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Metropolis - The Weight of the World (and Found Wanting)


The man with the probe
[sblock=Pheonix]Cool. Perhaps a Priest of the "Church of the Heart", formed by some of the children long ago. Not quite direct, I'll see what I can come up with :)[/sblock]

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First Post
Just to be general, everyone is good. Keep working and statting stuff up. On another note, magical weapons are special and rare in Metropolis, buying a magic item worth more than 4k needs a side story note.


The man with the probe
[sblock=pheonix]Decided to go a different route.

Fate in Metropolis can be fickle. The girl now known as Jasmine is a perfect example. Orphaned at adolescence, parents dying of some unknown disease, she set out on her own. Knowing little of the city, she set out for shelter. Had she turned north instead of south, she might have found herself at one of the Church of the Heart’s orphanages. Instead, she turned south, and was offered refuge in one of the many red-light districts.

Underneath the shadow of The Apartments, the young girl was made a servant, and then quickly used for dancing and other acts no child should have to endure. She was forced to pay to live in squalor in a small room and rarely got to keep most of her money. Despite this, she managed to keep from being physically scarred, and the mobster Riki Tori purchased her for his harem. Here she lived in what was, comparatively, exotic luxury, with time to rest, food, and a fairly clean place to live. She was only occasionally called on to perform, but she quickly became a favorite of Riki and his associates, and in particular, a half-elf named Damon.

Riki never trusted Damon, and decided Jasmine could be used to his advantage. He had her schooled in the arts of poison and assassination, with the intent on having her take Damon out. Damon, on the other hand, grew to trust Jasmine, and spoke of overthrowing Riki in the organization. Jasmine, meanwhile, hatched her own plan. At a dinner between the two, Jasmine was to be the entertainment, as was one of the other girls of the harem. Jasmine brought out the food and wine, but got sick after just a few sips. The other three died of a rather nasty poison.

There was some jockeying for position in the organization, and Jasmine made her move. She offered her support to a crafty gnome named Devries, on the condition he allow her freedom and independence. With some influence, and plotting, and precise strikes, Jasmine helped Devries climb to the top of the organization, and a man of his word, and fearing her wrath, he let he go.

Jasmine is now mostly independent, working through contacts she has made and a good reputation she has built. She still works with the organization on occasion, being a favorite of Devries to use, as well has having contacts in some of the upper nobility circles. She has a lavish “entertainment” pad, as well as a private residence where she never takes business, and a few places she feels comfortable ducking for the night scattered though out the city. She hires herself out for many different things, from a simple escort, to “playmate”, to information gatherer, to assassin.

I have 3 different builds with her, think I know which one I like best. You willing to allow the Urban Ranger UA variant? If so, I think a Rogue/Urban Ranger, and heading into Assassin and maybe Shadowdancer could be a fun combo. I could probably stick with regular ranger, but urban makes more sense. I also pondered a straight rogue build and a rogue/fighter build, all of which are interesting. Let me know what you think.[/sblock]

[sblock=Pheonix (2)]I did a minor church writeup btw, I may flesh it out more, but figured I'd post it here for you too.

The Church of the Heart
A church celebrating the sacrifice of a brave soul long ago, who gave his heart to the city. It is said his lifeblood pumps through the sewers, and his spirit wanders them and watches over the people.

The church strives to do good by the city, tending to those it can, offering it's services to the needy, and runs many orphanages.
Allignment: NG
Domains: Healing, Good, Protection, Animal, Plant, Air, Earth, Travel
Favored Weapon: Spears(Short and Normal)


Here is background Jazick Shador a chaotic good rogue. Mechancial details to follow. Let me know what you think. [sblock]Appearance: Jazick Shador is a tall thin young man of twenty-two summers. His skin is fair and his hair black. He has fine features suggesting a highborn birth and bright eyes of green that carry a hint of sadness. He carries scars of the fire on his back and the left hand. There are other scars earned more recently—a product of his life on the street. Fingerless gloves of black kidskin are perhaps the finest and least worn of his clothes. He wears a worn gray tunic over a light mail shirt. Brown leggings and soft low comfortable boots cover his legs. A once fine black cloak lined with a russet and silver herringbone swallows Jazick’s narrow shoulders. A careful observer will spot sword and bow under the cloak. He wears a low brown felt hat with a broad brim at a rakish angle on his head. He can move with grace and speed, but more often his movements are furtive as his slips from one shadow to the nest. He works to appear ordinary and anonymous on the streets. When he speaks his voice is surprisingly cultured and educated.

