to himself, "Oh my, what have I done? I have shamefully left a fallen comrade behind." He shakes his head. "No no Janus that just won't do. What would the Master say? right back in there old boy and get that darn elf."

OMG I can't believe I did that.

I guess I should reread the previous round of post to remember whats going on to everyone not just myself.

Sorry Balth. I'll get you next round if no-one else does.


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Balth raises himself to one knee and fires a quick shot at the raider at the top of the stairs. It collapses backwards with his arrow in its chest, and the frostling howls in rage. Before it can react to its minion's death, Balth rolls out of the way through the dining room door.

Balth stands (move action), moves his Hunter's Quarry to Raider 2 (minor action), and shoots it with Nimble Strike: Nimble Strike at Raider 2 (1d20+8=17, 1d10+5+1d6=19). He does 19 damage, killing it, and shifts to H6.

Shorrin's turn! Don't forget your saving throw at the end.

20 - Janus (10/22 hp + 8 thp, +3 to all defenses until EONT, +1 afterwards)
23 - Ice Warrior Raider 1 at D5 (16 damage, marked by Shorrin)
8 - Ice Warrior Raider 2 at G3 (48 damage)
19 - Ice Warrior Frostling at C3 (0 damage, used Icy Burst, cold creatures within 5 squares gain Regeneration 2, held action)
19 - Ice Warrior Icicle Hurler at ?? (21 damage, held action)
7 - ?? at ?? (0 damage)
17 - Balth (12/27 hp + 8 thp, +1 to all defenses)
12 - Shorrin (11/33 hp + 8 thp, +1 to all defenses, slowed (save ends))
8 - Larinza (16/29 hp, allies in LOS who spend an action point regain 4 hp)
5 - Murphy (26/26 hp + 8 thp, +1 to all defenses, Warlock's Curse on Raider 1)

(Map is the same except Balth is one square to the right, and the raider at G3 on level 2 is dead.)


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I've run out of time for tonight - can you guys make a decision on what Larinza should do?

If Balth hasn't checked in again by next time his turn rolls around, I'd like to pick one person to NPC him and one to NPC Larinza, so I'm not doing too much of the playing here as well as the DM'ing.

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