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Current Games Krizzel Runs

This section is for the games I'm currently running. At the bottom I may list an idea or two that I'm working on or thinking about running.


GM for Metal Joe d20 Modern OOC Cast of Characters


In the works:

  • [*]My super-secret ultra-homebrew D&D game, where almost everything is new and different
    [*]Some one-shots and eventually a campaign in my standard D&D homebrew world
    [*]My version of Dark Sun
    [*]Maybe a superhero game for Garyh
    [*]My version of Star Wars
    [*]Some Resident Evil inspired one-shots
    [*]Social-interaction Anime game in the vein of Love Hina (or, say, Tenchi or Ranma w/o most of the more fantastic elements); the background setting could be modern or sci-fi; rules either d20 Modern or BESM (the original book...I have it around here somewhere)
    [*]The 1st Age of a new world, where the players get to explore and conquer their own kingdoms, and then compete/cooperate for control of the world; something of an exploration-game-meets-Birthright, with strong LoTR/Silmarillion influences
    [*]Ninja Burger!
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First Post
Current Games Krizzel Plays

This section is for the games I'm playing in. I'll also list at the bottom those which I've joined but have not yet started.


Vek-Tu Mang, Human Jedi Guardian / Soldier in Jemal's Star Wars: New Imperial Order OOC


Solveig Thorsdotter, Human Cleric of Pelor in Jemal's World of Beta OOC


Uriel's Under a Vaulted Sky: The Silver Door

Playing Grolvus Blacktongue, a bugbear scout and warrior


Garyh's KoboldQuest: Reptiles on the Coast

Playing Pok the Pitiful, a whimpering kobold rogue


Not yet started:

Garyh's Orange County Eight, as The Supreme Intellect
KitanaVorr's Gangs of Texas, as T-Bull
MonsterZero's Cthulu by Gaslight, as Sven Andersson
KitanaVorr's "In Character" Character game, or the Bimbos of the Death Sun game, as me
Another game or two that I'm probably forgetting...

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First Post

This section will contain any other random information I wish to share. Comments are welcome below this point.


The picture from which I cropped my avatar:


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Split the Hoard

Split the Hoard
Negotiate, demand, or steal the loot you desire!

A competitive card game for 2-5 players
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