History/Background: Jazick Shador is the son of a once prominent family in a once prosperous neighborhood. Candlestick Lane was a thriving district of artisans. The area produced candles, torches, lamps, scented oils, soaps, and other goods sold in fine storefronts and to other shops in neighboring areas. The area was known for its beautiful old wooden building with ornate carvings, elegant shops and sidewalk cafes. Situated on the northern bank of a major canal, trade was good. Though a small community, it was a relatively happy successful one. The Shador family ruled with a gentle hand, settling disputes, encouraging trade and protecting the neighborhood from their large chandlery and the adjacent stone tower on the waterfront. Things changed dramatically for Candlestick Lane on a hot dry night ten summers ago. No one is sure how the fire started. Any number of banked forges or cook fires could have thrown a spark in the hot breezes blowing that night. The people acted quickly, but the canal was low from the long dry season and the buckets of water had to be hauled up the steep bank. A dry wind drove the fire deeper into the neighborhood igniting tallow, wax and oil in the old wooden buildings. The blaze devoured every wooden structure in the region. Only the brick and stone buildings of abutting districts stopped the flames. In the dawn all that was left of Candlestick Lane was heaps of smoking ash and the stone tower, its interior walls and floors largely burned away. Many of the citizens perished as well, most fighting to save their neighborhood. The families of Candlestick Lane lost everything they had.

Some moved on chasing the prosperity they had once known while others stayed digging charcoal from the ashes and selling it for coppers where they had once earned gold and silver. A shantytown of lean-tos and tents replaced the fine houses and buildings. Rabble from other areas poured into the vacant space. Soon the area was just a lawless pit. A few businesses rose from the ashes-brothels, taverns and less savory businesses crept into the lawless region.

Young Jazick survived the blaze along with his mother who was burned badly yet lived. His father, siblings and all other family were lost. His mother turned to drink to ease her pain and heartache. She and Jazick were alone in the burned out tower. In the early years like everyone else, Jazick struggled just to survive and find enough for them to eat. As he grew into a man his mother became increasing out of touch with reality. She expected Jazick to be a proper lord ruling his people. She talked endlessly of honor and duty to the son who caught her rats for dinner. In the remains of the tower he found a few things that survived. I fine shirt of mail and a rapier were untouched by the flame. Jazick would have sold them for money to buy food and healing for his mother, but she insisted that they were Shador family heirlooms that were his birthright. As ruler they were signs of his office and he must preserve them.

The armor saved his life on more than one occasion as he prowled the warren that had been Candlestick Lane. He ran afoul of cutpurses and muggers, but his agility and fine armor and knowledge of every alley and rooftop allowed him to escape. As a lad he had been educated and knew how to fence, but quickly learned the rougher arts of fighting for your life. He grew strong, but never bold. Jazick was not a violent youth and preferred to avoid a fight. If he was forced to fight he would strike with speed and stealth. While Jazick at first just fought to survive, his mother’s words began to haunt him as he roamed. He saw many injustices and finally began to take action. He fought to defend others and even worked to drive evil men from the district. He rarely confronts others directly preferring to act from the shadows. In order to further his causes and help the people Jazick will collect ‘taxes’ from wicked men profiting from the people of the neighborhood. He keeps little for himself given most of what he steals to help the people of the neighborhood. He considers his territory all the area that falls under the shadow of his burned out tower as the sun makes its way across the sky. After his mother died a few years ago, Jazick took to living near the top of the tower where he restored a floor. This was both for safety and to provide a vantage point from which to watch the surrounding neighborhood.

Jazick is sometimes referred to as ‘Lord Shadow’ at first mockingly, but now with some reverence among the simple folk of the neighborhood. He has many friends: Judith Tulley daughter of a once wealthy family that has regained some small part of their former wealth as sellers of charcoal and torches. They are of an age and Jazick is given to romantic notions about her. Willie a simpleminded begger boy orphaned and disabled in the night of the fire. Rory a baker who’s oven survived the fire. He often gave young Jazick day old bread in the difficult days after the fire. Another is Margra an old woman who discovered that flowers grew well in the soil enriched by the ashes. She scrapes by selling flowers from a stand on the corner at the edge of the neighborhood. Father Lunley a homeless sidewalk preacher who also works tirelessly to help others. [/sblock]

Mr. Prez

First Post
If you've the inclination, I've a couple of concepts.

*Very* brief synopsis while I get my thoughts together

Thom Ratcatcher (Human Ranger):
Thom was born to be a ratcatcher. His father was a ratcatcher, his grandfather was a ratcatcher, his greatgrandfather was a ratcatcher, on back for as long as there have been ratcatchers in the city. Whenever merchants, innkeeps, or homeowners have a problem with rats or snakes or pretty much any other kind of vermin, they call Thom. When not catching rats, he roams the streets with his dog Rex.

Gar the Pounder (Half-Orc Bard):
Gar has no use for pretty lyrics, tiny instruments, clever phrases or Elves. When Gar performs, his audience sees raw power, half-tamed and bent to Gar's will. Gar will sit in a tavern and suddenly begin slamming tankards together, sending a throbbing tempo vibrating through the air and the patrons find themselves pounding along to the beat.


First Post
Here's an idea I have for my aforementioned insurance agent.

[SBLOCK]K spends most of his time either working at the offices of his employer, Konietzko Commercial Insurers, or commuting between there and the small room he calls home. Despite the company's name, he has no relation to anyone of any import -- he is merely a clerk who completes and files reports based on information gathered by other employees.

That has changed recently, however. A message was received at the offices from somewhere else in the city -- a message that spurred his superior to direct K on an excursion of his own, to a suburb none of the Konietzko employees had ever visited, or even heard of. Apparently there is a claim of some importance to be processed, and K was specifically requested to be the adjuster who gathered, rather than filed, the information. The nature of this claim, and who made the request, is completely unknown to K. It is none of his concern.

But he is concerned, and these headaches keep getting worse the further afield he travels...[/SBLOCK]


First Post
Alright, I've got backstories written up for a druid/rogue archeologist and a wizard.

Corbin Deeppouch started his life on the streets like so many others before him: struggling for life. When the struggle finally overcame his parents, Corbin was just reaching adolescence. Forced to fend for himself, the young halfling took refuge in an ancient and mostly abandoned section on the outskirts of the city, where he would be safe from the warring gangs and corrupt authorities. One day, while wandering around his "domain," he stumbled upon some ancient tablets detailing the outside world, the way it was centuries past, before the city was walled off and separated. Something stirred within Corbin, and he suddenly became aware of his place within the natural order. With the help of the ancient tablets, he began to follow the path of the druid, continually searching the ruins of the city for the clues that could lead the city back to nature.

Jeb Brintclog was the only son of a family of wealthy gnomish merchants. His parents, wanting the best for their little boy, decided to enroll him in a well-known and respected college of wizardry at a fairly young age. Despite his youth, Jeb excelled in his studies from the get-go. When he finally graduated from the school with high honors, he had learned everything they could teach him, and, with his parents' blessing, decided to set out to see the city and figure out what he wanted to do with the rest of his life. He is a precocious lad, eager to learn and just as eager to test his mettle and wit against those around him.


First Post
Bront said:
[sblock=pheonix]Decided to go a different route.

Fate in Metropolis can be fickle. The girl now known as Jasmine is a perfect example. Orphaned at adolescence, parents dying of some unknown disease, she set out on her own. Knowing little of the city, she set out for shelter. Had she turned north instead of south, she might have found herself at one of the Church of the Heart’s orphanages. Instead, she turned south, and was offered refuge in one of the many red-light districts.

Underneath the shadow of The Apartments, the young girl was made a servant, and then quickly used for dancing and other acts no child should have to endure. She was forced to pay to live in squalor in a small room and rarely got to keep most of her money. Despite this, she managed to keep from being physically scarred, and the mobster Riki Tori purchased her for his harem. Here she lived in what was, comparatively, exotic luxury, with time to rest, food, and a fairly clean place to live. She was only occasionally called on to perform, but she quickly became a favorite of Riki and his associates, and in particular, a half-elf named Damon.

Riki never trusted Damon, and decided Jasmine could be used to his advantage. He had her schooled in the arts of poison and assassination, with the intent on having her take Damon out. Damon, on the other hand, grew to trust Jasmine, and spoke of overthrowing Riki in the organization. Jasmine, meanwhile, hatched her own plan. At a dinner between the two, Jasmine was to be the entertainment, as was one of the other girls of the harem. Jasmine brought out the food and wine, but got sick after just a few sips. The other three died of a rather nasty poison.

There was some jockeying for position in the organization, and Jasmine made her move. She offered her support to a crafty gnome named Devries, on the condition he allow her freedom and independence. With some influence, and plotting, and precise strikes, Jasmine helped Devries climb to the top of the organization, and a man of his word, and fearing her wrath, he let he go.

Jasmine is now mostly independent, working through contacts she has made and a good reputation she has built. She still works with the organization on occasion, being a favorite of Devries to use, as well has having contacts in some of the upper nobility circles. She has a lavish “entertainment” pad, as well as a private residence where she never takes business, and a few places she feels comfortable ducking for the night scattered though out the city. She hires herself out for many different things, from a simple escort, to “playmate”, to information gatherer, to assassin.

I have 3 different builds with her, think I know which one I like best. You willing to allow the Urban Ranger UA variant? If so, I think a Rogue/Urban Ranger, and heading into Assassin and maybe Shadowdancer could be a fun combo. I could probably stick with regular ranger, but urban makes more sense. I also pondered a straight rogue build and a rogue/fighter build, all of which are interesting. Let me know what you think.[/sblock]

[sblock=Pheonix (2)]I did a minor church writeup btw, I may flesh it out more, but figured I'd post it here for you too.

The Church of the Heart
A church celebrating the sacrifice of a brave soul long ago, who gave his heart to the city. It is said his lifeblood pumps through the sewers, and his spirit wanders them and watches over the people.

The church strives to do good by the city, tending to those it can, offering it's services to the needy, and runs many orphanages.
Allignment: NG
Domains: Healing, Good, Protection, Animal, Plant, Air, Earth, Travel
Favored Weapon: Spears(Short and Normal)

Great Bront, stat yourself up. Urban Ranger is good (mainly cause you've got an online source for me to look at), and I have no problem with the Assassin PrC (I won't even require an Evil alignment for it).


First Post
Komodo said:
Alright, I've got backstories written up for a druid/rogue archeologist and a wizard.

Corbin Deeppouch started his life on the streets like so many others before him: struggling for life. When the struggle finally overcame his parents, Corbin was just reaching adolescence. Forced to fend for himself, the young halfling took refuge in an ancient and mostly abandoned section on the outskirts of the city, where he would be safe from the warring gangs and corrupt authorities. One day, while wandering around his "domain," he stumbled upon some ancient tablets detailing the outside world, the way it was centuries past, before the city was walled off and separated. Something stirred within Corbin, and he suddenly became aware of his place within the natural order. With the help of the ancient tablets, he began to follow the path of the druid, continually searching the ruins of the city for the clues that could lead the city back to nature.

Jeb Brintclog was the only son of a family of wealthy gnomish merchants. His parents, wanting the best for their little boy, decided to enroll him in a well-known and respected college of wizardry at a fairly young age. Despite his youth, Jeb excelled in his studies from the get-go. When he finally graduated from the school with high honors, he had learned everything they could teach him, and, with his parents' blessing, decided to set out to see the city and figure out what he wanted to do with the rest of his life. He is a precocious lad, eager to learn and just as eager to test his mettle and wit against those around him.

I like the idea of your archaeologist the best, if you give him a more indepth background and stat him up I would be a happy monkey, with ham. :D

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